2 months after I started I dont feel changes yet. Suggestions welcome

Kinda, technically all subs have a healing component to them. :necktie: Ascension just isn’t a dedicated healing title, even if healing is considered a decent-ish part of the scripting.


I require a more focused healing to clear out stubborn blocks…

Limit destroyer and Rebirth will do then.


Why waste time chasing women that come with a ton of baggage? There are 20 somethings out there that are looking for a mature that they can spend time with.

As a man in your 40s, you shouldn’t need any help or need to team up with other men to go talk to women. Go do your thing on your own!

That one depends 100% on you. I don’t know what your sense of style is but as a 40+ year old man, you should be a sharp dresser. Spend some time on this Youtube channel and work on your dressing style. The Style O.G. - YouTube
Subs are just a part of the solution. You also need to take action.

I’m not sure about that dodgeball stuff. If you want to be seen as a high value man, start by doing what high value men. They don’t go to bars looking for women. Have you tried business networking events? Business functions and similar events or places? That’s where you find high value men. And that’s also where you find young women in their late 20s or early 30s who are attracted to mature men who look like they got they shit together.

Now here is a piece of advice I heard some time ago: “You’ll run out of money chasing women. You’ll never run out of women chasing money”.
Work on yourself. Work on your money, your looks, your body, your clothing style and see what happens.


@ksub thanks for your feedback, i really appreciated it (the you tube channel is right on, thanx broda).

Just wanted to clarify that yeah im after women in their 20s cuz of what u said they dont have baggage and usually they give u a chance to interact with them regardless if u have money or not (last weekend i was in a club and hung out for a bit with couple cuties college girls that i met the same night by myself.

Yes eventually the goal for me will be to feel comfortable meeting women by myself and having a wing completely optional (like i did last weekend)

again thanks for the channel suggestion, thats gonna take me to the next level, right now I do have some elegant shirts and nice pants and nice shoes and definitely i am well groomed and put on some versace cologne when i go to the clubs but the channel is gonna make me kick it out of the stadium :star_struck:
I am also taking some good action that will make me a more valuable man, i am lifting some weights and also increase my running routine and it makes me feel effing good about myself. Also I am taking action about bettering my mind (im gonna get some EMDR (a psychological treatment that can help you change unconcious beliefs) done on myself next month.

eventually thats where i will be once i finally believe deep in my mind that I am finally on my way to become a high value man. Right now the only thing of value i can provide other people is my knowledge on certain digital tools that can help people make some money but still i am not proud of myself where i am at my age but im slowly getting better. I gotta admit that i think “Primal Seduction” and “LBFH” (I started listening to it 2 cycles ago) are finally showing some effects on me but i will add professional psychoterapy to the mix.

I am definitely working on myself (my mind specifically) , my body (i feel better since i ramp up runnning and started weights), clothing will be next (thanx to you Ksub) and i started to see some results (feeling better and getting some cute young women chitchatting with me). Thanx again for your reply bro.

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@Incamonk : Good luck on your journey bro! I’m rooting for you. :muscle:

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thanx broda, really appreciate it.

Are LD & Rebirth a great pair together or best to use just one with another sub?

It depends on the nature of your obstacles. If you needed both I would go for CFW as it provides you with excellent healing, limit breaking and reframing. I’ve never listened to a better healing/limit breaking/reframing title. However, I haven’t tried Rebirth or LD in V2.


I just read through this entire thread for the first time. A couple of things.
First off, what kind of women are you approaching? Do you have high standards looks wise? If so, lower them. For now. Seriously.
Yeah, that’s going against some people’s advice on here. Hear me out.
As I understand things you’ve had nothing in the past eight years, and very little before that. I’m not ripping on you, we all have a starting point.
These subliminals can help you get from there to pulling home twenty something nines and tens on a regular basis. However, you are not going to get there in one step.
What you should be looking for right now is a woman (any age will do for now) who is more or less in the same boat as you are. This will get you (and possibly her) a real world success to build on. Once you’ve had one, you’ll have an easier time with another. Then you can start moving your standards.
If it’s been a while, I pretty much guarantee that you can have a good time anyway.
I see too many guys trying to jump to one of the higher rungs of this particular ladder rather than climbing from the lower ones. It doesn’t work well.


sorry @COWolfe I hadnt checked the forum in a while.
Thanks for your suggestion is a very good one, makes sense in many ways and never thought about it.

So what you are suggesting is to start talking to the 5 or 6s in a bar and see how far i can take it and once i become more proficient in kissing them or taking them home then i start trying with the hotties, right?

to clarify i am trying to develop the confidence and skillset to approach and seduce cute women (awake their desire for me) so we start with the basic kiss and develop a short term relationship (could be a very short one (make out and thats it) OR a short term one (having sex regularly for 1 to 3 months)) and after i know i have the skill to awake the attraction in women then i would finally explore the chance to find a real girlfriend to have a meaningful and stable relationship with.

thanks again for posting

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Yup. That’s it more or less. Here’s a pro tip though, and I have a fairly high count throughout the range. In my experience, the major hotties take a lot more effort, and are not as much fun to be with as the regular girls once things actually get going.

Start approaching girls and just kind of let whatever happens happen. You really never know when you’re going to meet one who you want to spend more time with.
Hell, I call my wife the one night stand who wouldn’t go away, and it’s not far from the truth.
Just enjoy the moments as they come.