Wolf's Journal 2022

I’m staring a new journal here.
My old journal:

I’m planning to do the following:
The sub I’m going to use is Ascension ZP. I have done mostly healing type subs and now i want to start focussing more on building myself up.
Starting with Ascension solo. After 21 days, ill add Limitless.
21 days more later, ill replace Ascension with Ascended Mogul.
After that, I’m adding Quantum Limitless and removing Limitless.
And at some point, I’m thinking of adding Daredevil.


Excellent plan, bro!


I definitely can’t handle more loops of a title. Yesterday I did two loops op Ascension. Afterwards, my head felt heavy like I consumed too much information.

Today, I’m also feeling energetically low.

Monday and yesterday I felt good though. On Sunday, I played only one loop of Ascension.
I’m just going to stick to one loop.


On the topic of the personality types: I’m a INFP-t, when I did the test 3 years ago. I might redo the test this weekend to see if anything changed.

I do recognize myself in the description of this type though.
One problem these types can have is that they are too much in their head. Which can be an issue with me.
With Ascension, I’m hoping to ground myself and get out of my head.


Whenever I think of doing more loops:

from Imgflip Meme Generator


Bwahahaha! Good one!


That’s the very reason I chose the username Malkuth.

I’m an INFP-T as well.

Your planned approach is great.


I remade the 16personalities test and also this time the result is: INFP-T.

Since starting Ascension I’ve been very conscious of the information I consume. At the moment, I’m removing a lot of stuff I think I don’t need.
I have a tendency to overconsume on information like books, podcast, YouTube and audiobooks. I have a lot of e-books I bought but not started, or half way read.

Decided to not read most of these books. I really need to focus more on doing instead of consuming more information at this time in my life.


Ditto! Amen to that, bro.

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Nice insight. Thank you for sharing.

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Currently thinking of postponing adding limitless and going for Ascension + Daredevil.
The reason for this is that I want to focus more on my confidence, inner status, and social abilities. I always liked this part from the dales page, it describes exactly what I want to achieve:

Imagine being able to relax in any social situation, and just have fun, without worrying if you can attract a woman or be good with someone else. Imagine just completely letting go, and letting yourself fully embrace life and the moment, without a single limiter or worrying about making a mistake.