What makes a celebrity?

It all makes sense now. My childhood dream of being a ninja confirmed by my aura.

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Definitely a challenge for the guidance counselor.

I recommend that you apply to undergraduate programs in…rural Japan. Preferably, medieval rural Japan.


I chose the wrong word. Instead of calling everyone in this thread - ignorant, I should’ve said uneducated or unaware about “Celebrity Management” and Personal Branding.

Posts above are equating/confusing:
Success (in a career/business)
Mastery (in a skill/passion/talent – including but not limited to performance arts), and
Fame (name recognition / being published & talked about).

These are by and large entirely disconnected from each other.
To have acquired any 1 of these, need not imply that you must also have either of the other two.

Sure there will be a few who have achieved all 3, but those are the exceptions – hence, unnecessarily difficult examples.

Considering that @pacman lost interest in this topic soon after starting the thread, I didn’t see the point posting this before – or even looking up specific examples right now.



I didny lose interest. Your ppst helped me realise that its not what it seems like and what social media protrays it to be like.

You broke it down very nicely and that made me understand it.

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Well how would I know? You didn’t even like the post!


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I dont like the post i like you :heart_eyes:

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You did nothing wrong. Ignorant means to be unaware or to IGNORE right knowledge. If someone feels negatively to being labeled as such, they should take it as an opportunity to grow, instead of choosing to feed their ego further.


@Simon causes trouble in all threads. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Joking @Simon !

You are on of the few that give real solid advice.


No no, you are right, Simon’s a real troublemaker :upside_down_face:


Burp to Simon


I will not even indulge into any debate here. Because it’s not worth anyone’s time, especially not mine. Where I can prove otherwise of what this gentleman is saying.

To think only you are educated on a topic and everyone else is wrong or the way you put it in a such polite way that " we are uneducated" ( thank you for the euphemism, much appreciated, Sir). That is some next level knowledge you have, we are just living under the rock. With absolute no knowledge of reality, I wish I had some of the knowledge you have.

Also, the unbiased nature of flagging a comment is so up to the mark, kudos to forum adminstration here. Yesterday, i received a great lecture about condescending, direct, indirect insults. And I can see, everyone is following the guidelines to the T. Nice.

He is a hooligan

@RVconsultant i order you to ban this bigot.


Wow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I actually wanna see a thread where just @Simon and @TheBoxingScientist engage in a long conversation, would be interesting to say the least :joy:


It won’t work. We tried once.

Within a few posts…




Sorry, I don’t see what’s so insulting about being “uneducated in celebrity management.”

What’s the big deal if one is?


Even after listening to music for 40+ years, I am completely uneducated in music.

I couldn’t tell C Minor from E Flat, or how they could both come out of a piano and also a drum! It’s bloody mind-boggling to me. :exploding_head:

If someone here asked about “how to make music” and I went on and on about Talent, Creativity, Hard Work, Emotion, Persistence, and all that …

Then someone came up and said: “Dude Simon, it’s a repeatable process. If it were so emotional, those music producers on upwork & fiverr couldn’t make 3 new pieces a day. Can you imagine how impossibly draining that would be?”

And he’d be right. Absolutely right.


Just because people use technology for decades, does not mean they’re educated in, or know how to make new technology.

Just because people buy from businesses for decades, does not mean they’re educated in, or know how to build a successful business.

Just because people have watched movies for decades, does not mean they’re educated in, or know how to make movies.

Just because people have read news for decades, does not mean they’re educated in, or know how to make news themselves.


It’s not a big deal. I fall in these categories myself.


Oh, and about the proper meaning of educated/uneducated… like having had a college level study of something…

I have said before. I was a dropout entrepreneur.

I am possibly the least formally educated person on this forum.

Don’t even feel ashamed/insulted saying it.



There we go @GoldenTiger , @simon starting trouble again.


I was kidding no need to ban our lovely friend Simon :slight_smile:

So making a mountain out of molehill is your thing. I get it now. About this education point.

The examples you have given are flawed but you won’t be able to see them. I don’t think you understand education enough.

I will just give you one example, and will leave you with it. If people are using technology, they have the knowledge to use a particular technology, they are educated in that area.

Again education is subjective and objective. I may not know how to make new technology but i do know how the new technology should be made.

Subjective learning is based on emotions, personal opinions, informal learning etc

Objective leaning is based on practical, formal learning etc

You Sir, we are debating on Subjective learning and you are giving examples of Objective learning. I mean this a work of pure genius.

I believe, you have absolutely no objective learning in " this topic of celebrities " right?

Everything is Subjective? Yes? Like everyone else here, we all have Subjective knowledge about it. Again I have to simplify, A) You are not a celebrity B ) You are not a manager of celebrity C) You don’t own a company that manages celebrities.

Then Sir, you have a Subjective education based on Subjective learning. Like everyone else here.

I can go on and on about how you just take a molehill of a point and make mountain out of it. That is a talent, Sir.

My problem was never with your opinion. You don’t get it, do you?

My problem was you just labelled everyone ignorant and uneducated on a particular topic and projected yourself as all knowledgeable being.

Where, your knowledge on this topic was subjective. Based on your beliefs, your POV. Like everyone else’s here.

So there is no difference of education here. There is no difference of knowledge here. We all are sharing our point of views. And if you think your POV is the only correct POV, then Sir, it’s your problem, which you should keep to yourself.

If it was objective education, which can be proved, right or wrong like 2+2, I would have understood but it’s absolutely Subjective.

I hope I’m clear enough.

Mess with the Tiger, you get the claw

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