What is this called?

It seems mental time travel gives a strong impression for your experience, what did you think of that wiki?

That one did make sense. It’s almost like my brain is adding a potent sensory aspect to it

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Wouldn’t it be cool if through memory, we could travel back to memories and experience them as present before returning back to our correct timeline?

One of my favorite movies is “The Butterfly Effect” with Ashton Kutcher. I do believe that it might be somehow possible to mentally go back and change stuff, I’m just not sure yet how to do it.


Yes, absolutely. When you figure it out, msg me :grinning:

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@Palpatine Not really the same experience but…

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In 2000, or 2001, I had a dream where I found myself walking down the sidewalk near a Naval base/shipyard I’d just been at earlier that year before transferring to my current duty station.

The previous station was where we’d just decommissioned the submarine I was on.

So I’m walking down this sidewalk, and go lucid once I realize “Hey I’m not at that shipyard anymore! This is a dream!”.

In the dream, I go on the base/shipyard, and go to the boat. I go on board the duty barge we had assigned to us. I start telling people there I’m lucid dreaming and that I mentally time travelled back from about a few months to a year in the future.

Of course, nobody believes me. I start panicking for some reason because nobody believed me.
I then realize that I can’t wake up like I usually would be able to. So I’m legit STUCK in this lucid dream, panicking that nobody believes me.

I finally realize that if I focus hard enough, I can sense the position my IRL body is in, so I lay on the floor of this barge, all these people looking at me like I’m stupid, and I move my dream body around and adjust until it’s a perfect match for my IRL body.

That was enough to let me wake up.

There are times thinking back on that where I swear it seems as if I really time travelled back.

I always had experiences like I wanted to have something and putting strong meaning into it. The feelings is there but that something is not around. When you keep on believing on things that wasn’t there, you will create a new reality. Its like when you go into a dream state. The longer you hold unto that moment the faster it will come to you. In quantum state there is no such things as distance or time, you might smell the ocean in Hawaii or even feel the wind blowing.

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Sounds like Neville Goddard teaching :purple_heart:

Definitely. It’s one of those movies everybody needs to see

I love your profile pic!

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Thanks besty :heart:

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I have been wondering if the newer formats are some how giving us the potential to modify how we might be able to perceive this 3d reality, as well as time.

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Something I have noticed on RoD is that reality seems to become more malleable, and dream and physical reality get closer together. Sometimes in the form of glimpses of the dreamlike nature of physical reality - reality being very much dreamlike for a few moments. I’m well aware that I’m awake those times - it’s not something that gets me ungrounded. Overall, it does shift perception of reality, subtly, to be a bit less “real”, and I find it quite beneficial. I guess saying reality gets a bit broader, and more open, would also be fair. It is subtle - I’ve got a heck of a lot of physical reality to deal with at the moment and that’s working perfectly fine. I actually think the shift of perception may help here.
It might be something useful to experiment with.


This sounds like Tibetan dream methods.

Well, yes. It is a huge support if you’ve got any practice of illusory form going. :slight_smile:
That does give a conceptual framework, but at the same time, what RoD brings to the table has a very natural, flowing feel, less “practice” than naturally catching glimpses of something that just “is”. Difficult to describe.

Have you done the practice that… I think you structure your days so you sleep 4 hours, then awake for 4 hours, the repeat, etc. such that waking and dreaming/sleep merge?

No way I can do that in my day. For now, I need to stick with practices that leave my day somewhat untouched and still get me enough sleep.

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I have a persistent, call it daydream, call it mental exercise about that.
More or less, my point of consciousness gets sent back to a certain point on my personal timeline with these subs to see how starting them at that point would effect the course of my life. No future memories, that’s cheating.
I have a lot of time to think, so I came up with exactly what to run for the first year, and an action plan.
As I said, I have a lot of time to think.


Only if you’re competing with someone other than yourself.