What will be your Quintessance Zero Point Stack (+ Qv2 customs if any)?

Of course, I have already a journal. I bet it is going to get more exiting soon!

You can find it here.

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I’ve been waiting for the official announcement to decide on a new stack. After seeing the list I’m going with:


I’m going all in on physical healing. I will always have a sweet spot for Spartan since it helped me lose 40 lbs. Excited to see what the ZP update brings. :muscle:


With the list of the Preview coming out,

Sage Immortal x2
Spartan x1

Both will be in ZP so I’m pretty stoked.

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Spartan helped you lose 40 pounds? That’s awesome. Congrats

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Thanks! I also used Emperor Fitness ST1-3 and would occasionally use Paragon. Spartan was the one I listened to the most. It works well.

I saw you post recently you were thinking of using EF St2. Did you end up using it?

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Not yet. But I may in the future

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Entrepreneur Stack

I feel really lost and feel like this this the Pathfinder to wealth subliminal stack all QZP

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DIAMOND( but only when I need it )


Ever since running my first ZP title, I am having an insatiable desire to go back to Khan when the ZP version comes out.


@friday probably because the ZP script is telling you that KHAN is the sub that gels the best with you.

it’s like me with WANTED, I just can’t stop it even if I tried, the same goes for Chosen now too, they both gel so well with me and my “core”, that if I try to think about removing them, I just get filled with unease.


Running Chosen and Primal Seduction.


I’m beginning to feel that way about PSZP…on a spur of the moment decision I made my computer wallpaper that pic of the guy in the suit with the girl laid out on the couch underneath him. For some reason the energy of that picture is really resonating with me in my energetic core.


How’s that stack working for you @dorfmeister ?

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I have only run it Wed, Fri , and now will run it Sunday night. I don’t have any insights yet, but hope to notice more soon.


Same thing goes to me with Primal Seduction ZP :slight_smile: need more titles to try to figure out what are my real affections!


I may swap out Sage Immortal for Limitless in my stack, as l will be attending a trade school and want to excel, not simply graduate.

@Tomcat i think you are more of a heart song person i feel.love in your heart.