What is your favorite sub release this year?

(New) Emperor




Oh wow this one really had that big effect on you. What did you experience on it?

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Are you talking about Hero or WTP?

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WTP but now I’m curious about hero as well


I only started WTP but it’s seems like the title I always wanted, i used PCC in the past and it gave me very good results, i was able to see through the manipulation of my sister and how she is exactly like my father and i know how to handle her now

On Hero i was doing muay thai and every workout i was better than the workout before, my trainer is 40, he did muay thai all his life, is a trainer for the last 18 years and did hundreds of fights, he said he never saw someone improving so fast

I was fearless during fights and was emotionless, when i say emotionless i don’t mean like a psychopath but like no anger when i get hit and no fear, only pure reaction, it was like art


Oh wow that’s super cool. Guess I be running hero if I start doing muay thai again

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I will run Hero again in the future when om doing kuay thai again, right now I don’t have money to pay for kuay thai gym and no car to get there lmao

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guys who love Khan Black


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Biggest reason the massive amount of untapped energy you tap into


For me it brought subliminals (but also meditation, sport, health…) a couple of leagues up.

When I started with SC I was a hard gainer, ZP changed that quite a bit, but with Khan Black… really everything changed. I gained pretty instant and more results. With early ZP I had to concentrate on one goal, take action, and it worked but it took time. Everything is speeded up now. And Khan Black feels… openended. It is just force of life.


it is inspiring me to purchase Khan Black


It is my all-time favourite.

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My teenage self would say ‘Wanted Black’…

…but my adult self knows it is ‘Khan Black’ for sure.


KB for the win for much better quality sex. It’s ‘hard’ to describe what a full body orgasm feels like.

I have read about the practice of orgasm without ejaculation but was never able to make progress with it. With KB it ‘comes’ naturally with minimal conscious effort.

Overall increased level of energy throughout the day. The sex drive remains dormant for the most part but easily able to ‘rise’ to the occasion.


I used to always be pretty good with sex, but Khan Black made me tap into the energetics of it for sure. It’s so much deeper now (that’s what she said)

Also yeah it speeds up the results of the rest of your stack


Wb or khan black

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I REALLY want the physical in HERO without the other elements, I don’t there is another physical sub like it.


Have you tried Spartan?

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With all this hype for KB Update time I believeeeee