3rd Person Paragon Review (Magic & Miracles or mostly Placebo?) ZP/Qv2

My mum broke her hip and then I gave her Qv2 Paragon.

Within a few days of listening to Qv2, she had a bit more energy and mobility. She was still in bed all day (obviously), but you could tell that she was moving faster, after just a few loops. Her body wasn’t as locked and rigid. She wasn’t as afraid to make a micromovement that would shoot pain down her body. I was skeptical of Qv2 and whether or not it was time-induced healing or subliminal induced healing, but it’s an absolute fact that after just a few loops, she was moving faster and felt more comfortable in bed. She was able to reach for things that were farther away, meaning she was able to move her torso more, which is increased mobility.

However… I REALLY wasn’t sure about Paragon Qv2 because these wounds would’ve healed at some point anyways, and I wasn’t sure if was subliminally induced or just a coincidence.

However, with ZP, things are totally different. Here’s an interesting observation.

I gave my mum Paragon ZP about a month after giving her Qv2, so obviously the healing was a lot different. She was farther along, using a walker a lot, started to go to physio, and even had once taken a few steps without her walker.

After ONE LOOP of ZP, my mum wasn’t using her walker anymore, at all. She was (slowly) walking around the house, navigating the kitchen, grabbing cups for herself, etc.

I’m trying to be very objective here… I really don’t think that any injury that would naturally heal over time anyways is the ultimate test of Paragon… I think that a chronic injury/illness alleviated by Paragon would be the true test of what’s possible. I am optimistically skeptical. With all that optimistic skepticism in mind, I still have to say that Paragon ZP especially has been bloody fudging amazing and gotten insanely fast results.

I am going to report my observations as I see them and let them speak for themselves.

On Qv2, she had more energy and mobility.

Then, she listened to ZP, and the very next day, she no longer was walking with her walker. (Although she’s back on it now because all that walking made her super sore)

Those are my only two observations. More energy with Qv2, and she decided to stop using her walker after one loop of ZP. Nothing bad to report. No negative side effects I could see. Just healing.

Pretty amazing stuff!

PS: Title was definitely click-bait. This is 100% magic and miracles.


We call this moving the goalposts. From Wikipedia: “Moving the goalposts is an informal fallacy which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded.”

And this line of thinking actually hurts a lot of your results (re: many of the so-called hard gainers).

I’m not singling you out, but this was an opportunity to point this phenomenon out. If your mother has been suffering from this condition all this time, then overnight, she experiences an exponential improvement and the only variable that changed is the inclusion of Paragon ZP, it was the sub that helped.

Even if this condition would heal on its own eventually, the measure of Paragon’s effectiveness in this case is the speed increase of the healing as compared to her natural healing speed. In addition, since the body naturally heals the majority of conditions, why would the “ultimate test of Paragon” be its ability to heal something chronic that the body can’t normally heal?

In other words, unless Paragon helps achieve something seemingly impossible, only then will a person engaging in this line of thought believe the sub was 100% effective. But I suspect that even then, many of you would hand wave away the results or claim something else did it, like medicine (even though the majority of medicine alleviates symptoms while the body heals).

So again, I’m not jumping on you personally, just pointing out how easy it is to sabotage your own results for the sake of “objectivity,” when in actuality, it’s not as objective as you may think.

Either way, glad to hear your mother is feeling better.


I’m of the belief the body is always trying to heal itself. So a chronic injury/illness is no different than something that heals naturally over time. It’s just that there are more obstacles to it happening/things suppressing that natural healing.

These are some pretty amazing results. One loop of ZP and without a walker? That sounds like it accelerated her own internal healing process without a doubt.

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My main point is still that Paragon ZP is absolutely amazing. I get what you’re saying here though.

Actually what I’m trying to get at here is positive. Despite some skepticism around healing as a bias I had walking in to giving my mum Paragon ZP, I still am absolutely certain that it increased the speed of healing.

However it’s hard to say as a matter of fact whether or not she would’ve healed on her own that day with or without Paragon ZP. How does one measure the speed of healing objectively when it’s primarily an internal process that occurs exponentially opposed to linearly.

Why I still think the ultimate test of Paragon ZP would be chronic illness is because it’s so easy to measure. Something hasn’t gotten better for a while, you listen to ZP, it gets better, that is an OBVIOUS and literally undeniable gain. Chronic has nothing to do with impossible. Leaky gut syndrome, candida, acne, all of those are chronic and while they may be difficult to heal, people do heal them all the time. I’m not talking about healing parkinson’s or an ugly face or something like that… only Wanted can do that.

Straight up.

She’s back on a walker today because all the walking yesterday made her sore… but wow… that’s a good sign lol.


I get your point, with a chronic illness something in the natural healing process of our body is disturbed, whether it’s an imbalance, damaged process or the body working against itself. It’s easier to compare, because you can safely predict what will happen when you don’t do anything, compared to adding something like Paragon ZP. For testing, removing as many confounding variables as possible is always better.

Very cool to hear that your mom instantly benefited from running Paragon. I wish her all the best in her (speedy) recovery!

By reading review I am thinking adding paragon in my next stack
I have issues with sleeping at night… because of frequent bowel movement…even ant depressent and IBS medicine doesn’t helped me much…I hope paragon helps with it

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A lot of people comment on how parGon helps them sleep, anyways! Give it a shot.


More results and nuances for Paragon.

First of all… AMAZING for covid symptoms. One loop and I got up with a bit more energy and spring to my step, and less of a sore throat.

As for my mum…

I switched her stack from regen and paragon to solo-paragon, and that was a mistake.

Recovery is an emotional and physical journey… and since removing regeneration, i’ve seen her become less hopeful, less motivated to recover, “stuck” and gloomy, and really overall just a bit more depressed.

Regeneration actually made my mom cry a fair bit but in a very healthy way. She would be happy, hopeful, positive… then cry for a bit, then go back to feeling happy hopefuly and optimistic! But without regeneration, the authenticity and depths of her emotions have faded, replaced by a never-ending melancholy that is not awful, but not good.

Regeneration seems critical in dealing with the emotional side of long term recovery. It’s been 3 months and she’s still not walking. It’s very upsetting and regen kept the optimism high


Hi! I am looking for help to recover from a long lasting health issue. You mentioned regeneration? Is it advisable to add to paragon? (In my case it’s been months now). How did it work for yours/your mum’s problem?

Thanks a lot in advance for getting back to me!

Absolutely beneficial. Healing has emotional and physical components. Dragon Reborn targets both simultaneously (emphasis on emotional, but with both).

Regeneration + Paragon is a better fit people looking for healing with an emphasis on the physical side of things.

If you’re looking to heal, but, need less emotional volatility… let’s say that you’re already on an emotional rollercoaster and your goal of healing is to actually become more stable, then I would listen to Paragon + Sanguine Elixir, not Paragon + Regeneration, as Sanguine Elixir focuses specifically on healing that which needs to be healed in order for you to be happy NOW.

Thanks a lot! I love how helpful people here are! I’ll add elixir for sure because I’m emotionally drained!

Although Paragon might be useful, it is not intended to replace professional medical assistance.

No, of courses not. I’ve been everywhere and consulted so many doctors, naturopaths. It’s been an ongoing process for more than 3,5 years but sincerely 10 months it’s gotten completely out of hand, since 3 months I think started to cure root cause of my issue but ist brutal. I start to loose faith and regular affirmations are sometimes just not doable. And I really need to rewire my brain into healthy thinking and not that “omg I’ll never get out if this shit hole mood”

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Plus, it removes emotional blockages standing in the way of physical healing, facilitating the process.