ZP way of life for JCast

Yesterday I ran a loop of Limitless ZP then last night I ran a loop of Regeneration ZP . i feel like Regeneration ZP hit me the hardest as I had some really weird dreams related to fears I apparently still have.


Looking forward to trying out Regeneration tomorrow after the rest today. Yesterday was Chosen and Wanted. So far everything is smooth…


Kept on misreading the title for “ZP Way of life for JChrist”

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Anything interesting?

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Not much as of yet

Running one loop of EOG QV2 St 1 .
Really tired today.

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You may consider running Regeneration and Chosen before moving to Emperor (and Chosen) depending on the path you want to follow. I personally don’t think there’s a better stack than Emperor and Chosen when it comes to becoming lord of your own destiny.

Here’s a journal with Chosen and Regeneration:


Currently running a loop of Mogul ZP . I will wait a bit and then run a loop of RICH ZP


Day off from listening today. Mogul ZP definitely has me wanting to get things done even though I’m not feeling the best.
Knocked some things out I had no intention of doing but are done now.

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Day off from listening. I am going through some crazy levels of anxiety today. Almost a weird feeling of impending doom.
I felt this way before prior to running Dragon Reborn. Always in survival mode because of my situation at the time. Living in a motel and unsure what would happen next or how I would keep us off the streets

Definitely sticking with Mogul ZP and RICH ZP for the long haul.
Any insight @SaintSovereign ?

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I notice on my on days for Mogul and Chosen running the subliminal, I have a lot anxiety and feelings of doom and trapped. I notice on my off days it fades and the positive effects of the sub start to blend in.

When I was listening to RICH I had tons of feelings of anxiety related to money and career. I think it may be better to just run Mogul for 3 sets of 21 days and stick to the recommended pattern. I find chosen helps a lot as well.

I think RICH is better when you have developed multiple flowing income streams and you want to supercharge them. But you have to build those streams first with Mogul.


I was thinking something similar. If Mogul ZP hits me like this I am curious how Ecstasy of Gold ZP will be.
It’s a bit cliche to say " paradigm shift " or " shift in perspective" .


The anxiety is reconciliation. Make sure not to overexpose yourself. I tested another listening pattern this week and I’m paying the price for it today.