Voice Enhancement

Last month, I delivered a presentation to a large audience. Yesterday, several managers approached me, complimenting my voice and suggesting that I narrate a presentation for them, highlighting the best moments of 2024.

My current stack is LOTS stacked with my StarkOG/limitless custom. I want to enhance my voice by adding modules.

To enhance the attractiveness of my voice furher i could use emperors voice or voice is the law.

Any other suggestions ?


RM: Vibes Stage 2

SPS: Endocrine System (secret OP module)
SPS: Respiratory System (Lung capacity might alter your voice to a point, while using your chest voice)
A/SPS: Organs (maybe if you get it to focus on your diaphragm)

Speech related modules:

Synergy: Tale of the Dragon
Power Talk
Gentleman’s Speech
Whispered Power


I had Voice is the Law in a custom last year. I felt it after only a few loops.

Results were great while running it, vanished soon after. Now with more healing subs, the results reappear from time to time, sometimes even more distinct than while I ran it.

I guess/hope that they’ll be permanent at some point.


I purchased Roger Love’s Vocal Power program years ago. There is a daily warmup track of 17 min. I recorded and perform the first 7 minutes of it almost daily and it makes a difference in vocal resonance.

Through limited testing EmpD worked better than Khan with vocal range for me.

Last but not least. Never underestimate the power of Intention to develop a powerful magnetic resonating voice


Everyone here made great and useful suggestions.

Voice is the Law being the obvious module. Adding the speech modules that @Bull_of_Shiva_999 would amplify your results.

I would like to point out that Daredevil would offer a range of other benefits over the modules. Perhaps test it out before your speech and see if you like it.

Maybe a custom with MDFY: Now plus the voice and speech modules, calming modules, and a core of DD and GLM: Commander? You could use this as it the mdfy is intended, like old school ultimas


With Stark AND the New Limitless …

You’ll be fine.

Perfect blend for a speaker.



Its a magnetic combo when presenting to a large audience. It puts you in the flow state i was challenged several times after the presentation but whatever came my way i was able to fire back with suitable responses. One of the female employees did comment saying i have a very beautiful voice.

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Khan and GLMC are the ones that reliably alter my voice to be deep very swiftly. Within the first few days.

Pre-leadership and Pre-Subclub (2021)

Ascending leadership and about 5 months into first runs of OG Khan (December 2022, a few months after I joined)

Data isn’t ultra-reliable, however there was a change in depth. Could also just be me growing up too. Cheers.


Yeah its probably just puberty :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ahh yeah… <3


Go Commando, @RockyHandsome



What app is this?
I’d like to use this for reference as well.

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Vocular @Parsifal

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