Zp terminus, solace mask worth it?

Title- for those that have experience with it, is it better than normal zp?

Is solace mask the normal rain sound? or is it different?

Solace is the mask you know from normal major store titles. Most recommend to use it, because the free one isn’t as nice, and some say it leads to headache.

It’s usually recommended to start with the regular build. And honestly, I’ve read dozens of Journals, but I’ve only seen terminus or terminus square in older times.
Some have mentioned using terminus(²) but it’s a rare thing in my perception.

you could try one of the free title from the main store…Ascension Chamber, which had been confirmed that the power level of this one is between Terminus and Terminus Square…try it have a feel for it then you will know the different between higher level power and the standard one…besides AC is a booster …it enhances manifestation of other subs :wink:

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