When to build Ultima or Q Custom

Might also be related to the extent of the intended healing.

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As a general guideline if I make an Ultima, the module is in a Q format as well. The exception would be something like Elixir which is Ultima only. I understand that Ultima can create lasting changes. However I conservatively take the booster approach.

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Didn’t understand this. Could you elaborate?

My guess is he makes both a Q and an Ultima custom as a pair. The Ultima is a booster for the Q. And the modules that are in the Ultima are also in the Q if possible. So putting the same module in both customs.

That’s how I’m interpreting it anyways.


@DarkPhilosopher 's posts above is correct. Thanks man!

For example if I’m listening to an Ultima with Harmonic Singularity, I have a Q with Harmonic Singularity as well.


@DarkPhilosopher, @RVconsultant - in that case, if a person could only build one, is the Q custom preferable compared to Ultima custom?

I honestly don’t know.

If I had to pick one at this point, I would pick Ultima if my module list was less than 10, and Q if my module list was 10+

So I’d pick for pragmatic reasons.

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I’d pick a Q. Slow and steady wins the race. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the knowledge, @RVconsultant and @DarkPhilosopher

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Well, don’t leave us hanging. Which one will you pick? :wink:

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Most probably Q Custom especially for its lower price lol.

But right now am waiting for the new titles and their corresponding Q Cores before deciding anything


In all fairness, even though Ultima can produce lasting change, I think I’m leaning towards @DarkPhilosopher’s idea of slow and steady. I wonder, but cannot prove, that Qv2 might be less likely to cause fatigue than Ultima. Again it’s a guess.

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What did I miss???

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SaintSovereign mentioned that some new titles are coming:

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Haha same… new SC titles always interests me. My stack is heavy but they come up with the most interesting stuff. I’m looking forward to a stand-alone Hero and the Seductor sub

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Indeed :grin:.There’s something inspiring about seeing new titles. Even if we won’t use them immediately, they do show how much more is possible

Fingers crossed, bro. Hope the ladies get their long awaited MONARCH too

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Reading the rest of that thread it turns out Saint meant upgraded titles, not new products.


As far as I know, that’s what Saint does, probably good to module (just kidding model) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

One Q and One Ultima for fastest shifts and/or peak performance.

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Exactly I was thinking the same.

Because QV2 upgrades have been delayed multiple times, I think the new “titles” are just the upgrades.

But who knows, right?

No, he literally confirmed it: