Zero Point Universe Supplemental Information: Character Bios and More

Perhaps the future will hold ROR

Revelation of Revelations

And we will discover we were all the revelators all along, and never were, until we realized it.


Revelception :ok_hand:


Revelation of Excellence would be such a cool title :slight_smile:

Sounds quite inception-like. :+1:

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I thought the revelator would be a mega combo of revelations.

That might have been a bit intense though. Because all revelations feel like a part of the puzzle and thought together they could be weaved perfectly

Hmm have to think more about my spiritual custom now :joy:

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Itā€™s called Hero: Origins.

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What is this mysterious RoB I regularly read about?
I canā€™t find it in the store or the customs storeā€¦
Did it get renamed?

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Itā€™s a confirmed future title, just not out yet.


I would be willing to give a least a little consideration to giving up the ā€˜Sageā€™ in my name for a character to be introduced in this universe that they can flesh out their title, Hero: Origins.

At least a little.


This art is fire gosh!
Are you using MidJourney for this?
Im very curious about how you achieved this very specific feel and sense of art style to it. Itā€™s pretty consistent yet unique!

Are some artists in the subclub company that are making the final touches to achieve the painterly look?

We pay an artist to send us non-stop concepts of our ideas. Part of the creative process. She may use AI, but I know thereā€™s a lot of digital work that goes into it.


Impressive! Thank you for the reply

Sheā€™s doing a great work!