A Review of Emperor + Power Can Corrupt + The Commander Ultima

Not even trolling this month I literally felt like I’m getting better with women every single day like one day I’ll say something the next I’m like “weak” and I won’t do that mistake once more. Dominance and confidence also increased daily my resistance to superficial shit like looks and boobs and ass kept getting stronger


I didn’t update my journal but I had a three consecutive day weekend of partying and I was the most alpha I’ve been my entire life in those three days even the boring one

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Thanks for your insight but the reason you gave doesn’t speak to me, sorry. When we’re sleeping we process a lot of data too.


its not about processing its about digesting and internalizing

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What’s the difference between processing and digesting/internalizing then?

Processing is like working out, you’re giving your mind messages and that’s it

Digesting is when it takes them in and causes result, muscle gains

More than 1 loop on this khan program I’ve been on and I’ll have slower results and more fatigue

Feels like a loop takes an entire night to digest. When I used to do 2-3 loops of ef and khan each I took a week break and I realized my head hurts even 5 days in

I’m digesting one loop a day and the rest are just hitting my brain and not being digested


Most probably after some time you will be able to add more loops…

I can dude and I have but my best results are on one


Bruh, you’re inspiring me more and more every time you talk about this one loop thing haha. I need to re-read your journal too, you get great results.


To me that definition matches something which is called exposure to subliminal programing.
But let’s leave the definitions aside. I got your point.

You got overexposed. Now the point is, is it good or bad/ We’re discussing it right now here if you were interested to learn more on what’s being said on that matter.

Its okay man I stuck to three loops for months and got results I just found that when I slacked and did one loop I was getting insane results


Cool. For how long have you been getting those great results?


Here we have another case where one loop gave excellent results. Interesting. When Q showed up (within a month from that date, actually) I concluded the point is to find the minimal number of loops that works for you and produces satisfactory results but then the general recommendations showed up and I started looking for another way, playing more loops and looking for the balance between satisfactory results and reconciliation/stonewalling which is called “sweet spot”. It’s starting to look to me as if that concept (of sweet spot) is a ghost to say the least.

I tried that approach and ran one loop for Khan ST4 and StarkQ for a couple of days and I was getting very good results but then I started trying to find my sweet spot and…well, I didn’t find it for four months. Maybe because I didn’t do it right.

I shall consider running one loop of DR or at least reducing the number of loops since I feel as if I was stonewalling. The same happened when I increased the number of loops for RegenerationQ from two to five within a week. I had no reconciliation but I felt as if I was stonewalling even though I got some spectacular results (like getting rid of two major traumas). But the general feel was I was stonewalling… or maybe it was my healing stack digging really deep. Hard to tell now since healing is mostly an inner matter.

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It’s understandable that we all want good results and the automatic thing to assume is more loops will give better results. Seems that that is not the exact case. I just stumbled upon the one loop idea accidentally. Am guessing that if one wants to increase loops, one can do so slowly for optimum results. Maybe increase one loop every week.

It’s a good idea to try reducing the loops or try one loop and see how it goes, @Sub.Zero

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@Lion did you read 48 Laws of Power while running PCC? Wondering how powerful that synergy can get.

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@SubliminalUser - No. I was planning to but it didn’t happen. Maybe next time I run PCC.

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look man i slammed 2-3 loops a day for 5 months on khan apart from first weeks on stages.

this was easy cuz i had no life

On khan stage 4 i realized that i had the ability to commit action day in and day out. I could literally do it all day and miss all my loops.

I made due cuz i had to, i wanted to go after action and talk to girls and men and people and go out. So i compromised by sticking to 1 loops of khan and ef a day. this was about 1 month and a half ago

and basically since then ive realized i remember ALL my dreams im getting insane results and basically last night some girl who called me a beta and a dumbass a week ago admitted her love to me and has been chasing me and sending me nudes all last night, results are showing more in my pure instinct in social conversation, im getting better day after day


Excellent results, @Yazooneh :ok_hand:


You have to take into account that Khan Stage 4 is more powerful than all the other stages combined and that you may reap the benefits of listening to the previous stages for 2-3 loops a day for 5 months. That’s the pattern experienced users know well enough. I’ve had a similar experience on Khan. I listened to 8 loops during Stage 1, 2 and 3 (half of it) and then reduced the number of loops to 4 and I started getting excellent results while before I had been stonewalling. Of course, ultimately it doesn’t matter if it comes to the results you get. I’m happy for you, you do. Thank you for your replies.

Hmm… there might be a lesson for us in it if it comes to running multi-stage programs…

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pure dedication to your stack, u begin to gain a 6th sense on the days where youre falling behind and you should cry in a corner to 3 loops of khan (this huge input creates insane inner spiritual wars and changes, followed by big results)

i am in a phase where action is abundant, the action alone is bringing me results due to the results of doing things, 1 loop is enough to maintain while the action carves my reality, when i feel lost and alone and basically like ive stagnated ill hit my brain with 3 loops