Your opinion, Why people would talk more to you when

Why would people love talking more to you when you have an alpha vibe?
Even when you seem to care less o invest a lot less in convo they seem happily willing to keep the conversation alive.
Isn’t a paradox that when you are nice they take you for granted and when you show some “alphaness” they crave your attention

One thing is to know it another to experience it


They want security in your certainty.


I like this concept

Because self-respect and power is attractive in a society where everyone is a pushover it makes you stand-out and therefore special. Many thousand other reasons…

I don’t think much of it to be honest. I find much more special the person who can love oneself and others unconditionally.

These are the Masculine and Feminine forces and balance between them is essential to operate in a wholesome manner.

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Yes, i understand your point.

The thing is, while i never behaved as a nice guy or a pushover; i’m more of a maverick type, nevertheless in some occasions i have acted lightly needed around certain people.

Now, i don’t put an act, i don’t make an effort to be chill. I just don’t care and the investment in the interactions has been reversed radically.

I notice this since Emperor and now with Ascension in the last days.

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My perspective regarding my point is this. People are so lost in life. They don’t know if what they are doing is right (even if they tell you they are sure hahaha), there is still this need for validation and making sure you are doing the right thing. You look at others, trying not to stand out too much and all.

That’s how human being have evolved, we are group animals and I would say that the anxiety generated by doubts (and god knows how much anxiety there is this day!!!) and just the existential fear that exists arw encouraging people to find certainty, to find order in thid chaos.

When they see someone certain (a.k.a. a leader, alpha male), they feel reassured. Everything is going to be all right, he is there and he (you in that case) knows what is up.

You become this beacon of “anti-existentionnal-fear” to illuminate them in the darkness of life. They feel safer with you, they feel better with you.

And to be honest, don’t you feel better when you are with someone who exude this aura of certainty, this aura of “everything is gonna be alright” :wink:


Everyone loves Alpha’s lol. They are extremely easy to talk to and vibe with because of a combination of high EQ, high self worth, emotional stability, positivity, self acceptance, etc

They come across as “he’s a great guy” and pretty much everyone smiles at him and wants them in their social circle.

They’re not the typical judgmental, easily triggered, weak frame, constantly complaining type of people that are draining to be around lol