What is this called?

Well, yes. It is a huge support if you’ve got any practice of illusory form going. :slight_smile:
That does give a conceptual framework, but at the same time, what RoD brings to the table has a very natural, flowing feel, less “practice” than naturally catching glimpses of something that just “is”. Difficult to describe.

Have you done the practice that… I think you structure your days so you sleep 4 hours, then awake for 4 hours, the repeat, etc. such that waking and dreaming/sleep merge?

No way I can do that in my day. For now, I need to stick with practices that leave my day somewhat untouched and still get me enough sleep.

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I have a persistent, call it daydream, call it mental exercise about that.
More or less, my point of consciousness gets sent back to a certain point on my personal timeline with these subs to see how starting them at that point would effect the course of my life. No future memories, that’s cheating.
I have a lot of time to think, so I came up with exactly what to run for the first year, and an action plan.
As I said, I have a lot of time to think.


Only if you’re competing with someone other than yourself.

Wouldn’t feel right. If it were up to me, I might give myself a letter with some general advice, but nothing like “avoid girlfriend #4, or “invest in defense stocks before September of next year” I would bet that with a year or so on Ascension would have me avoiding #4 anyway.
It’s a matter of seeing what changes I’d make with the subs. Any more would kind of ruin the experience.

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@Palpatine I take it you can read the post you’re replying to as normal?

I can see it yep

What we experienced on our waking state affects our dreams, that is if we can fall asleep. Dreams can be like that when you are awake or everything does not make sense at all.

The more we can get control of our dreams or emotions, whether those dreams are fantasy or real, the more makes our life better.