When did ZP first start coming out?

I started using subliminals after everything switched to ZP. SB is pretty much my first experience with subs if u don’t count a decade ago i tried a few YT subliminals for a short time which didn’t do anything.

I keep reading posts and it gets confusing ppl referencing old technology i never used and don’t know anything about.

I think it might help me understand knowing when ZP started. so when did ZP subliminals first come out?

Zp came out around 1 year ago


The first official ZP was released 1 December 2021.


And that 's how everything started .


Not even a full year of ZP and I can say I’m nothing like I was a year ago. It’s like my entire subconscious was overhauled and upgraded.


When you buy a new car, do you worry about why the outdated model was discontinued? Probably not! You just get in your new vehicle and you enjoy the ride! Same here!


When I first started using subs with Sub Club in Fall 2019, the average length of the subliminal programs was generally 40 to 45 minutes. A program would be played for repeated loops each day. Some people used to put them on at bedtime and play them overnight nonstop while sleeping.

The first big transition I experienced was the Q build. Q stood for the ‘Quintessence’ build. I believe that this was when Sub Club started to make big strides with program automation. The Q-software automation process was developed together with stronger scripting, custom subliminals, and new experimental build strengths (The Terminus builds). Those innovations were released in the period of about May to June 2020. Now subs were all 1 hour long. They could still be played for multiple times.

Then in Spring 2021 came a further upgrade: Q version 2 (known as Qv2). This brought a sharp increase in the power of the subliminals. We were advised to play a program for no more than one 1-hour loop. And processing days between listening days became a serious standard guideline. The Qv2 programs were very powerful and brought rocket-like results, but they also came along with heavy recon for a lot of people. I never had a problem with them, I think. Of course, I remember sticking very closely to the listening guidelines like a timid bunny rabbit (…most of the time). But they were definitely Hulk-level. Heavy-duty.

The next innovation, ZP, was to come soon afterwards. Fire and Saint were developing the technology in the Summer of 2021. Then in September and October 2021, they invited a few volunteers for a trial run of the prototype-ZP build. Based on that trial and their other data, they further refined the ZP build. By November/December 2021, there were already a few ZP programs available. And in December 2021/January 2022, all of the programs in main store were gradually shifted over to the ZP build.

That was an exciting time. But also a bit mind-bending for many people.

For the first time, we had subliminals that were not only 1) 15 minutes in length, but that also 2) were still generating very powerful results and still needed to be listened to within stricter and more specific listening guidelines.

(Imagine someone who was here before I was, for example. That person would have been purchasing a 45 minute program and possibly playing it up 24-hours a day. Now, they had a 15 minute program that would be played just a couple of times per week.)

Pretty amazing.

And ZP has been the gold standard for Sub Club and for the subliminals industry at large for just about a year now.

And there have been a lot of other developments here too. I haven’t mentioned the Ultima build that was quite popular in 20/21; or the evolution of the Q-Store for user-selected Custom subliminals. (And people who were here before I was experienced even more innovations and leaps.)

Eventually, they should make some kind of online History of Sub Club virtual exhibit. :wink:


I think you did a pretty good job yourself :ok_hand:


That brought me so much clarity. Thank you

Im going re-read this later so i can remember it.

Can you explain ultima too? is that after Q and Qv2?