Alpha Male Question

I know that being an Alpha Male is indeed a collective of good traits. However does being a successful Alpha Male call on you to use your Darkside? Such as manipulation etc?

Does it entail being a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

If you think of it realistically most leaders in the various walks of life get you to like them via some method such as persuasion or gifts etc. When they get your cooperation then they direct and guide you to support their goals. All this is done with a very nice front and a smile on their face.

When you don’t comply or play their tune then they create situations to force you to comply. Again all this is done behind the scenes.

Alpha male benefit members or people with their own unique capabilities and get their benefits back.

I think the processes and methods vary greatly from individual to individual.

It’s not for no reason that each type of alpha is very different.

If you are fun, have excellent leadership, and harmonize well with others, you can get a lot of benefits that seem a little selfish (for example, members do things for me or express respect, etc.).

Since I became an alpha-male since last year, I think I have come to understand a lot of strengths and weaknesses and attributes of alpha-male.

And if giving multiple gifts doesn’t harm someone, I don’t think there’s a need not to. I think the older and stronger the economic ground, the stronger such gifts can solidify their position as alpha males/ However, I don’t think I have to give gifts when I’m not very old and have little financial resources, and I think there’s a big difference in whether I gave gifts by alpha male or by ordinary people.

Finally, at the heart of AlphaMale, they exert their own firm frame, talent, and leadership that others do not have, exert great influence and good values on people, and in return, they gain a lot of abundance and support.

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Manipulation is just a way to manage power. Could be toxic and often are, but don’t have to be.
If one manipulate someone in a way that benefits both sides. is it really Darkside?
“Don’t have power over others, but through others”

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Think harder.

Does it?

Do YOU even have a ‘darkside’?

Do you ACTUALLY have any power?

And where does this power come from?

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Yes I do have a Darkside. :japanese_goblin:

Do you really have a ‘darkside’ if you insist that you will never use it and you always do the socially sanctioned, morally correct, right thing?

If your answer to this is NO, then for all intents and purposes you don’t have a dark side, do you.

You only fantasise about fucking people up yet would never do it in reality because…what?

You don’t actually have any power to do it in reality.

You lack both the mental framework AND the reality of actually having any power.

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Ok ok ok chill :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smiley:
I came to realise that there is a jungle out there and Darkside skills are needed to survive.

Everyone has a dark side. That’s what psychologists (especially CG Jung) call “shadow”. If you’re human, you have a dark side. Whether you choose to tap into it or not is a different story. By the way artists and athletes tap into their dark side all the time. Every time you’re having sex, you’re inches away from opening the door to the dark side. I hope this dispells some of the misconceptions.


Really great topic to think about. Is there an objective morality or is everything subjective? Are some things morally wrong? What does it mean for something to be morally wrong?

I was reading a book last night about rapport technology, doesn’t matter the book, it’s the same rehashed low level rapport nonsense. Eye accessing cue! Rep systems! If you’re wife is saying it’s good to see you and you’re going on about how she sounds there’s a mismatch and you’ll fight so tell her she looks amazing! Lots of fear in the language to make sure you know how this book will help you avoid bad thing! This is manipulation and is wrong IMO.

What this technology asks me to do is to be someone interacting with you from a perspective of taking action designed to get a desired outcome. Act in a way that is foreign to you to get something out of me!

I promise you this can work but is so much less effective than other methods. It’s that old inner vs outer game debate for 2004. If I manage my own state so that I feel as I desire and simply keep myself energetically strengthen you will also find rapport with me… if we are an energetic match. Once we are a match the words take care of themselves. I don’t want to have negative interactions with people, but I’m also not afraid of it.

To me life is about balance. Your solar plexus should be strong but what good is brilliant solar plexus if your heart isn’t also strong?

So is it needed to use the dark side? I mean… what’s your goal? Do you want to be the ceo of a Fortune 500? Than yes, you need to employ the dark side. I’d rather do what I do then be a functionary of a larger system. Do you want to approach your sex life from the perspective of a catalog shopper? Then yes, you need heavy manipulation. I’d rather expand myself energetically and work with rather than against nature.

This is why I like some of the research I’ve done on subclub. Some subliminal programming, some law of assumption, some charkra and auric work… seems to me designed to work with you as a dynamic system.

I guess I’m channeling Neville. “You don’t want this man or no man, you want to be happily….” To me that’s morality and light vs dark. Of course change man to whatever you like. You don’t want this woman, this job, this car brand, you want to be happy. Strengthen self and let that which is a match find you.

Now I just need to set some priorities going forward.


I personally think you have to use some dark traits to win at times.

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Shadow integration is an answer yes.

Nice guys is not that good and bad guys is not that bad.

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