A SubliminalUser is Reborn

BLU + Dragon Reborn. Amazing productive day despite the pause in the middle for my eye surgery consultation. All these ultimas now work so quickly.

Guess what? Due to my company’s eye plan discount as well as the practice’s discount given for my specific type of insurance, I am saving $3500! This is another great RICH manifestation. A 2K discount was expected (I knew about this one since the day I joined my company), the extra 1.5K on top of that wasn’t. How helpful for getting my eyes corrected! I have my appointments set up for next month.

I was itching very hard to run another loop of DR because I’m excited to see what else I can improve upon, so I’m running my second loop right now.


2 loops PCU + 1 Loop DR.

Woke up today with indigestion. That hasn’t happened in two years. Not good. I ran two loops of Paragon in light of that. I haven’t eaten during the entire day to get my stomach to recover. It’s much better now than it was in the morning, but still pretty uncomfortable.

Did more planning for the trip, and basically decided where I’ll get my eye surgery. 20/20 vision here I come.

DR ST4 so far hasn’t shown me anything major, but that could be due to the tackled issues being so subtle that I won’t see them until later.

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Quick reflection before I go doze off and go into the weekend.

That stomach problem complicated my listening plans these last few days. Today was (in the listed order):

  1. PCU
  3. DR
  4. PCU

I really went at it to heal my stomach using Paragon. It may have helped a bit, but ultimately giving myself a rest for quite a while (~1.5 days) helped. This is one instance in which I feel Paragon can work much faster and more effectively. Would like to see what it can do when it is at U+.

WANTED and DR will probably take several days for me to fully realize the effects. Especially noting the fact that I need to properly rest and get off sleep supps as I’ve been on them for simply too long now. I’m going to have to switch to using sleep audios to help me out here as being on those supps for so long can be quite damaging.

I wish I could do nothing this weekend, but I’ve got to get ready for the upcoming trip. So that’s what’s going on.

An odd sense of unease today. I’m dealing with reconciliation again. Going to drop DR down to one loop next week.

Alright, so today was another day of lessons when it comes to subliminal usage. I had that unease throughout the first half of the day and because of it I decided to be a bit lazier than I would like to be. It also partially affected what/how I decided to eat as well as what I did with my time. I felt a bit better in the second half.

Still, that experience told me enough. I don’t want that kind of reconciliation. Looks like ST4 will be a bit tougher than expected to integrate.

Why? I have some reasons:

  • Sheer density of the scripting. It’s possible that the density of one loop of ST4 exceeds one loop of any of the individual stages (probably not the sum of densities though).
  • Novel scripting. It’s possible that ST4 has scripting unique to it that I’m not adjusted to yet. Not to mention, I technically never ran ST1 and ST2 in Qv2.
  • The fact that my mind has to handle dealing with all the healing angles that each stage provides at the same time. Even if my mind is familiar with the mechanism of ST1, ST2 and ST3 it may simply be a big challenge to manage all types at the same time.
  • New certain issues or aspects to issues being healed. I don’t consider myself 100% healed so there may simply be something beneath the surface that just had to get healed.

So the plan in the upcoming week is to listen to just 1 loop a day. The week after that will be my vacation, in which I will do a total washout (for the first time since during ST2).


A hodgepodge of things to reflect on coming up!


  • Paragon x2
  • Dragon Reborn x1

First off, the indigestion that I noted 5 days ago. I’ve been dealing with its fading symptoms since then. A few things have helped, such as ACV and eating less. I also utilized Paragon to get through it. Perhaps the most interesting tool I’ve used to get through it has been EFT. Yes, you read that right. I used Emotional Freedom Techniques to help me deal with symptoms. Yesterday I was having trouble going to sleep due to some pains I was feeling from it, so I thought, “You know what? Let me see if I can tap on this.”

Even though I feel this pain when I breathe, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I don’t like the fact that it’s taking so long for indigestion symptoms to go away, I deeply and completely love and honor myself.
Even though I feel this pain on my right side when I twist towards my left, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Each of these statements were beginnings for rounds of EFTs. I went at it like that for a while, tackling one issue after another. Sure enough, it worked! My symptoms reduced to the point where I felt comfortable trying to go back to sleep. With the aid of a sleep supplement I was able to get 94% sleep quality last night.

Today the symptoms have reduced even further (I feel I’m almost there), but I have made sure to be careful with what I eat and how much. Ran two loops of Paragon in the morning to help myself out. It’s going to work out! :smiley:

Another thing: Reconciliation has reduced since I dropped to 1 loop of DR per day on Monday. I feel that I’ll stick with that on Thursday, then load up on WANTED during Friday—two loops of WANTED on Friday that I’ll let process (along with DR) as I go into my vacation for the following week!

Interesting opportunity: I have a social media account I use to promote food. Now, although it has gotten a small but sizable following, I haven’t been getting many sponsors. Just recently, though, I got an email from an ambassador asking me to be part of a food focus group! Pretty good stuff.

I’ll get paid one hundred dollars just to try their food and give an opinion!

  • RICH Manifestation?
  • I wrote down a manifestation statement earlier about getting sponsored. Might this have to do with that?

Last day of subs before I fly out tomorrow for my vacation. I’m loading up with two loops of WANTED.

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Ahh boy. There it is. A weird pressure in the heart center. It’s more of a cracked feeling compared to the pressure I had in the middle of ST2. Just after finishing packing for the trip, I feel something is very wrong. If I had to make an analogy regarding the way the pressure feels it would be like ST2’s pressure was from an armor piercing round and the current thing is from a hollow point round. I wonder what’s going to happen.

It’s really good that I’m taking an extended period of time off from subs. It’ll allow both DR and Paragon to get thoroughly processed. So if there is a physical issue here, Paragon should help me out. For now I will destress with some shows and personal care.

I’ve needed this vacation for a while, and I didn’t even know it. There’s a lot for me to think about during the vacation evenings. I might type stuff here, or focus on manifesting stuff for the future.

I am in control of my life.

Something I keep affirming and something I will continue to affirm.


Back from the trip, which was pretty good. That’s one week of fun and I didn’t listen to any subliminals. My mind has gotten a chance to process a lot of stuff. I feel more confident about my ability to succeed and enjoy life to the fullest. Dragon Reborn is helping me out here.

This time, that confidence has extended to relationships and romance. I like that there’s a new title (Heartsong) which has been designed specifically for “ideal partner.” I also realized that I could use my ever-growing manifestation skills to write out successful relationships. So what I want to do is set up some sort of manifestation routine where I at least write some statements related to relationships on a regular basis. This way it’s like I’m setting up my world in advance, during a lower-pressure time.

This week’s daily plan:

  • 1 loop Ultima
  • 1 loop DR ST4
  • 1 loop PCU

As for the ultimas, here are my thoughts:

  • PCU on Monday
  • BLU for an intellectual boost
  • RICH otherwise

I may run WANTED again on Friday; we’ll see.

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I like the concept of EFT and had tried it a couple of years back. But always found it annoying to poke my face lol.

How do you deal with the tapping? Is it very light tapping?

Maybe I should tap on the issue of tapping being annoying lol

  1. PCU
  2. DR ST4
  3. PCU

I’m still feeling the effects of a lack of rest. But I’m still pushing through to do what I want to do.

Do this.

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A Better Day

  1. 1x BLU
  2. 2x ST4

I woke up better rested than the day before. The fast I did earlier, as well as the extra amount of time I gave myself for sleep last night, allowed me to recover well. For the workday, I went right into it with a helpful ultima. BLU helped me have quite a productive workday, despite all the meetings that happened. Tomorrow I’ve got more leeway to prepare for some things at work.

You know what’s really funny? Even though it’s been just a few days since I came back from my trip with friends, today I got the flights and hotel booked for my next trip that’s in a few months, this time with family. Looks like I’ve shifted into a more eventful reality. Of course, everyone has—more places and things have reopened. I foresee the second half of this year hosting a LOT of events.

Despite running two loops of ST4 today I feel just fine. Actually, I feel very powerful. Like I am in charge of my reality. The consumption of a bit more food than usual helped out here. I don’t expect to make two loops a regular thing until July, but I may start early if I don’t need an evening Ultima.

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Success is 100% in my life.

I believe it. I’ve been waking up and thinking that as one of the first thoughts of the day more and more often. Now it’s just a matter of how long it will take. I’m going to keep shortening the duration.

Now that said, the path I’m going to take to get there may not be the most conventional. I’ve been known to take the “3rd way” through a few things and that’s going to continue. Some people aren’t a fan of it, though. Can I fully blame them, though, when the system is so bent on indoctrination and conformity?

Just today my parents were suggesting once again that I get an MBA because of a lot of things. Because of the idea that I’ll go into management later (don’t want to). Or how apparently all the girls will have masters/PhDs and that they wouldn’t want a guy who has just a Bachelor’s (…I don’t think so, for several reasons here). I won’t like working in software forever. Funny stuff like this.

Honestly though, I get it. They’ve heard and seen of the stereotypical progression in career. First someone joins as one of the people doing the real work, then work their way up and eventually get promoted to manager. At one point, I thought that this was what I’d do as well. But when someone would ask me why I’d do that, all I could say is, “because that’s what people seem to do.” I’m not even joking. However, I currently don’t think that’s a likely path now. I’d rather become so good at my craft that I get paid very well for it and I don’t have to be stressed about it.

So today I stood my ground and explained to them why I don’t feel their suggested path is one that I resonate with. At the end of it all, my mom appeared to be a bit resigned about it, though at the same time she said that she was fine with me doing what makes me happy. I don’t expect this to be the final conversation because it’s been an ongoing conversation for years (partly because I let it be so with the way I presented myself in earlier conversations), but this time I’m a bit more fired up.

I make quite a bit of money. No doubt about that. I’m not one to like sharing details about my wealth, but I feel that it’s worth pointing out my current position here (as you fellow readers would like to know where I am in life :slight_smile: ) to reinforce my point. When I joined SC, I was already in the position to easily purchase every title on the site in one paycheck and still have leftovers. And in my current position I could even buy every module on the Q store without it posing a problem to my bottom line the next day (though I’d really be scratching my head at why I would do such a thing).

I’m not stagnant in my career, either. I got promoted once since joining, and I’m working towards that second one. You better believe I’m not sitting around coasting by. At the same time, I’m thinking of alternate income streams. Ideally I’d make the right kinds of investments (currently loading the boat on this crypto bear market or “correction” as some optimistic people like to say) and trades. In addition I would also like to capitalize on the social media page I have going for stuff related to food. You know. All these avenues where I don’t necessarily have to talk to that many people (I’ve managed to even keep myself anonymous on the social media page).

That’s funny when I say I’d like to avoid people, when I think about it. It’s despite the great improvements I’ve had in clarity of communication as well as improved social skills and progress (that I’m fully acknowledging I’ve made) over the years that I still say this. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even serious anymore, because I first said that many years ago when I was quite a different person. To be honest, I’ve come to enjoy hangouts much more. In fact I plan more of them now (such as the one I just made today for one on Friday evening). So what do I mean, really? I just mean that I’d like to live my life in peace.

That’s what some of this stuff about toughening up has been about. I have to stand my own ground. I had to, and will continue to have to, develop that social expertise that has funnily enough made people like my parents think I should become a manager. I’ve had to, not so that I become a manager of products or people but rather become a manager of my own reality.

I’ve had to, so that I don’t get crushed by the strong force of normality and conformity. When fitting in means accepting the mediocrity of the populace, it is not the right thing for me to do for me. I’m going to continue to carve out my own path. And why wouldn’t I, when there are so many great powers and tools at my disposal?

Let's go over some of the tools that can help me out here.
  • Dragon Reborn, which has done so much for me in my character and ability to succeed.
  • Heartsong, which will help me find the perfect person to be in a long-term relationship with.
  • Inner Circle, which will surround me with the right people.
  • Khan, which shall transform me into the dominant person I aim to be.
  • PCC, so that I don’t get sucked into other people’s madness.
  • R.I.C.H. Nuff said.
  • A whole variety of modules that will up the ante even more.
  • My manifestation powers which I have reaffirmed are working very well.

I do see a sort of irony in that a lot of these things are socially related, but remember—it’s because I want this whole thing to be of something I can automatically succeed in, without having to fight so hard for it.

I’m going to prove them wrong. I’m going to prove all them wrong. I’ve got too much on my side. Hell, once I become R.I.C.H. I may even pay off my parents’ house and make it so that they don’t have to work anymore.

Going to continue manifesting. Let’s take out that journal again, shall we?


@RVConsultant @PurpleRT73 @James @TheBoxingScientist @pacman


Great stuff man! Sounds like youre very ready to receive the success you deserve!

I do have on question though, you said your goal was to become so extremely good at something that it will easily make you money. When this is your goal, than im very confused why you havent mentioned limitless yet, limitless, or maybe even quantum limitless, sounds perfect for that.

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:+1::fireworks::trophy: What more can I say?


Experimental Day

  • WANTED (Solace)
  • Dragon Reborn Ultima (DR U)
  • Paragon Complete Ultima (PCU)

I noticed that my run of DR ST4 x2 yesterday caused some recon yesterday, so I feel that I may not be able to jump into 2 loops a day for a month in July (coming up fairly soon)! Instead, I’ll do DR U + DR ST4 which should be lighter as DR U is said to be more narrowly focused (but faster acting). I’ve also read that DR U helps people feel better, to a greater extent than does DR ST4.

That said, I think WANTED + DR U caused quite a bit of recon because I’ve been feeling this weird pressure in my head over the past several hours after finishing the stack. It could be do to other stuff since I went outside for a hangout after finishing the stack, and it also could have to do with great reconciliation. Perhaps a lot of healing related to WANTED is happening. We’ll see. Anyway, I am running PCU to help me out here.

I want to do better and I want to be better. After all, that’s why I’m here.

You’re right. I overlooked my Man For Himself custom which has Quantum Limitless in it. I already had plans to upgrade it to v2. When I do so, I’ll be sure to include some specific modules (looking at Index Gate & Technology Prodigy) that can help me out here.

Coming This Week

  • Halfway point AKA end of month 1 of DR ST4 (June 30)
  • Start of Month 2 (July 1) of ST4, which will now have DR U + DR ST4

Pretty excited to move things up a notch. I’m not doing 2 loops of ST4 because I found that to give more recon than I’m comfortable with. It’s probably the sheer volume of information that causes 2 loops to be a challenge; DR U is a bit lighter so I expect DR U + DR ST4 to be smoother.

@James this could be you!


Years of indoctrination.

Recently when I told my wife I spent 5k on coaching, she was startled how I could spend so much money on coaching. Yet, it is totally normal to “buy” a house for 500k with zero money upfront. Paying it off all your life.

I learned it’s not their fault. It’s what they learned for decades and if I am being honest, I thought similarly in the past. You probably, too. Some indoctrination go so deep that your parents will tell you to get an MBA or a “proper job” even if you make 7 figures online. “It’s just not a real job.”

So it is vital to stand your ground and do your thing regardless.

You’re doing great. Keep it up!

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