Viktor’s Victory Venture (HeO + LBFH + RM:UWX)

you’re worried about too much productivity? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, i remember saint said that mogul has the executive function in it, and that + DRLD were enough to get my productivity into overdrive.

Imagine if i use the actual executive or LE. I don’t think i’m ready nor do i need that much productivity either.


Cycle 6 day 20


I feel my body is taller, wider, more defined, better posture etc.
It feels like it looks better.

I don’t know if the measurements have changed, but i don’t care. I feel better about my body, and that’s all i care about.

I like WB’s physical shifting scripts

LBFH makes everything feel better and smoother.

Update 1:

One of the familiar effects of LBFH happened again.
i felt pissed earlier and it felt like the universe was doing its best to make me feel good again. i didn’t ask for it, it just did. this is distinctly LBFH.

the manifestation can be random but there are a lot.

Update 2:

LBFH fixed this.

Update 3:

I don’t need to ask for anything, the subs just know what I want, sometimes before I’m consciously aware that I want it, and give me exactly what I want + multiple other choices.

sometimes multiple manifestations come from the most random places. I just need to choose which of those I want like a king being fed fruits in old cartoons.

not using LBFH for a cycle showed me that I had taken some of the effects for granted. being treated like royalty by the universe is really an experience. this hasn’t only happened once, i talked about this multiple times in this journal and a lot more that i don’t post here.

LBFH is the ultimate manifestation sub. my first big money related manifestation wasn’t even on mogul, it was when i ran my first cycle of only LBFH.
love energy is really a mystery. i personally don’t really care about the intricacies, I’m just enjoying my life & the effects that subs give me. if it works, it works.

even a sub that’s not focused on manifestation is this strong. i wonder what will happen if i use a pure manifestation sub like R.I.C.H… mogul’s manifestations alone are insane, imagine if i use that.

I need to focus on my stack. LBFH + RMUW + Chosen for the next cycle. no more searching for another sub.


Cycle 6 day 21

LBFH 15m + 15m

I’m getting random information about perfumes and cologne here and there. i didn’t even actively seek for them. they came out of nowhere.

this WB manifestation is funny.

Update 1:

I listened to LBFH

A dam broke down on the 4th cycle and now I always cry when I listen to it.

I don’t know how to describe how it feels. it doesn’t feel sad or bad at all.
I feel free, vulnerable but safe. a lot of other subtle good feelings too.

Update 2:

Productivity good.
No recon.
Using Mogul for 30s every 6 days works for me.

Update 3:

I listened to LBFH again

someone said that I can split the stack into 2 different time in the same day. I’ll try it with a light sub. if I get a recon, I’ll have the 5 days washout period anyway.

Update 4:

that was a bad idea, lol. i don’t know if I’m having a recon or overexposure now.


Rest day 1

I feel like my intuition is being sharpened after i listened to LBFH this cycle.

When i get the nudge to leave, cut my speaks short etc, do it.

It’s great, i just need to listen and trust my intuition. I don’t need too much second guessing.


Restday 2

I think i got a recon yesterday. i don’t remember enough to describe it, it just felt bad.

LBFH for 15m in the morning + 15m in the night was too much.

Update 1:

Negative self talk is almost gone. i can still feel bad, but negative self talk is mostly gone. if I do, it doesn’t chain up to different negative self talks.

I didn’t have a lot of negative self talk to begin with. LBFH enhanced that even more, a lot more.


Restday 3

The subliminal dream is back, i forgot what I dreamed about though lol
I always have a dream in the 5 days washout period

Vipassana helps me a lot lately. I don’t do the exercise consistently, but I use the concept a lot in my daily life

Update 1:

Whenever i feel bad, the universe is throwing everything at me to make me feel better.

When i feel good, LBFH enhances it even more.

Maybe it’s because WB was too heavy or it doesn’t align with the person that i want to be, but i get more girls & deeper relations on LBFH instead. Maybe i simply need to run WB longer.

The emotional control, detachment, physical shifting, increased sexual vigor, positive body image, and workout motivation from WB were really good though.

I may run WB again in the far future just for these effects.


I’m holding the urge to run LBFH solo. I can’t afford to have my productivity decreased now.

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Make that custom with LBFH / LE :slight_smile:


I should, rofl.

I have been considering an LBFH Chosen custom with productivity modules to see the effects, but i need to use chosen first to see if i really want it in my custom or not

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i really want to immediately use HERO in the next cycle.
but if it’s as dense as WB, I’ll delay it a bit longer before starting it.
i want DRLD, WB, and perhaps Mogul to be done processing in my head first.
WB has taught me that artisanal titles are no joke. I’ll follow the 12 day rule properly.

I reread the description, everything fits me perfectly like it’s tailor made for me.
except for the swordfighting, nothing in it is not what i already aspire and thrive to be. Even the super strength

Everything in it is what i want to be in a sub.


Rest day 5

I feel like i’m still processing the subs? It might be the case, but it can also be just a feeling and has nothing to do with subs.
Maybe i’ve been working too much.

Productivity is still good, but the workout motivation is nowhere near when i still used WB.

The next cycle will be LBFH + HO. I’m still waiting for the wooden sword to be delivered LOL.

Learning from what i impulsively did with WB a month ago, I hold myself back from buying HO before the scheduled listening day. I can’t violate the 12 day rule if I don’t have the sub to play.

Update 1:

it was not because of subs processing, I was having a headache a few hours after I wrote that. i think it’s from sleeping late this past few days.

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I’m obviously not sword fighting (yet) but if you’re in any sports, or even big into fitness that involves a mind-body connection, HERO will be awesome for you

And the 1-1 component that’s helpful for swirdfighting… IIRC… is even mentioned to be helpful for other 1-1’‘s like chess?? Or am I misremembering?

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i don’t know if i will do sword fighting either, I’ll just grab the sword and see where life & the sub lead me. i may get into sword fighting, choreography, or no set direction at all.

yes, I’m really into fitness. i’m excited to see the effects of HO compared to WB. everything in HO is everything I want in a sub down to the absurdly niched subjects that it covers, sword fighting is the only outlier. I can think about this sub as having a wise father who teaches you many great life lessons, but he urges you to learn about swords for some reason, lol.

i don’t think it helps with 1-1 only with sword fighting. it should help with other forms of confrontations too. i can’t say for sure though.

It’s not about sword fighting. I just won first place in a wrestling competition I had no business winning - finals was against an actual wrestler that weighed 30 pounds more than me. Meanwhile I don’t wrestle :rofl:

The combat scripting was insane. Wrestling, jujitsu, sword fighting, boxing, probably even arm wrestling, if it’s got physicality to it, HERO will rock


that’s really cool!
i’m more excited to run HO now. Good thing I haven’t bought it, the urge is getting into me :rofl:

Cycle 7 Day 1

LBFH 15m AC 7m

A lot of my curiosity has been satisfied. i will not do a lot of experiments after this cycle.
LBFH + HO, then add DR once the ZPv2 MAX version comes.
I may make an LBFH + HO custom after I see what feels lacking with the stack and fill the cracks with modules.


looking back, a lot of things have happened in the past 6 cycles

It feels like it has been at least a year with the amount of changes that have happened in such a short amount of time. i feel like a child experiencing a ton of new things in life in just 5 months.

From meeting great people, great opportunities, having deeper relations, deep internal changes, everything feels new.

My only regret is not starting SC way earlier. i have known about SC for around 3 - 4 years but I never tried any of the subs until I heard about LBFH.


I need to run LBFH with a productivity sub.

the hit to my productivity is bad. it’s like when I ran LBFH solo on cycle 1.
I hope HO can help with this later on day 5.

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Cycle 7 day 2


I want to run LBFH solo, it’s really good.
I will do only microloops with HO in this cycle.

I’m repeating what I’ve written in this journal so many times but the effects of LBFH are just too good. The self assuredness, self love, manifestation, tranquility etc, everything is really good.