AFTERMATH - What followed the New Shiny Grenade that was STKS

Man… KB is so tempting.

I think sexual energy is the shadow energy that if ignored, powers your life anyways, it’s not about whether or not you want to cultivate sexual energy, it’s more like it’s such a primal energy that the real question is do I want to control my sexual energy or do I want my sexual energy to control me?!

Current stack is pretty steady right now… Nouveau Rich for wealth, my #1 priority, and Revelation Of Dreams for an “All In One” second subliminal… on the surface level, I need the paragon sleep scripting inside of there because I need sleep support to properly succeed at work. On a deeper level, the wisdom scripting, cognitive boost, and unfolding effects, combined with Nouveau and NWE are (I’m hoping) going to create a deep “Revelation Of Wealth” effect.

@TheGreenMan congrats on being patient & diligent to stick with KB all the way through stage 4, with proper impulse control and following guidelines! That’s becoming more and more rare.

Stupid question but did KB help your sleep?

The rest of your post was pretty self explanatory but it just left that one question remaining :rofl:

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It really depends when you listen to it. Listening to Stage 3 or 4 right before bed is a terrible idea. Meditation didn’t got me down, I was wide awake and ready for action. The whole night til the sun came up.

I now listen to it in the morning. Absolutely perfect to get going.

But as KB also develops channels to use the energy it is getting slowly better. No bursts of anger anymore.

If I would have to choose one subliminal to keep, it would be KB as you can use the energy for really everything.

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How was it for focus/adhd/productivity/ambition?

TBH i feel like QL needs an upgrade, meanwhile, KB is hot and fresh & ready to rock. Where I was planning on listening to QL i think I’ll replace it for KB, at least until QL gets a substantial rework

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In my experience it helps focus, when you have a project you are working on, it helps productivity and most of all ambition, as you don’t need much transformation of sexual energy to power ambition.

KB IME can only be difficult, if you don’t have anything to use energy for and it is damming up. Than it can be bad, and I suspect adhd, frustation, anger could be problems.

But it is easily solved. Lifting weights, sports in general can burn it off quickly.

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I have been running KB and QL4 together for the past five cycles, and while QL isn’t the most up to date in terms of the tech, it has been the gift that keeps on giving. On a day to day basis developments are subtle, but I have had numerous instances where I can point to a distinct change in cognition that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. (I grasp new concepts significantly easier than before, my reading speed has markedly increased, and the effects QL has on bridging the subconscious and conscious give it a surprisingly spiritual feel when paired with Khan Black)

That said, KB is a powerhouse in more tangible, visceral ways. You can’t go wrong with either choice, but man do they work well together.


I’m thinking that if I run through KB before QL, there may be upgrades to QL by that time. Or worst case scenario KB will give me better control over my energy and attention to better take advantage of QL. What do you think about that?

Running through KB now would be the best bet, especially for someone who is already quite established in life. Expanding on energetics (and freeing additional energy from past experiences with sex/sexuality) is a surfire way to deepen all aspects of life, including cognition.

KB4 in particular has been such a fantastic experience, just as @TheGreenMan was saying. It’s essentially what I was expecting from KB3 in terms of feeling deeply energized - the energy it produces within me has been clean, potent, and highly functional.

It took around a cycle and a half to acclimate to KB2 (the recon kicked my ass a bit at first), but it led me to a stronger capacity to access flow/different states of being.

If you give KB a go I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts! The people who approach it with the most intentionality will be the ones who get the most out of it (which is the case with all subs, I suppose).


Yepp. Recon on KB2 was a bit annoying. Anger, frustration, thoughts about switching, “no results”, etc.

KB for me works a bit different compared to other 4stagers. While I cycled through EoG a couple of times, starting over at EoG1, with KB my impression is, that once you reach KB4, it is best to stay with it, as it combines the first 3 stages and the heightened sexual energy of Stage 3 helps a lot with repairing and building new lines of energy.

Focus with KB feels a bit different than just concentrating on something, it is more that (most of) the energy flows towards one project.


How is Tyrant? (I have always known this as a module that can be helpful to break your subconscious through tough situations and things you are withholding to push out, like it gives a strong sense of reality and pushing this reality out in the world, but I have always felt afraid of becoming oppressive with it and kind of taking over life around me) also the name Tyrant itself suggests that, and I have no desire become a Tyrant.

If not to my liking I will just throw it out for something else in the future. But I feel the name of it in general can give a wrong impression as “Tyrant” has a bit of negative connotation.

It is probably just my personal impression of this Module, I cannot affirm nor confirm how it is scripted so I have decided to keep an open mind and without prejudice see how this Module actually affects me.

@SaintSovereign do you know anything about this Module it probably does not inspire Tyrant like behaviour right?

Did you do a full loop of this Custom by the way?

In comparison to a regular Custom, how is the QTKS version?

So far I listened to the sub 3 times, always the full 15 minutes.

My impression of Tyrant is very different to what you describe. The “tyrannic” attitude (uncompromisingly force your ideas onto someone/something) is pointed towards the personal world and reality, not the subconscious. I suspect the name was given a bit tongue in cheek, but a first association can of course be quite powerful and defining.

As ZP is always personal, I might add a bit about my approach: I know there are different schools of thought regarding the work with the subconscious, but I would never try to break my subconscious or push it towards submission to further a conscious goal. It’s (part of) me, so approaching the subconscious like a close friend and confidant (without externalizing it) and most of all as understanding as possible, is just self-care.

My impressions so far: Tyrant clicks really well with NRICH. It’s a bit difficult to distinguish, but while NRICH is great for ideas, analysis, finding key mechanisms and their breaking point and how to exploit it, Tyrant works on getting a grip on every single part of reality analyzed. In a way it feels like it is empowering the subconscious. (Sorry for the crude formulation, the feeling is a bit difficult to describe.)

Overall it seems like the beginning of a much longer process.

I didn’t try QTKS yet. I will probably tinker a while longer before the customs find their final form and get the QTKS treatment.

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Just scared to be too stern in my ways so we’ll see how it pans out, this description of stonelike you gave didn’t really connect with my expectations so likely I’ll just replace some of the Modules after some months with the Custom or when a new update gets released preferably

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From Support:

Thanks for reaching out to us. Let’s jump right in! Integrating Khan Black 4 (KB4) into a custom can have a great effect on your overall stack. When incorporated into a custom, KB4 essentially serves as an integral component that complements and enhances the entire system, not just the individual modules and cores within the custom. So basically, KB4 continuously provides its energizing and amplifying effects to the entire custom.

So, by adding KB4 to your custom, it would still work to give energy and power to the entire system, creating a harmonious and amplified environment for personal development and transformation. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re seeking a holistic approach to self-improvement.


Having a mountain of (repetitive, boring, shitty) work to get through. I am getting quite impatient, a dozen of new angles and ideas rolling in my head, waiting to finally be released.

Patience is hard. But I guess, NRICH wasn’t made for it.

Imagine how much patience Hannibal must have had when he was going to the Rome through Alps and compare it to your work :slight_smile:

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Riding on elephants over snowy mountains sounds way more exciting than sorting through dusty boxes full of books.

I mean, it’s just the usual, but the new PC for AI stuff and experimentation is standing on the next desk, waiting to be fired up…

But way more dangerous you forgot. You could not probably die while sorting dusty boxes but by riding on elephants over snowy mountains you can.

Fair point. And the mountain of books is slowly melting away. Maybe I can start over the weekend.

The impatience is new. It feels linked to NRICH. Probably a quite healthy impulse.

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NRICH (with KB on the side) really pushes my anger and frustration. This is not recon though.

It is a quite emphatic push to deconstruct slow, inefficent work structures, that I always knew about but just worked around or used anyway, because it was the easiest (albeit shortsighted) way.

Probably will take a week of normal work to throw these buggers out.


Modules taking turns now it seems. After the, frankly brutal, push by NRICH, Deep State (probably in synergy with Harmonic Singularity and Equilibrium) working hard on my ability to relax, meditate and fall into trance. Quite a dive into depth over the last week.

There is a lot going on in the background (probably DEUS, Tyrant, Pragya and KB working on building up (cognitive) capacities), always a light pressure at the temples - in no way unpleasant but tangible - slowly receding now.

Isn’'t this module approaching equilibrium physically?