3 loops of Zp per day?

You should be able to tell if you can handle it or not once you’re done with the rest day that followed the 3 loops.

But I think that running DR in the past (as well as the self awareness you have), will help you A LOT, so you’d probably be able to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the compliment

I allready did it and besides 1 hour of overload it’s the right dose of input

4 loops is too much
But 3 is doable

When I switch to st 2 I think 1 loop is sufficient

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The thing that I found out is that doing 3 loops of the same sub, is much much harder than doing 1 loop of 3 different subs (unless; 1. You don’t have shit to clear up, or 2. Your brain chemistry is built different).

You’re number 1, and I’m number 2, but don’t take it for granted or it will bite you in your behind :rofl:

On a sidenote: @Palpatine does NOT fit either of those 2, he’s just fully built different :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

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What test(s) were used to determine you brain chemistry is built different?

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I’m 3.
3. Not afraid of recon


Here is a post by username SaintSovereign, on why my brain chemistry is built different:

Hm. Interesting response. Thank you.

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Well, well, well, How the turntables :joy::joy:

Why are ya’ll like this? Less is more with Zero Point. You don’t need three loops. You will get more recon and possibly less results with three loops. Stick with two.


The reason why I do it is to maintain consistency in the exposure of each sub throughout the entire cycle, without accidentally focusing on one sub over the other. I’m also incorporating additional rest days though, so perhaps this may not apply to me.

We want three loops.

We want them everyday.

We are not rebels.

We just love Solace.



How did this felt?

It was my boundary experiment

I have to say 3 loops is to much
I had worked trough problems during sleep the whole time.
I don’t have negative states but my head is in GA GA mode.
No more 3 loops for me.

It served its purpose

I stick to 2 loops max from now

Update 40 min later

No more GA GA
My head is clear
I feel powerful
Ready to go

But still 2 loops max is perfect

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Best thing and the worst thing at the same time

I have no motivation to talk about it, because it’s over.

I can’t even recall what I was going through

That’s Healing well done

If you want to read my journal I will link it to you

From sound of it it looks like the journey was well worth it ?
I am in the phase of doing something similar with Regeneration, so please share the link.

The worst reconciliation today

Lesson learned


St3&4 I didn’t Journal but I ended up with 3 loops per day of my ST4 custom - 5 on 2 off it was intense

People really need to listen to this more, I run 3 titles exactly to recommendations for 3 cycles now and have tremendous results.

Get really focused and get a clear picture of what you are trying to accomplish with your stack AND actions. If it’s unclear sit with your emotions and a aheet of paper and write your ideal path on a sheet brainstorming, then sleep on it or just choose 1 sub to start getting you to think about what you want. There are so many that accomplish this.

Pick a stack of 1-3 that best align with your goals and stick with it until your goal is complete. Listen EXACTLY to recommendations. If the sub isn’t aligning with your desires and actions AFTER 21 days and rest period then switch it out. You would be amazed how differently you feel on day 21 even on a title you have decided isn’t for you and you are eliminating in your lineup.


I am not sure if this works for everyone. Some like me do not see blatant results from anything but rather sneaky ones which you just realize after some time.

And maybe some of us need healing first to can see more blatant results.
Everyone’s experience is unique.

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I had 2 successful circles following the recommendation
Now I did test it out, out of curiosity and found out why there are recommendations

Lesson learned

No worries, I had the same thing in the first 7 months, just proced.

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