Alex journal-Khan ST4- The main title

@Vesper I didn’t want to derail that thread so I would like to use the opportunity and state my idea on the matter on this thread.
You said you won’t meet people who are on the same polarity as you and you kinda repel each other.
When I am on Khan and when I meet two people who has been friends for some time. One of them HATE me, yes, the masculine one, at least the superficial masculine or the one who is not as masculine as me but envies me and does not kneel(metaphorically) to me. So that’s the idea I have about everyones workplace, you sure have been in groups of more than one and if you pay attention. There is always a masculine one. And there is even also this indirect fight between (let’s say indirect) ones.

That is the case with Khan, it might be different with ASBR or Primordial aura, but overall I think your stack is not that polarizing as WB an Khan. I don’t say this because I think there is a better and worse, just different. You may have not noticed this because you don’t operate on the extreme edge of polarities. But there definitely will be those who hate you on SB since at the end of the day it’s a masculine title, but maybe Primordial aura balance that a bit :thinking: , hard to say and complex ideas.
Thanks for your time though.

And oh, you posted a topic on pros and cons of different archetypes, there you said that on WB you were admired by youngsters and could not connect properly with older people, that’s what I meant by immature. Accepting your flaws, adverturous spirit, lighthearted, not discipline, pursuing carnal desires too much…

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I still meet them and respect them but I don’t stay around them or speak to them afterwards as I would with other people.

I mean that’s Khan and why I never run it and never will. I’ve been running Stark for almost 3 years now and haven’t faced any of the issues your describing except on Khan and Wanted Black.

If you have Khan and add Primordial Aura, the issues your talking about will still be there. It’s who you are on Khan that’s causing it so if they hate you on Khan, they will still hate you on Khan + Primordial Aura.

They will always be people who hate you. That’s the nature of having a lot of attention. Primordial Aura won’t solve them not hating you. I don’t really care about it on my side as I talk to so many people every week that I forget about those people.

That’s when using WB solo. On the SB combo, I don’t have that but it’s not the combo to run if your focused on career and social.

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I don’t know your unique circumstances and current lifestyle so I can’t really say how you should make your custom. It all depends on the current lifestyle you have and future lifestyle you want.

Example with Khan and Wanted Black, the current lifestyle would be someone who goes out a lot or has a social job (things like a promoter, influencer, etc) who wants to achieve the future lifestyle of being a playboy who gets a lot of attractive girls, is popular and has a career where fame and being a playboy plays to his advantage.

For contrast, if your current lifestyle is that of a Investment Banker and you want the future lifestyle of a CEO who has an attractive girlfriend. You will still get phenomenal results on WB but very quickly you will start complaining about it because you will realize that the results that WB was intended to give aren’t actually the ones you we’re looking for or make you happy hence why you see people who shouldn’t of ran WB, running WB and then complaining about it not working the right way when it reality it did exactly what it was intended to do.


On the new Khan I’m kinda like that too, although I tarnish their reputation by telling what I really think about them, and after using the new Khan for some time I just know who WILL be a friend and who won’t. The guy who is usually friendly in the beginning and then he starts testing me when I handle the tests with grace and strength then he starts complimenting me or doing favors, then he realizes my indomitable spirit and starts the envy and the real enmity.

The people who will like me sometimes I flip their switch instantly or they test me by appearing elusive…
People who hate me on Khan, love me on WB and vice versa.

I have been reading your journals on SB and I was tempted, but I realized I’m in the middle of intense recon from Khan ST4 and a bit of overexposure, so I told myself: Khan is a long run sub, the ambitious goals of Khan makes it much more challenging. But hey maybe SB or WB is more challenging to me than Khan, since I can’t endure being THAT relaxed socially.
I ordered my latest custom with

Khan ST4
Inner circle
NWE core
RICH core
Glory incarnate
The Golden one
The new marketweaver
VISIONARY — This is a good one
Lifeblood fable
Victory’s call
Divine will
Faith unyielding
Plateau transcendant
The architect
Void of creation

Actually I wanted to add most of the SYNERGY modules which covered status like: One above all…but I was in a bit of tight position financially, so I added otehr modules I owned, for example I added Achilles and Victory’s call instead of Carpe vitam which I did not own at the moment.

As someone who made a lot of customs, what financial future would you envision for this custom of mine.

Nah, not a fan of stacking ANY social archetypes, I even find it hard to reconcile Genesis:Mogul’s magnetism aura with that of the Khan. But It does not seem that I have this problem with RICH.

Bro me too, I’m like why is this guy so rude to me :thinking: and when I introspect I remember them trying to manipulate me with favors and I was like chill and did not even notice :joy:


Thank you, you could give your opinion on my new custom :slight_smile:

My circumstances:
I live in a country with banks, companies…and my skill is the ability to teach English language in my country. I am not a native English.

Hey man, @IRON
Been reading your journal
Last night I wrote a long-ass question on your journal and I realized I was in recon. So I erased it
But I want to ask in very simple words:
How did Khan affect you EOG journey, and by that I mean the polarizing effects which could possibly repel potential lucrative business partner

I’m not actively interacting with any business partners as of now. Lately I’ve been very focused on certain projects with deadlines. Eog manifests in all kinds of ways such as people paying for me, family giving me money, getting stuff for free, seeing those I spend time with the most earn more than they ever did before (this one is pretty strong result I am confident about) etc etc

also… if you have in mind scenario where a guy feels inferior due to your powerful and masculine presence and wanting to drag you down, it could happen but that’s not important. If anyone tries anything I clap the shit out them. But for the most part, Im fine. Again, It’s important to also note that I am a female so I will not get the very same reactions from people when I’m in the spirit. I can be cocky and masculine and it doesn’t really make other men feel inferior. I’m not their competition.

I think still that Khan is great for business. You want to be a good leader and who cares if someone tests you. You are khan. You own the world. You lead the people of your ever growing tribe. Ofcourse people will challenge you. Of course people will be jelly. But hey, that comes with dominant status and power.


Don’t take this the wrong way and this is just me being honest as I rather you know the hard truth then sugarcoat. I think the issue is you and not the people. What you described is called not having a social filter which is the opposite of what a real Khan does. If you keep up like this then yeah this is a normal reaction for people to start hating you. It’s not strength or having a indomitable spirit it’s just straight up the fasted way to be hated. Again I’m not hating you just give you the unfiltered hard truth.

I can tell you right now your going to have extreme recon on this custom. The only people I know the forum who can run this type of custom are less then 3 people. That’s how advanced your custom is and not in a good way.

So your in a tight financial position and are running Khan? Of course you will have recon with that in mind.

Don’t put Khan in a custom if your trying to make a financial future.

I think you need to think about your stack. Right now I see plenty of issues for why your facing what your facing. Simple answer is your not ready for Khan right now.

That’s not what I meant. People who hate me are direct about it which I respect. It’s more so a mutual respect even tho both parties don’t like each other. Manipulation is a different situation.

Wow, the results in the first paragraph really made my day, thanks.
And I must say that I was aware that you are a woman, just saying. And yeah that’s a good point, but I guess it’s still polarities. Like I just repel masculine women, so I don’t know really.
And thanks for your time

and that’s just the tip of the cake man. These are pure manifestations because I’m not even working actively on business stuff. Usually a whole lot more would happen. EoG is awesome. Cant wait to get back to bznz games soon and really milk it.

Yeah that’s what you’d assume but from my experience, when I meet a masculine person I either roll with their energy and they find it very interesting / unusual/ goofy - since we both just relax or sometimes if the person is very very masculine I just subconsciously switch to feminine. Not really controlling it - just happens and the convo goes on in a different dynamic no biggie.

mhm interesting… could be all kinds of reasons. I don’t even think I could guess it right.

my pleasure Alex

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Thank you VERY much, it’s appreciated :pray:

I would not use the truth because the means objective, as I said here:

I don’t call them, I don’t obsess over them, but when their topic comes, I don’t shy away from stating my opinion infront of them or behind their back. I think sometimes I even talk about them, but it’s not in a obsessive manner. Maybe SB archetype works in a different style, but that does not make any of them the objective “truth”, my opinion. Each has light sides to compensate with their own dark sides, like the balance between hot and cold of th coquette archetype.

Thanks again, but I assure you I will handle it well :sunglasses: , I’ve done harder ones, it gets real messy and impossible to reconcile(for me) when I add other archetypes to the mix, like adding “Temptation” to a Khan custom, bad recon. And the other cores except Khan are fairly small or mid-sized, really, no worries :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s a strong and bold statement, since you made that bold statement. I am going to make another bold one. The new Khan is NOTHING like the old one, BELIEVE me @Vesper , while SB and HoM is still the best choice for you, the NEW Khan is DRASTICALLY different and better, CONCEPT-WISE. Strategy, controlled ambition, IT HAS PERSONAL MAGENTISM, verbal fluency, keeping respect(Emperor vibes) I would 100% agree with you if you talked about the old Khan. But I don’t want to talk about that since it’s not the best place to.

I would just give you the “Old and new Khan” answer again, I would’e NEVER gotten ready for the old Khan, but for the new Khan. It’s as smooth as butter bro :slight_smile: . Just to clarify my financial status here, I paid 152 $ for the new custom and some modules and that 25% more than one month salary of a 9-5 waitress. So I’m not in a bad situation financially. Things are cheaper here, except the subs which are American products :slight_smile:

Obviously, those who hate you on SB won’t be the same as those who hate you on Khan, that’s impossible. There is hate, the expression style and pathways are different which are really not worth debating about since they are just two different archetype :man_shrugging:

Let’s end this convo here, and thanks for your time.

Thanks @IRON , my pleasure

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Take this from someone who’s had 4 years of experience with SC and is close friends with probably some of most successful members here in the forum in all areas of life. You have extreme recon is exactly what your not supposed to have. I’m not worried but I will make a bold statement saying that in a year you realize what I mean and realize that it wasn’t the best idea what your doing.

I know Khan is good but Khan is meant for a certain type of archetype and lifestyle. If your having issues with your finances. Khan or Wanted Black are the last subs that would allow you to maximize the results of getting rid of your financial problem. I won’t talk about this much anymore as this is exactly why I don’t help or post much on the forum. You get valuable advice but are in the perception that you know what your doing but whens someone with experience reads your posts, it’s clear you don’t.

Name embedding is really a game changer for me, and I repeat, I get intense recon when I run two different social archetypes. Like SB and Khan, it was not good at all. I have been running Khan ST1, ST2 and ST$ since19th January. I also learned a lot during past years of sub usage, main one is maintaining simplicity on the social archetype, another is not overexposing. I assure you those are not a lot of heavy cores and Name-embedding helps a lot.

The most important that I would tell you on the NEW Khan is that it’s drastically different than the old Khan. Social fun and romance is not a priority on this one and there are Khanish billionnaires such as Trump, larry Ellison… Take this advice from me, the new Khan is a masterpiece. But SB and HoM are still better for sales job. And the reason I plan to add iron-law, heaven shaking power, breath of the storm, Master of the and one above all to the Khan when I get better financially, is because I’m pretty sure parts of them are already in Khan. I owned Alpha of ALpha and leader of men. But I did not add them to custom. Because they would not replace “One above all”, even if I bough “Torchbearer”
Final words, new Khan is drastically different. And you don’t have any experience with it.

Money is not my FIRST priority, and I know I would make it much faster by running HoM and SB. But I am aiming for dominance and money at the same time. That is why I added wealth modules and cores.
Again, the new Khan is drastically different and you did not run it.

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What are you trying to achieve with this on Khan ST4 core?
Genuinely curious as I see overlap between this, Khan and One Above All.

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Just more status. But I won’t add Alpha of Alpha, Torchbearer, and leader of men separately. I mean I have been sharing videos which represent loyalty and camaraderie on Instagram. I would never ever do that on the old Khan.
Maybe you are concerned that the too much status while adding those 3 synergy modules to khan would be diminishing. But I don’t think so.

Even while I’m on the NEW Khan ST4 now, the power aura is EFFECTIVE, it’s not brute force in that sense. It’s all about how your influence is divided in a community. IMO synergy modules are more effective that the constituent focus modules together.

I think adding those synergy modules to the NEW Khan would enhance and intensify the polarizing effect. Like those who hate will hate you more deeply and those who love you will become much more loyal.

The last sentence maybe a matter of debate which I would like @AnswerGroup 's opinion. In the appropriate time of course.

Nah, I was just genuinely curious with Heaven Shaking Power description being all about power. I need to read more reviews about it.

I agree that the leadership element is pretty good with this Khan.

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I also recommend adding RICH to your stack, the financial calm and assurdness makes you much bolder alogside Khan.
Try it

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Lol nah I have a pretty tight stack, and Khan is doing plenty already. I like to run only two subs. I am in a good position already. Just looking to ramp up in power.