A limiting Belief that's bothering me

Hi guy! Some of you might know that i am learning machine learning these days.

However, this terrifying thought is botherting me:

“Well and good that I am learning Data Science/ Machine Learning, AI. But will i ever be good enough to actually earn from this? after all, many people in the market have been learning doing it for years. I don’t know how long will it take me to get there? will i still be motivated in this journe y i f don’t see any returns? i have no idea of any present avenue to use this skills once i have learnt! I am enjoying learning now, but what after i have finished learning?”

any input will be appreciated

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It may not necessarily be a limiting belief.

It’s a valid question/concern to have with as much time/energy as you’re investing into this.
It comes down (in my opinion) to WHY you are learning it.

I’ve been programming since I was 5 years old (I’m 45 now for context). My first computer was a TRS-80 Color Computer 1. Vintage shit.

I’ve never really made money from programming directly. That may change. I just learned it because it fascinates me.

If you’re learning the DS/ML purely for economic/employment reasons, then for sure you want to make sure you find ways to have it pay for itself.

If you’re like me and learn something because it interests you, that’s good too, the motivation is different, as are the expected outcomes.

Before I or anyone can really help you, just look and see what your WHY is for learning DS/ML.


Did that help you build an app in five days?

Sounds like there is some imposter syndrome in there. I guess it can be a matter of confidence.

You can learn master Data Science/Machine first -. You are still young and those skills will be demand in YOUR future, even if not in your present.


Sounds like something Limit Destroyer Ultima could potentially help break down …with intention and conscious reframing prior to listening utilizing maybe a NLP tool such as metamodel, mindlines.

Just remember that all of those people who’ve been doing it for years hadn’t been before they started.

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I didn’t get into I.T technology till my late 20s and became very successful, because i had a love for this subject area. When you love a particular subject you want to immerse yourself in it and spent every moment every hour digging into the subject to learn more and more. Now be honest with yourself is that you ?.

I ask because if your motive is solely concerned with making money in my opinion it does not work that way.


This really interests me!
I want to increase my skill!
I wanna do something revolutionary in the IT field!


I absolutely agree with this!!

Haha naw. I learned BASIC though

I don’t know how to squeeze this into my focused stack… maybe the module pack 4 will encourage to make me a custom

Yes that is me!!

Is 27 years old okay?

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Then keep on what you are doing and you will reap the rewards. The roman empire was not built in a day just be both patient and persistent. Start networking with people who have similar skills, join tech forums share ideas and knowledge, ask tonnes of questions.



@TheBoxingScientist is my hero.

If you set your mind on something, you can do anything.


Thanks for this bro! @King

I’m already doing progression plan.
I have started from Mogul for a month/ few months
Then start Ascend Mogul
And eventually Emperor

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An expected response from RICH & Mogul.

If making money quickly is important – which is why you’re playing those subs, then you will be questioned if you spend hours every day on something that you have no intention to monetize.

I always assumed you were studying tech, because it will open better job opportunities.

If that assumption is correct, then the REAL issue you’re facing is NOT whether to continue studying, but HOW to earn on the side until you’re ready.



That is definite aim… But when it comes to jobs, I’ll be competing with CS students who have been into programming for ages… That is where I doubt myself.

Forgetting the tech job, I wanna do something big in the tech field… And meanwhile I want a sustainable income in the side. However, job timings are a killer here. I’m afraid if can maintain the discipline of learning!.

@mecharc - you might know about this already but I encourage you to get some opensource or internship project experience in your field (AI, ML, etc) which would boost your resume and make a better case for you compared to college freshmen


Hi mercharc,

I’m a scholar of Computer Science and am currnetly studying for my exams. At first, I also the same worries as you. They disappeared after listening to Limitless.

It gives you the neccessary confident and believe, that you can and want to become the best in it.

DM me!


@Lion Bro! with a masters degree, I really don’t have the privillege of getting into anything other than work in my filed. In my country and work market, I am over over qualified for any internship/ It’s a tricky situation i find myself in.
I need to get into a Job, i’m already overqualified for the jobs i apply to for my degree, and underqualified for higher jobs because of my lack of experience.

I have to keep on studying tech, i must solidify the discipline to study, by the time i get a job. when i get a job, i must continue studying and building a tech business on the side.

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