ZP is crazy (less is more)!

Change happens in an instant. How long it takes to get to that point varies. :smiley:



5 minutes is not 5 minutes. That’s how.


  1. Subliminals are messages

You know this part already

  1. One important source of the power of subliminals comes from Repetition.

You know this part already too. In fact, this is the point that is making it hard for you to accept that 5 minutes is enough.

Now please note this point:

  1. When you play the ZP subliminal for 5 minutes (or 15 minutes), your memory LEARNS the message and continues repeating it for a much longer time..

This is why Saint keeps saying that it’s like a jingle, a song, a commercial, or a joke that easily gets into your memory and keeps repeating.

Your memory provides the repetition

Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head?

How long was that song?


That’s the transmutation (disintegrating your “old entity” and integrating the new one) at work and you should wait till it’s done and the emanation (aka manifestations) starts occurring in abundance then you may go back to saturation (aka exposure).


My favorite songs get stuck in my head and annoy the heck out of me. I want answers to this paradox.

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@Sub.Zero is it a one time occurrence or does it happen again and again with each washout?

Does it happen just one time for each new program or Custom we are introducing?

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those who run a title once a week, do you play the title full 15-minutes or do you shorter it?


It happens to me all the time.

3 minutes once a week(-ish).


Or a Voiced GPS that keeps reminding you about how to drive to your desired destination. Might just need a short reminder here and there, to turn here or there.

have you tried to play 15 minutes?

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Are you getting results though?

Everyone —

Why would we tell people to run three minutes if there were no chance of them getting results? That kind of faulty internal would ruin our company. We’re telling you all this because we’re 100% sure that you can get results with three minutes.

Try it. Don’t just take anyone’s word for it.


Originally this was recommended as an interim strategy to minimize recon.

Is that still the way it is being recommended now?

In other words, if I’m not getting intense, negative recon, is there any other reason for me to use shorter loops?

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It’s another tool to manage your subliminal experience. For me, I’m using it as a way to minimize recon in a stressful time, and to stabilize my internal environment. For example, I have incredible flow factor on Sage Immortal. I’ll run a loop and within an hour, I’ll start having incredible insights and manifestations.

It also compels me to read and analyze every single one of those manifestations. I go into mad scientist mode, ignoring everything else until that research is done.

By the time I’m done 20 days has passed and the forum has slid into chaos, rofl.

3 minutes, however, gives me good effects without the mad scientist effect. Later this year, I’ll be taking another little sabbatical into seclusion. I’ll definitely do the longer loops then.

So, there’s many reasons why one should consider using different loop lengths. It’s all about optimizing your experience.


@SaintSovereign : Does flow factor increase over time with the use of subs or are we stuck with what we naturally have?

That’s very clear.

I’ll think of it as a method of Titration.

I want to believe you but time will tell. I am running one three minute title as my stack right now. Not sure if it can really be called a stack since it’s only one sub and one loop.

Not on customs, and really only initially when ZP first came out. Ever since Saint mentioned to run less (first 7 minutes, then 5, then 3) I always reduced and am sitting on 3 minutes now which seems to be best (so far).


Friend. MASSIVE.
BETTER than on 15 minutes, solely because it’s “nicer.” I am not saying I get less results, but it’s more bearable in a daily environment of family, work, etc. I don’t want the subs to run my life, they are an addition to it, so I like them results with as little intereference as possible. Pretty much what Saint described below of going into mad scientist mode :smiley:

I know this wasn’t for me, but he said, as well is my experience, this also dpends a lot on the title.
Primal, money subs I have a BAD flow factor. REALLY bad. Any sort of love and spiritual subs flow EASY.

It seems my mind/personality/soul doesn’t like to be bothered with earthly things too much.

I do, however, think, flow factor tends to increase the longer you run a sub. Simply because initial big things might be reconciled, so you can dive “deeper” into the script.



This is what I look like running 3 mins.

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takes me 3 minutes just to get into a comfortable spot to start listening :frowning: