A Review of Emperor + Power Can Corrupt + The Commander Ultima

Very good approach. I’m working on something similar right now. I found your posts very inspiring. Thank you.

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I did 1 loop all this week until last night where I changed loops again (I also slept with my subs on all night).

I ended up doing 2x DR, 3x Stark and 3x Khan.

I’m going to follow this pattern for a while. I’m researching and experimenting on everything and looking back at old posts.

Let’s see what the results are from there.

But @Yazooneh you inspire me man. I like where you say if you feel like you’re stagnated that you upped your loops and it helped push through, it makes sense.

I really should do a deload as I’ve not done one yet.

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I think we should follow our guts too but on higher levels of loops. That’s the general conclusion I drew from his experience. The reason is his tolerance is lower than our if it comes to getting “negative” results, in his case it’s overload. I’m running the 7th loop of DR right now and I’m totally fine. Still working on my findings and applying them. I should know about the alchemy of it soon.

What I’m working on now is breaking patterns, changing them all the time basing on our guts, knowledge and experience. The main idea is routines kill the alchemy. But as I said, I’m working on this and it’s too early to confirm my hypothesis.

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Thank you for confirming what I assumed was the case. You saved me some time, perhaps, although I was not thinking about checking out the one loop idea.

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Actually you gave me the idea from one of the quotes you used from Saint.

The one where he says it’s not about using one loop and staying there, it’s about gradually moving up. It also says in that post (might be the single title article) to go up two loops if you’re not getting results or whatever. I feel like 3-4 is my sweet spot and even if I’m overloaded Saint says (correct me if I’m wrong) that the overload will even out if you give it rest because the amount of information we’re being give is huge.

We have to follow the signs of reconcilation, not brute forcing it, and everything else.

1 loop is great for sure and for some people it’ll be enough, especially people new to subs or SubClub and I’ll always start with 1-2 loops on new subs I’m using hence why I’m staying at 2 maximum for Dragon Reborn.

It’s all an individual thing, an experimental one.

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That’s right. He even encourages to wait out reconciliation or stonewalling. Reconciliation only to the point it’s bearable.

If you start getting reconciliation, try to wait it out and see if it’s just the natural processing cycle.

About stonewalling:

The second (and more difficult strategy) is suppressing the lust for results. Constantly looking for results can actually short circuit the process. You just need to run the sub and take action and let the alchemical process occur.

But what’s the base of the “method” I’m working on is this:

There are two strategies to overcome stonewalling (a term that describes when resistant personalities will simply ignore subliminal stimulus and receive neither reconciliation or effects). Either up the amount of exposure to force a breakthrough, or cut back to 1 loop a day and give your subconscious time to accept the scripting. Better yet, alternate back and forth. One day, go all out with your stack. The next day, cut back.

If it comes to the sweet spot, I don’t think you can find it once and for all, you should look for it constantly by experimenting (just running subs) since Alchemy is all about transmutation which base is human and who you are today is not someone who you were yesterday.

Interesting…reconciliation that’s bearable? Wow, that is something to stick with. It’s something we have to keep an eye on.

I just thought it meant take a rest when I read that. I think I’m going to start resting every third day.

Yeah, running the sub and action = magic.

In terms of loops, it’s definitely a grow as you feel you can kind of thing - to me - but in regards to possibly forcing more/better results it sounds like running the 1 loop thing is a deload - which isn’t how I thought about it.

In my head a deload was taking a week off subs and not doing any subs at all, not a thing…

Maybe the best way to deload would be to lower your loops to 1 loop or if you’re doing more than 3-4 loops to cut in half to 2-3 loops and run a week of that and then the following week upping your loops back either gradually back to where you were or close to the number of loops you were at prior and increasing again.

Just like you would in a gym. You’d deload on lighter weight, preferably, than you would just taking the entire week off. I think this could be a big thing honestly.

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All i can say is that even with the older versions X2 i was getting better results with just one conscious loop during my trip to work in the car than letting the full stack run all night.

What i found what works even better with Q is just one loop a day and go on my way, works even better than 3 Loops when i am asleep? Shouldn’t be the other way around?


I would believe it works if you had one month break from listening. Otherwise, I think you were impacted by listening to your stack before and your mind had more room to process it therefore you were hit running one loop of that Pre-Q program.

I had something like that on StarkT. I was a slight social anxiety. I had a problem to start talking to people but once I started I felt the power of the sub.

I’m going to take a break only from time to time to “surprise” my unconscious unless I felt a need to take a break because of being overloaded. But it’s a part of my new “method/approach” so I’m still testing it.

In my new approach, I’ll be trying to brute force my results from time to time (once, twice per week), again, to “surprise” my unconscious.

Hmm… it’s another good idea to “surprise” you unconscious. I may try to implement it into my approach.

That’s the very core of my new approach but I’ll be doing more radical switches like today 8 loops, tomorrow 2 only, in two days 4 loops then maybe 8 again or just a day off. Following my instinct/guts and… common sense or sth which is called like that.

I would rather compare it to surprising your enemy (negative beliefs, or just your unconscious which is not eager to change). Today you’re attacking using two soldiers (two loops) and the enemy is laughing at you and weakens its defence line, tomorrow you fetch eight soldiers (eight loops) and your enemy gets defeated. Then two soldiers again, then four, another day no attack at all. You can also try to attack at different angles by altering your stack and this is what Saint suggests too. Today you run stack X, tomorrow stack Y, the day after tomorrow stack X again and so forth.

I have no idea how it works honestly.

A lot of people are saying they sleep better with the loops throughout the day. I literally do it for the fact it lets me get on with my day and to hit the loops I want to get rather than stressing about getting one loop for 4 subs in (DR, Khan, Stark and Libertine/BLU).

I’m glad you got great results using 1 loop. I might not have given it enough time with the one loop but I really like sleeping with them at night.

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This makes sense.

It’s what people used to do for ‘muscle confusion’.
I still believe that alternating subs helps too.

Using Sub A on a Monday, Sub B on a Tuesday, rest, Sub A on Thursday and Sub B on Friday, rest, rest gives your subconscious time to rest and process time and not think about the instructions one sub might be giving compared to the other.

Other ways might work too, like 3 days on, rest, 3 days on, 6 days on, rest two days, 6 days on etc.

But basically what I’m getting from this is:

Calibrate your subs - use 1 loop to start and weekly increase to the point reconcilation and allow time for the subs to process to ensure and drop a loop if you can’t handle it.

Deload every few weeks to either 1 or half of your playlist to give you subconscious that time to be surprised and rest more.

Gradually increase loops back to where you started or now higher and repeat. Use your gut to figure stuff out and focus where on where things are going wrong.

Take action. Oh if you didn’t get that, take action.

I started with two loops of DR four days ago, then switched to two for two days, and now I’m right about to finish my 8th loop and no reconciliation so far. Remember that one loop recommendation is addressed to newbies.

That depends entirely on you, I’m not looking for any pattern, I want to break any, again, to “surprise” my unconscious. I’m working on the logic of this, I’m not looking for patterns. Patterns make our mind feel comfortable and lazy, I wanna make it struggle.

To me, it’s just life. Of course, you can not stay on a deserted island and expect of Libertine to work. But I think that’s an obvious matter.

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I did at least 6 months 1 loop a day and it was not even the complete audio, sometimes only 15minutes.


And you got so good results?when u didnt even listen the full script

I’m goin to do a week of three loops a day of each and see what the hell happens


Yes better than now and i was having faster and more tangible results with that than having a 6 loop stack snd 2 hrs of silence :rofl::rofl::rofl:… best of all is was X2 not even Q.


Dude people badly want to follow the “more is more” thing but thankfully I have emperor fitness and this is my indicator of results

Even with one loop a day I am losing fat day after day even tho I hit stage 2 for 45 days and I’m now on stage 4 for two months


Thread is making me consider trying out 1-loop for each of my major subs, including my terminus custom.