What are you most excited for next?

For me that definitely is Q+, can’t wait!

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What are you currently running, my friend?

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Name embedded Khan.
B ultima


a T2 custom,QLQ,UAQ,DR and planning to add LBU to the playlist tomorrow…so,it is really dense…and I already had plan for the next fifteen years subliminal use…so…you could see the dilemma here…

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@Sebastian_Po - Can understand. When RM comes though, you will be able to free up space in your stack

Since elements of QL, UA and LBU will already be available in RM, you can replace all 3 of them with RM. RM will surely have learning and creativity goals in it

After a while, you can add LBU since I believe that it will help boost RM’s productivity

I can’t comment on your terminus square custom since I don’t know what is in it. If is unrelated to RM, you can stack both of them

Yeah, but the distance you run might be longer :wink:

What I’ve noticed is that when I stop hurrying and stop caring that much, things tend to happen much faster.

Maybe it’s just me.


well,you make your point…just one thing though…LBU=love bomb ultima…I dont think this is something in the RM…anyway,just my guess…maybe saint and fire knows better…thanks your advice and kindness …

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It probably is

@Sebastian_Po - woops. My bad. I kinda confused LBU with LEU (Limitless Executive Ultima)

Well, at least you can still consider replacing QL and UA with RM at least. Upto you ofcourse. Cheers!

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I may run Paragon until I become immortal

The Immortal Sarcastic Hippie.


@Sub.Zero is the resident SubClub hippie


I stand corrected.

So that would make you The Immortal Sarcastic Poor Man’s @Sub.Zero


It’s a talent

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Not saying it’s gonna happen but who knows. When building out custom subs AI recommendations based on what would integrate with you best. Sometimes you can’t see past your own biases so having some kind of recommendations based on entries from journals would be interesting. The whole AI usage in subclub is next level in general.

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Maybe an in depths questionnaire, that can recommend programs or modules.


We are the same AI platform.

Q+, ultima+ and all module packs

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Did I read that right!
You sure you didn’t mean weeks or months?
