A dragon reborn from the ashes of my old self

Ive started using Dragon Reborn since the first of january. I’ve been lurking down all these journals for a while but never really committed to actually writing ine myself, untill now!

I’ve finished 2 months of ST1 already, although admittedly i did combine it a bit to much wich may have lessened my results. I might do an extra month of it in the future. The things i primairly noticed on this sub was that i started questioning litterly everything about myself and my intentions. “Is this really something i care about?”. Aside from this i noticed my mood swung tremendously on a day to day basis. One day i could feel absolutely fantastic and the next day i suddenly felt down and depressed for seemingly no reason. It was a weird ride but after about a month and a half, the recon seemed to be over.

ST2 has been a lot harder than the first stage, so far ive mostly felt a lot of fear for everything and just an increased emotional reaction to everything. Just now i was reading someone elses journal and actually somewhat felt like i was about to get tears from happyness because of how happy i was for him with his incredible results. Its weird, ive always been a bit of a softy but never to this extend. Most of ST2 has been a lot tougher though, just intense fear, tension and anxiety about everything, my productivity seemed to be completely gone and i just felt terrible all throughout, untill today! Today a shift seems to have happened and i actually ones again feel excited about doing shit again! And just like my regulair positive self! Thats also where this sudden journaling comes from, i feel extremely excited about doing stuff and sharing my journey with others. Ill try to update this journal as much as i can.


Welcome to Subliminal Club…

Please stand by…



Welcome to the Sibling-hood…

Your invitation…

The Anthem

Dragon up so you can Dragon on!



You have just picked what might be the best healing subliminal available today.

I realize you have gone through times with Dragon Reborn that probably felt like an emotional roller coaster.

What I realized is that at some point the ride smooths out. The dreams become less weird. The sense of self more certain and stable.

Hold on to your photons because it’s time for an overhaul!

For some reason my likes are limited for two hours… why?! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Thanks for the warm welcome!

You’re definitely on point with that assumption haha, dragon reborn has been a rough ride with more downs than ups so far, but you need those downs so you can better appreciate the ups. I can clearly feel that something is changing inside me for the better, theres not a doubt in my mind that DR will not leave me better of than i was.

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I started running DR yesterday, so I’ll be following your progress very closely. If you notice something tiny slithering around in the corners of your eye, just move along. Nothing to see here :rofl:

Glad im not the only one with those weird dreams btw, the dreams… they are something else

Ahahaha welcome and enjoy the journey​:wink::smirk:

@Athanaxos thank you for mentioning this.

Excuse me … @DarkPhilosopher … do you know why this might be? TBH I have no clue.

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You get the invitation too mate!

:dragon: on mate!

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Ah I think it’s the forum itself, and newbie-limited privileges :blush:

If I’m not wrong the limit will be lifted once the forum recognizes me as one of you guys :grin:

Oh btw since i didnt mention it in my intro I’ll mention it here, my plan was from the first of January to spend 2 months on stage 1 to 3, and than spend the remaining 6 months of the year on the last stage (with most likely a second sub alongside it). Im comitted to get everything out of this godly sub that i can as i feel like this journey of selfhealing is one of the most important and beneficial journeys someone can go through.

Prepare for a big healing.


The influx of positive results has started! Before DR has mostly caused negative experiences and emotions, but now it seems like i reached somewhat of a turning poin! I actually feel a lot better than i did previously, a lot better than i did before i started this journey.
With regeneration i read that a lot of people had the result that they felt “lighter”. For me with DR its actually kind of the opposite, i feel somewhat heavier, but in a very positive sense. It feels like all the parts of me got integrated, like i became “whole”. Its a very interesting feeling and definitely extremely positive. I guess this might be related to the “becoming more congruent” part?

My big goal for now though is to become a bit more productive, i still do feel like im wasting a lot of time of each day that i could be using a lot more beneficially. From now im planning to pick up my shadowwork journey, keep at it with my new workout schedule and also to go back to practicing hermeticism more. I hope that I can at least keep consistently working each day on these 3 things and not slack off like i often do.


I’m glad about this turning point. May you keep turning for the better!


I slowly feel a new fear come up that I didnt know i had.
For context, about half a year ago i started my freshman year of college, but due to quarantaine making everything 100x worse than it shouldve been and simple the subject not interesting me, i quickly flunked out and took a gap year instead with the intention of reapplying for a different study the next year. Im slowly starting to feel that im actually kinda terrified that next year is gonna go the same and that i ones again cant find enough enjoyment in the study and end up flunking out… i have no doubt about wether i can make it intelligence wise, its just, im a person that lives and dies with my motivation. I find it reallyyy hard to force myself to really do something i dont want to do, and do it well. It really scares me that if i flunk out again, it probs is a sign that college is not for me, and at that point i would have no idea where to go next. The part that also scares me is how shit my productivity became in this leap year, and how that might carry over to when college starts. It has Especcially been bad with DR, ive spend so many days doing almost nothing. I really gotta get more out of my days.

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I’m glad you said something.

How many loops are you listening to?

Are you listening when away or asleep?

Would you please list what your listening schedule is?

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I listen to only 2 loops a day. I listen during the day, and both masked since masked seems to work far better for me.

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And i listen 5 days a week and than take 2 rest days in the weekend