Xavier Chronicles - Chapter 2: Winner Effect

Man… I thought I knew what I wanted but didn’t know it until I was reading people’s journals.

Im 23. I need to bust my ass working and enjoying every single second of it. I don’t wanna be those “grind now, get girls when you’re 30” typa dudes. Thats exactly how I was on Emperor…And honestly that became boring and hella depressing for me.

I wanna experience life the good, the bad and the beautiful.

I wanna have a terrible business week and still shrug it off and meet some girls at the club.

Khan has been making me question my drive for things and made me realize essentially at the root of it was trying to overcompensate for my past of not having fun. Made me subconsciously so calm and unfazed and unreactive I dreamed of.

Renaissance Man saved my childlike spirit and rekindled my love of life in a profound way… being able to be comfortable with my emotions, having the urge to channel it into art? Learning music production?

Stark made me realize that my potential is endless and limitless… and truly to believe it. Keeping that fire burning.

I want my life to be interesting, fulfilling and fun every single day.

Yes I’m going to set myself up for success by thinking and planning for the future, but I wish to truly seize the moment and loose myself in time…

I know myself, pain and unhappiness doesn’t move me like gratitude and happiness does.

Im so sick and tired of exerting force, only way to achieve the life of my dreams is to surrender to power.

Creating real success starts by creating an attractor pattern.

Tbh I was making the most money I ever made in my life working for like 1-2 hours maximum. I was so high It was a snowball. More sales led to less neediness which translated to the next sale and the momentum just carried. This chapter is dedicated to highlighting this Winner Effect


@RVconsultant accidentally selected News, please update it? thanks

Is this the effect of Dragon Reborn? So feisty :kissing_heart:

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As your punishment I sentence you to six months of GLM, Sanguine and LE. :heart:


@Vinci You were running H.O.M before right?

Maybe @Vinci your post should be classified in another thread @Sub.Zero @RVconsultant ?

Yeah HoM I’ve ran since it came out I need to get it out and replace it with stark

Yes I know, I pinged him but I think Saint changed it

Stark and RM has legit unlocked my genius…

Im working super efficiently today but also with a sense of getting lost in time

I don’t even check what time it is

Like I have zero attachment to the result, I just feel so free like im playing a game right now, Ideas coming in, planning and executing,

Im having so much fun rn.

Confidence has me with no doubt… clarity of vision and alignment to my purpose

Everything is perfect right now.


Today made me realize that I’d much rather be broke than to do things I don’t like


What kind of life do you want to be living in 5 years?

travel wherever I want, businesses automated, profits from biz channeled into investments, my art in galleries and exhibits, my music being well known and respected, acting in a few roles for fun, Dating dream girls, going to epic exclusive events, close knit circle

What about UA and Stark, and perhaps HoM?

Are you open to making a custom? If so, what have you thought about putting in the custom?

I love Renaissance Man so I don’t think I’ll run Ultimate Artist tbh, RM is the only sub that has helped me get better emotionally and feel more free and expressive…

It’s really helped me in just being my authentic genuine free self.

I’ve ran HoM since it came out haha that sub has been in my rotation forever Its a thorough part of my being at this point

In terms of Custom, maybe in the future I’ll do a RM and WANTED custom

Lack of action will always be a greater regret than taking action

Sitting at the coffee shop and this girls been eyeing me and I try to smoothly go over there and order coffee to make it “look organic”… as I’m about to order, she lingers behind me for a few seconds, then leaves with her friends

bullshit. shoulda just got up and walked over and introduced myself.

Ego and pride always prevents you from taking action. This “image” you have of your mind, made me realize how prideful I am.

We got dudes being taught from an early age you should be having confidence, but we don’t get taught the root of confidence.

Our confidence as men has always been based on externalities, ego, pride, things we’ve done and accomplished. And it makes us weaker.

Because if we don’t have those externalities… we have low self confidence. Which cascades into a momentum of being treated like shit.

If we do… we tend to never wanna place ourselves in situations where we would get “rejected”

Its funny cause I get rejected and legit forget it, yet somehow that was the main thing… I wanted to look cool and smooth rather than just honest.

Lesson learned haha :slight_smile:

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last night I pulled Angelina Jolie

This is actually crazy manifestations but I just added Angelina Jolie to my Visionboard as kind of an indicator to my “type”

Lo and behold. Met this girl last night who LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE HER.

Also in my Visionboard is my girl gotta have a unique sense of style about her. I love girls that are artsy and into fashion. So hot.

And yup. This girl was the best dressed.

But damn her energy was so contagious. It was on instantly.

Made out in like under 2 mins I’d say. She also told me she’s going to the same city I live.

What are the odds. I was gonna tell her Im leaving in 2 months. But she’s also leaving and going to the same spot.

What are the odds.

Exactly my type. Super receptive. Incredibly positive and warm energy. Radiant and Beautiful.

Hopefully I’ll see her today :slight_smile:


I always get too excited and too attached to a result/outcome…

As a result the universe just keeps repeating the same lesson over and over again until I get the lesson

You have to let go

She seemed so into me…

You have to let go

But she was so awesome…

You have to let go

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Yeah today was definitely a sign… Build the empire and the citizens will come

My attachment to the outcome and result was an indicator for me that this is just based on scarcity.

I don’t got 10 girls on rotation, If I did it wouldn’t affect me as much.

I’m not there yet. I haven’t made it.

I’m not living the life of my dreams.

I go out and I realize I can’t suppress my ambition or “tame” my desires…

There is no f%$King balance with me.

This whole notion of “You gotta take it easy, and be balanced” was fed to us by people who haven’t achieved greatness.

I’m freaking designed for greatness. It’s my natural birth inclination to achieve great things. I can’t stand average to my soul. Average has never been able to stand me lol. I’ve always been an intense dude

I can’t relate and now? I don’t wanna relate to mediocrity.

Yeah girls were my main goal but I realize that I’m just looking for them to accompany me, and from a subjective sense I don’t stand out as the clear cut choice

It’s like that basketball team and why I got cut. I wasn’t head and shoulders best one there. It wasn’t clear. And because I wasn’t the best. I had to get treated like absolute trash by the coach. Begging for a spot of a “practice player”… I was absolutely pathetic…

I think thats what Khan is trying to tell me right now

Unless Its clear, I’ll still have to put up with the bullshit 99% of the male population goes through. You know? Having to wait for her to text ya back? Waiting on her all day no reply? Hoping she likes me?

MAN. Hoping she likes me???

Because it’s not clear I’m a Khan. I talk and behave like a Khan. I think like a Khan… But I’m not royalty yet. I’m still a Slave lol.

So yeah it makes sense. If I was Drake or a Celeb would she be doing this? Nah.

I gotta get everything I can control right first. I can’t control women, or whatever so I’m pretty much just done focusing on something that I cannot control. Causes anxiety, needless headache, extreme confusion. I just don’t care anymore. I’m done tryna figure out girls.

I can’t control the fact she has a boyfriend or she had an ex that ruined her self esteem. I notice it’s so many bullshit running around and passed around and I don’t wanna deal with that.

Women should not be our focus.

Embark on that journey alone

Fasting tomorrow, and just recalibrating


It’s weird but I realize I always force things. I’m impatient as hell and I always want things now.

I’ll force and force and force and force things until I am exhausted

I can’t let go, I find it impossible to just be guided…

I have to admit, I’m not ready for Khan yet. It has been a deep journey into my psyche and I found out that my lifestyle is causing me to be profoundly unhappy…

So why expect a girl to join that?

I have to achieve my goals and get steady cashflow first. I have horrible and loose habits, sleep schedule all over the place, etc.

I need 100% focus on my dreams and goals right now. I have to build my lifestyle that makes me happy.

It’s time for Emperor.


Also… one book title that really stands out to me is Men want Sex and Women want Love…

And I realize that I want Love from someone

I thought I understood Beauty as the absence of Ugliness. But you gotta accept it all.

You don’t love someone until you accept them for who they are. Their flaws. Their disgusting past.

After being exposed to the ugly these last few days. Made me realize that my frustration in relationships is based on my unwillingness to accept the ugly.

I will never get love from someone. It’s never love.

Only I can love myself. Nobody else.

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