What would happen if overexposed to Diamond ZP?

Just curious what would happen if I was to overexpose myself to Diamond ZP? Would I end up Super Horny and walking around with a Boner all day?

So many other interesting things to be curious about and you choose this. :slightly_smiling_face:



Was this one of those asking for a friend…, or are you walking around just now super horny and with a constant boner? :cucumber::laughing:


There’s quite a few potential things I can envision.

You could end up like Jason Stackhouse from True Blood… I’ll let you look that up.

You could end up with reverse results and be on spaghetti noodle indefinitely.


You could follow the recommendations, and avoid the unnecessary consequences.


Best case scenario, your dick grows 2 inches overnight and you last 2 hours in bed, worst case scenario you develop Priapism and have your dick removed… Not worth it IMO.

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