2024- Better Late Than Never

Hey guys. I’ve been dabbling/struggling in subliminals for a while now and recently got on a combination of Stark/ Wanted Black and magically stopped watching porn. Legitimately, I’ve navigated to porn sites just out of boredom/force of habit and felt no desire to pleasure myself. The amount of power that must be in a subliminal to absolutely effortlessly evaporate an addiction I’ve had for the better part of a decade speaks for itself. I will shortly be done with my 5 day break so I’ll be using Stark,Wanted Black and Khan Crucible to start the new year. I look forward to posting my findings and possibly helping somebody else in their journey to become something or somebody that they’ve felt like they’re supposed to be, but always felt out of reach.


Good to hear that you found a combination that is working for you! You’re going to love Khan Black. It’s an intense journey but very well worth it.

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Real quick, is it OK if I take my 5 day break a day or two earlier so I can start my new subliminal on a specific date? If not, I’ll just continue with my last two runs

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You can end sooner. Nothing should happen. Perhaps a two day longer washout would allow some additional results to appear if you have time for that but that’s just a suggestion.

  I've been into subliminals for the better part of 6 years at this point. I've been super into them for periods and then left them alone for a while for various reasons in various instances. But I came back at the beginning of this month on a whim, decided to take a chance on Wanted Black and without even consciously guiding it to, it magically cured my decade plus pornography addiction/compulsion/ problem. 

So now I feel empowered. In the coming year, I have several things I need to accomplish, but the one I’ll be talking about in this journal is my journey to sexual/ romantic abundance. I have had problems staying consistent in the past, but something tells me this shouldn’t be a problem now.

I don’t know whether I’m only going to do this stack for 4 months or for 6. I don’t know if I’m going to fall in love with this combination and make a custom out of it. But mark my words. Before the leaves fall again, I will have my romantic/ sex life solved. I’m going to be working through both energy work products I found recommended in this forum as well as some Ross Jeffries & David Snyder speed seduction stuff. I’ll be giving basic summaries of what I think I learned so hopefully somebody can stand on the shoulders of a giant (me😉) and even if they started from worse off, they too can go even further beyond.

This journal is partially practice in discipline. I will post here not only things directly related to my subliminals, but my psychological state. Feel free to make comments, offer advice as needed.

I have the subliminals, I’ll soon have the knowledge. I have the power. Stay tuned

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Day 1
1 loop of Ascension Chamber while visualizing ny subliminals working as intended. A break while I messed with my playlist and played
1 loop of Wanted Black followed by one loop of Khan Black Crucible stage 1 in Galaxy Buds2Pro earbuds.
Was getting very aware of surrounding noise while I was listening to wanted black, trying to drift to sleep. Maybe it’s related to my subconscious manifesting fear of change as a threat to my safety to make me stop listening.

Experienced the energy overload. Couldn’t sleep like I was doing with Wanted Black+ Stark. So this is undeniably doing some sort of something, I just am eager to see things manifest.

As far as research into taking action, I got the Marco Paret book and I’m not exactly sure what I’m allowed to say here. So if somebody successfully went through all the exercises in it, please pm me. I’ve got questions. I’m shelving that until I can figure out how to make that work in plain, straight up and down like 6 o clock terms

I’m going through David Snyder’s Speed Attraction: Rapid Attraction Secrets. And I’ve gotta tell you. He’s taking a while to actually say the relevant, useful bits. But I’ll sit through it and eventually write the actually relevant parts so nobody else has to SUFFER like I am haha

Going to the gym, then to a dance. Put on pheromones out of reflex, then washed them off to give the subs a chance to do what they’re supposed to

As soon as i left my apartment a couple of girls (late teens, maybe mid twenties)walking perpendicular to me kept looking in my direction. Maybe a little touched by the aura, maybe looking for their friend, maybe both. But I felt like waving… and just did and both of these girls stopped dead in their tracks. :thinking:

Possibly recon? I felt like ceasing subliminal use and ceasing my very existence. Possibly my subconscious knowing that growth equals pain, especially after years of getting results my conscious mind was unsatisfied with but a part of me either enjoys/enjoyed being a victim, felt that for some reason I wasn’t “supposed to” have success with women.

Gained nearly spontaneous awareness of the fact that my pornography compulsion wasn’t even just a sexual thing. It was a sad attempt to be intimate, as in close to somebody vicariously.

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This is amazing and what it tells me is that YOU FIND YOUR PERFECT STACK, PERFECT AMOUNT, PERFECT EXPOSURE.

And that makes one thing scream in my head - don’t add Khan Black.

If WB/Stark is perfect for you, then run that for a while. You’ve been struggling with subliminals for a while and the recipe is finally perfect… why add extra salt to a perfectly seasoned stew?

Even your recon shows this to be the case.

It sounds like you’re forcing the change to happen quickly - I have two reasons to think this, but I don’t know you so don’t get offended if you feel I’m off base.

#1) the way you phrased this makes me think you’re demanding massive change from your subconscious and negatively labelling any resistance to total, instant transformation as “fear” instead of some healthily paced steady improvement.

#2) the moment you got good results, you added in a 3rd sub - fast wasn’t fast enough so you wanted to go faster or something

If anything, I would switch out KB for Phoenix in your situation as that’ll help that seamless and instant transformation and will act as a booster to WB/Stark. Start slow with Phoenix if you do that

I know of Marco Paret and do own some of his works but really never read much. @emperor_obewan knows him well.

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Clarifying for @0zephyr0s, I don’t actually know Paret directly (although I am on their FaceBook group and monitor passively there), never participated in any of his seminars, but have all four of his relevant books:

  • Awakening Your Other Mind (talks about the enteric brain/gut brain and how to make contact with it, aka communication with the subconscious)
  • The Magnetic Gaze (his first and perhaps least interesting book to me)
  • Magnetism and Energetic Ascent: In my opinion one of his more important works, to be read in conjunction with Awakening Your Other Mind for wider understanding.
  • The Mystery of Time, which builds on the advice given in Magnetism and Energetic Ascent.

I don’t think there’s any restrictions on the forum on discussing authors, as long as they have relevance to the subs. I wrote a lot about my thoughts at the time on Paret on the Khan Black thread. I also wrote about other authors in the realms of esoteric practice and Qi Gong on the same thread.

Which Paret book were you referring to? I know a lot of people who start in the pickup/seduction community hear about him first through The Magnetic Gaze.

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No, I’m not offended. I accept that you’re attempting to diagnose the problem as best you can from the limited exposure to me. I accept that you are attempting to help me in the best way you know how. Sincerely, thank you.

I’m actually on the fence about whether it was recon or not, because I’ve often struggled with thoughts of my endeavors ultimately being pointless and wanting to cease existence. I’m sorry I didn’t make this clear in the first place. Unfortunately, I ran a loop of Khan already, so I feel that I should see it through, if only to practice consistency and diligence.

I hate the word “perfect” that means that it can’t meaningfully be improved upon. And if I believe if subliminals can help me grow, why wouldn’t I want to push it as far as possible?

But if I’m being honest, I am trying to force the chance to happen as soon as I can. I’m really tired of what I’ve become and want to put it behind me

I’m referring to Magnetism and Energetic Ascent

As far as I can tell your experience adding Khan Black to the mix is much the same as others’ experiences. The difficulty sleeping was mentioned by several people whose results were otherwise normal. Think about it, one of the goals or objectives of the script is to learn to sublimate sexual energy and redirect/channel it. Even Saint mentioned needing a lot less sleep running it. Maybe less a recon thing and more a need for adjusting to the additional energy throughput.

As far as Magnetism and Energetic Ascent goes, I don’t think it’s really necessary to complete every exercise in the book. It really depends on how deeply you want to explore the topics the book introduces. In my appreciation of the book, many of the most important things he says are near the beginning. I would say the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the book is extremely information dense, then the remaining portion still has useful or interesting information, but it is hidden beneath technical terminology and Paret’s own unique approach to things, and there is less information to be gleaned in more space.

If you pay attention to the way he writes, you’ll see concepts that have been repeated in many other places, including the Shiva tantras, the Carlos Castenada books, and so on. They are concepts that are independent of any one religion (but are often found in them) and which do not require blind faith or belief; many of them are self evident but not deeply considered by most.

One of the very first statements he makes is “Presence is the key”. One of the next statements is:

The basic key to the power of Magnetism and the Energetic Ascent of man is “reintegration”.

Finally, by page 17, most of the meat of the process has been disclosed, but it is further clarified through more exercises and the emphasis of the idea of the “virtuous cycle”, before moving on to the more technical aspects in pages 40 and onward.

As someone who has not yet mastered the entire process, but has understood it through experience, I can say that as he points out, one of the most difficult things to do in this process is overcoming our own automatic behaviors, making the subconscious more conscious. And all of this can be traced back to its root of the reintegration via the path of presence, and the virtuous cycle which can be taken advantage of.

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Held off making a second post on this topic after the last one because I don’t like to hijack threads with my long posts, but after consideration there are a few things regarding M+EA that are relevant to subs and flow that I think are worth sharing.

I mentioned automatic behaviors, and often this is 90% of our lives. The most obvious example is behaviors upon waking. For me, that often involves three things: coffee, a smoke, and social media checks (Youtube particularly). Often it is not until those automatic behaviors have run their course that, even in the middle of doing them, we begin to have thoughts or ideas that are non-automatic. One of the exercises in the book, exercise 9, helps with turning these automatic behaviors towards conscious/voluntary ones.

You might choose brushing your teeth, having a smoke, making a coffee, etc, but the idea is to do that activity with your thought only focused on it and the fact that it is your will that caused you to take this action (interestingly, Crowley mentions this activity in one of his early documents on Thelema, and the formal ritualization of eating/drinking was a form of this exercise too which was always meant to produce a more conscious state of being rather than being ritual for-its-own-sake).

A major hurdle that people often run into doing this (I know I’ve run into it) is with respect to internal vocalization. It isn’t the vocalization itself that is the problem. The problem is that to obtain one-pointed focus, all parts of the being must work together. Cayce spoke of it in his health readings as coordination vs incoordination.

When you have some thought that becomes particularly loud – lets say for example you’re focusing on aiming a bow and arrow at a moving target in a VR video game, or IRL. The thought/feeling of pride at getting into that flow state or getting perfect accuracy can be enough to paradoxically throw that accuracy by exalting the thought above the actions of the other parts of your body (eye and hand). You might notice in those types of games that you get a head-shot or bullseye more easily by silencing your verbal mind. What many think of as thought is actually, to use a term from “The Zelator” by Mark Hedsel, “the excrement of thought”.

To create a flow state and to enter these states of presence properly, rhythm is a big help, either from music or an internal rhythm such as heart rate/breathing. I would recommend observing the things that take you out of a flow state and develop ways to prevent that from happening. The forums here have spoken voluminously on flow state / flow factor, and thats because this state of flow is the natural state we achieve when the chaos of everyday thought leaves. When that happens, the conscious and subconscious mind are more easily able to meet in the middle and then the subs can be more effective.

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Small victories. In 2022, I got one Instagram, a few numbers, no dates, no kisses, nothing else. In fact, New Years Eve 2022, I talked to several girls and they all blew me off.

In 2023, shortly after starting Wanted Black and Stark, I made out with two separate women two consecutive days. I was at an event on New Year’s Eve and “felt vibes” with several women. Didn’t pull the trigger on any of them, but I probably could’ve gotten a little more than a kiss for new years if I wasn’t being a dummy. I think it’s lately become easier to let go of the idea that specific women aren’t interested. Possibly healing in its own right, possibly a precursor to feelings of abundance.

So it’s definitely incremental, nothing earth shattering as of yet, but there’s no denying something positive is happening. Mind you, I have only the barest hint of seduction material/PUA stuff and am clueless when it comes to energy work. So it’s legit all just the sub.

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Yesterday, I had nothing to do and happened to be very sleepy so slept until the afternoon. Then I almost felt like my body was forcing me to go outside. I took a walk around the mall, found no particularly attractive women, and went home after a couple hours. I did a single loop of Stark last night, nothing crazy to report regarding that.

But I was in the gym and I was lagging on some bench presses. I could feel palpable arousal inside my body. I just got the idea to say “I am directing my sexual energy towards my muscles” and the lift felt a bit more manageable. I also felt more… at ease around women even though there were no women I felt were super appealing. I also flirted in a way I wouldn’t have before subs (don’t want to get into specifics, but trust me on this one).

My brain is straining to find ways that my experiences could be explained elsewhere, but honestly again and again. It is the subs.

I go back to campus for class tomorrow, I have a feeling this journal will get a lot more interesting sometime soon

I was having a conversation about philosophy and found myself more easily able to find the words to express my experiences and viewpoints. But also am skeptical that Stark specifically adds anything to my current primary goal. Could be recon, could be mulling it over, could be Stark working and giving me the intelligence/ self awareness to know that it’s not exactly what I need right now. I’m going to mull it over a few more days, I’m not even halfway done with this cycle

I didn’t quit this journal, I just decided I would be better served by posting things related to the subs and mostly good things.

I decided to remove Stark from my stack because I REALLY want my sex & romance life solved. I’m planning on adding Love Bomb for this purpose instead.

I’m going to do 2 cycles of Khan stage 1, but
A girl I was interested in this summer added me back on snapchat and I legitimately couldn’t remember adding her. I’ve got a weird feeling it was the subliminals manifesting. Have no clue rust my next move is, but that’s new

Update: I had a relapse, but it didn’t feel like how it used to be with a ton of self hatred coming up, causing me to relapse 5 freaking times in the same day.

So I’m taking 3.5 kinds of action.

  1. I’m working out at the gym. I’m currently about equally focused on strength work and aesthetics. I’ve noticed the physical shifting hastening a transformation

  2. I found a reiki teacher. They also know a ton of other esoteric things that they’re willing to either teach me or lead me in the direction of self study

  3. Aforementioned teacher has told me about a qigong practice that should complement the reiki work nicely

3.5. I casually talk to women where it’s convenient. I rarely go out with the sole intent of talking to women because from my perspective the point of Wanted Black is that women want YOU, so I just talk to women that happen to be around. But if I’m being honest even the fact that I’m intentionally being around women without my metaphorical hand being held is actually a big step for me.

On the 25th, I’m planning on adding Love Bomb. As I removed Stark last week and I’m beginning my 5 days of washout on the 20th