A Stark Black Phoenix Rising 🔥

That’s more accurate! Nice one. :rofl:

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thank you thank you, I’m personally on a WB/PN stack, it helped me tremendously (along with using lexapro which made huge steps too)

opened up to people, all ages from children to elderly, I enjoy making people smile.

Seems my ability to read people got heightened to 100, and I realize I can read the room and aid people better than my 2 group psychologists, so I’m thinking of studying psychology and becoming one that actually helps people.

I don’t see myself using phoenix because I love myself, but I wonder, after you’re done with it, what sub are you looking to experiment with? will it be a singular or a stack? or returning to an old one?

Seductress for sure :+1: or Seductress Dark.
Stark or Stark Black
Not sure on a third title atm.

I am enjoying Phoenix.

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Oo la la!
You’ve definitely got the face to pull off seductress. I’d say go for the dark variation!

I went for WB/PN because they’re very recent and updated to the latest tech and unlike the things I’ve tried like two years ago, I actually feel a very noticable change.

Stark black seems to have a lot of good talk on it but I’m way less familiar with this one.

Overall I like to keep it simple with two subs, just for the ease of mind you know, 1 loop of each every other day, no need to worry or care too much :slight_smile: plus these subs cover a huuuuge spectrum so you’re probably not missing much.

Good luck

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I’ve been listening to Seductress for over a year and Stark almost the same.

Took a pause to allow that bloom.

I like to keep it simple. Enjoying the 2 sub stack lately as well.

It’s nice to leave the third slot open just in case… :smiley:

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that’s awesome, now you gotta join the dark side and step into your shadow eh?

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After reading about Jessica Dark and the upcoming Seductress Dark title, I began diving into my dark shadowy side. I read Existential Kink and a book about dark feminine energy.

I have done shadow work before but nothing like this. :smiling_imp:


damn! you go girl!
Wish my female psychologist was similar to you in that regard. been trying to crack her facade for a while now, don’t have much time left with her :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you’re looking for someone new to work with, I know someone. Hahaha

I’m kidding, sort of.

I’m not a psychologist. I have a psychology background though.

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I won’t survive online psychology sessions, plus I kinda realized I’m not fit to be treated, I’m not sick, I am however a great leader and a mentor with loads of charisma (enfj-a, if you’ve heard about mbti), so it’s a natural direction for me to take.

Seems hard to pursuade a working woman to overstep ethical boundries, but I gotta give it my 120%, if not I’ll regret it.

I really wish the universe wouldn’t put such a gorgeous woman in need of rescue behind a glass wall :stuck_out_tongue:

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Day 11 ~ full loops of both titles.

Feeling more hungry than usual.

Better dream recall from last nights dreams. Wow!

I realized something yesterday with money. I was leaving room for “just in case” moments. Making sure I have money just in case I need it. This created a situation where I had to spend that just in case money. Over $1800.

Glad the issue is resolved though. I feel some relief.

I made new business cards other day. They look great.

My YouTube channel continues to grow with subscribers, likes and comments.

Getting more views and engagement on all my platforms.

I want to monetize on my ideas and get some passive streams going. More clients are wanted too.

Get this river flowing more! :pray:


Day 12 ~ rest

Silly monkeys :see_no_evil:

I got up at 5am long before my alarm, took a nice shower followed by yoga.

Felt so good to have 2 hours to myself before the kids got up.

Went to a cafe for breakfast.

I’ve really been enjoying the two books I’m reading, while listening to this stack and discovering heaps about myself.

Noticing some HS bloom.

Day 13 ~ full loops of both titles

Had a bunch of processing dreams with not much recall. I woke before my alarm again.

Have a bit of a recon headache today. Lots going on in my mind.

When I have both my daughters together the energy can be somewhat intense. They have a 7 year age difference.

I’ve got this :pray:

My youngest told me she loves being at my house and she loves me. It was so sweet. She told me where the heart is in your body too.

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I feel sadness around the belief of incompetency related to creating a course or several courses. Some sort of block there.

I know I want an online store where people have access to my creations but I’m not sure how the fuck I’ll do it.

Phoenix is doing stuff for sure. It’s not easy at times trying to parent my kids while healing deep rooted shit. I’m managing pretty great considering.


I’m welcoming the transformation. :fire:

I pulled the Phoenix card from my new oracle deck this morning.


Day 15 ~ full loops of both titles.

I drove up to get my tattoo rework finished 2 hours away. I noticed some sensory sensitivity with noises. I have been a bit jumpy too. More easily startled. I’m working on grounding my energy today.

I am safe, stable and strong. I am supported and loved.

Definitely having appetite increase earlier in the day.

My dreams are pretty crazy.

Dr. Axe was in my dream hanging out with a group of people. I remember looking at photos of my friend but she was married. I sensed she wasn’t happy. My client got a fresh tattoo on his thigh by my friend. She isn’t even a tattoo artist or married in real life.

I found myself heading down a road to the beach/lake beside native land that was taken by the government for military training. A lot of history there. The reserve was close by. I decided to go to the reserve and a man with a gun tried to make me leave. I ended up speaking with a woman who guided me on land to share my dream of teaching them yoga and mindfulness.

I have been to this area before when staying at an Airbnb.

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Day 16 ~ rest day

Weird dreams again. Woke before my alarm.

Stood on the frozen grass gazing at the sun with my bare feet. That was divine.

Did a little qigong movement after yoga stretches.

My shower felt so purifying and cleansing.

I wonder if other people listen to full loops. Is it less useful to do full loops? I’ve been using full loops for several months now.

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I don’t do full loops right now

Are you noticing quicker results?

I can’t say. I’m just noticing mindset shifts. Have been favoring consistency over speed. So haven’t tracked speed of results


Day 17 ~ full loops of both titles.

Had crazy dreams last night with minimal recall.

Woke before my alarm but didn’t wanna get up right away. Laid there in meditation.

Did an intermediate vinyasa yoga flow before my mushroom coffee.

Enjoyed some barefoot walking outside gazing at the sun for a bit.

I keep feeling like I have some great calling that will change the world. I’ll roll with it. See where it takes me. So many possibilities.

I made a very different YouTube video last night. The idea sprung upon me and I acted on it fast.

Here’s a screenshot from the video :arrow_down: doing a pranayama technique.