Viktor’s Victory Venture (HeO + LBFH + RM:UWX)

Guided TMI meditations

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I asked chatGPT for what i should do on stage 2, rofl.

I’ll try this guided one the next time i meditate, I’m not fully clear about what i should do when i meditate, but i try to accept the doubt and wing the meditation, hoping that I’m doing it correctly.

I have some meditating experience so tbh maybe this is just a me thing, but here’s my recommendation.

Spend a week or two on stage 1, then a week or two on stage 2, and do the same thing for stage 3, and then jump straight into stage 4. Don’t wait till you’re ready. Just do it.

Then, when you actually have focused stage 4 meditations, you know how to act in that situation… and if it’s not one of those days, you can use the tools from stage 1-3 to revamp your focus.

Tbh I avoided reading stage 4 and the interlude right after for so long, just did this week; regret not doing it earlier

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That quickly? Damn i didn’t even consider moving to the next stage yet. I’ll go straight to stage 3 then.

I’m glad i waited before making a custom, i was on the edge of making one a few days ago before the announcement for the new modules

This post made me think back about my life, and it hasn’t changed fundamentally.

I feel like i already fulfilled my calling in life.

The growth that i’m undergoing now, the struggle, the achievements and everything else is just an extra. I have lived my life to the fullest when I didn’t have anything. Now that i have more, it’s nice but they are not necessary.

I can die tomorrow and be fine with it, i already achieved what i needed to and now i’m enjoying the fulfilment of struggling & striving in life on top of that.


the new normal from WB is different, i feel more divisive and harsh. more honest to my feelings even if it’s not aligned with how i usually approach them. but i think i have slowly reconciled well with it this cycle.

i like the different perspective it makes me take.


Still horny as fuck.

The good thing is, i’m slowly learning to adapt to it and channel the energy for other things.

WB also helps me a lot with my meditation goals. I found a lot of insights just from 1 cycle of WB.

I’m also adapting to the new straightforward & divisive characteristic from WB. It’s out of my comfort zone, but i’m open minded enough to try.

Still horny as fuck though.

Cycle 15 day 2

WB 25s HeO 15m

Even though i want to stay at around 10-20s, I’m gonna follow the schedule and increase the exposure by 5s every listening day. i bit more recon won’t mean much in the long run.

there are new states that I’m actively reconciling with, but no overload symptoms at all. I’m trying to increase the denseness by only taking 3 days off in the middle (9 on > 3 off > 9 on > 5 off) to see if i still get the overload symptoms near the end of the cycle. if there’s none, then i can run 15m of HeO & RM:UWX without worry.

the structure of the schedule still follows fire’s rule:

1 HeO + WB divided by half
3 UWX + WB divided by half

WB is great for meditation, at least for me. on paper, LBFH should have been better, but WB is better based on my observation.

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I realized another layer of hindrance in my meditation journey.
I’ve been automatically avoiding some feelings whenever they show up.
I wasn’t even aware of them before this.

WB is really strong for my meditation goals.

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+5s every listening day is the way to go with WB.

There’s minimal recon. It doesn’t feel like a burden, it feels more like it’s name, reconciliation.

I’m slowly adapting to the new normal provided by WB. Being open minded and eager to play around with it.

Productivity is normal.

Cycle 15 day 4

WB 30s UWX 15m

I think WB is starting to eat on my productivity.

I should have listened to my intuition and stayed at around 10-20s instead. the decrease in productivity is tiny, but i want as little of it as possible. using less than 30s has also shown to be effective for the results too.

So, i will restart the microloop back to 5s again. increasing by an additional 5s every listening day.
I don’t care if it’s gonna take 1 year or more. Let it take as long as it needs to take.

Update 1:

I made a plan for a custom using the synergy modules just for fun.
This custom will see action after I’m done reconciling with WB. So it will most likely change again by then with the new updates and module packs.

A Stark Black Origin: For Humanity


  • The goal lists from HeO & LBFH. they both fills 90-95% of what i want.
  • Going deeper into my vipassana practice.
  • Unlocking a deeper layer of productivity that i’m not yet aware of.
  • Practical creativity for my work
  • Revealing different perspectives that i can learn from to help my work related goals.

1 HeO
3 ASBR - Creativity, innovation and cognitive enhancement. Expanding on HeO’s resilience & mastery scripting. Supporting LBFH with its social scripting. A wild card to give me different perspectives that i can use to improve myself.
4 NWE - I wanted to use NLE, but i will pair this custom with Limitless at some point anyway.

Meditation: - Expanding on the focus & relaxation scripting from HeO & LBFH.
5 Synergy: Semper Praesens - Everpresent, EGO ADSUM
6 Synergy: Breath of the Storms - Foundation, Eye of the Storm
7 Synergy: Harmonic Conflux - Harmonic Singularity, Stress Displacement
8 The Single Point

Productivity: - Complementing HeO & ASBR. Balancing LBFH.
9 Synergy: Machine Unleashed - Machine: Action, Productivity Unleashed
10 Synergy: Carpe Vitam - Carpe Diem Ascended, Joie De Vivre, Unrelenting Wealth Motivation & Energy
11 Virtue Series: Diligence
12 Victory’s Call

Brainstorming: - Going Deeper into ASBR’s innovation scripting.
13 Visionary
14 Disruption
15 Revelation of Product Creation
16 Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages - Wisdom Personified, Mimisbrunnr, Pragya, Wayfinder

17 Fortune’s Favorite - Luck is a skill that i always want to go deeper into.
18 Rembrandt - A wild card module. I’m not an artist, but I want to see what it can bring to my life.
19 Synergy: Tale of the Dragon - Dragon Tongue, True Sell, Song of Joy, Story Teller - ASBR & LBFH.
20 Synergy: Voice is the Law - Emperor’s Voice, Voice Master - I realized that I want to improve my voice after i ran WB.

I’ll start super slow, take a lot of rest days & use it solo until i get through 90% of the recon in the way. then I’ll slowly add limitless, and eventually swap it to QL. I wonder whether it’s better to use limitless before or after QL with the new changes.

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the lethargy is getting worse. what’s in WB’s script between 20s - 30s?
the recon feels distinctly WB so I’m sure it’s because of that.
i can push through it, but i don’t have to. I’ll go back to 5s again.

other than the hit to productivity, no recon.

fuck it, i don’t have to go through this. I’ll reset WB back to 3s down, and increase it by 3s every listening day.

it’s increasingly harder to keep count of the cycles with how much i add/remove rest days.
from now on, I’ll count 1 cycle as 26 days regardless of where the washout period is.

i want to go back to LBFH so bad. but i gotta stick with WB.

Is recon really so bad for you?
For me, if recon is on 3-5/10 I’ll take it, knowing change/adaption is happening faster than when I don’t feel recon.
I’m a fan of microloops as well and chose shorter loops even when I can stomach longer or even full loops without recon.
But with LB I welcome recon because it’s showing that I experience more healing than when I dont get recon…
I don’t know if I make sense to you :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I understand it completely

The recon itself is not bad, I would say it feels neutral. The low exposure is giving me enough time to slowly adapt to it. The effects themselves are really strong even with less than 20s.

The problem is the lethargy. It hits my productivity from many different angles. It’s not that bad, but i would rather not deal with it.

If shorter exposure can give me great effects with minimum to no adverse reaction towards my productivity, then i’ll stay with it.

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So basically recon is hitting you mildly, but to hard in a special area (productivity) so you better avoid it?

That’s why I dropped Emperor last year. The situation in my family was pretty tense, so even this slight irritability from Emperor was to much for delicate negotiations so I dropped it altogether, at least for the time being.

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Just throwing this out there. Are you eating enough? Maybe the lethargy is the physical shifting from WB?

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i won’t even say it’s mild, it’s just different but i feel no resistance towards it.

yeah, the hit to productivity is harder, but i would say it’s just mild compared to the lethargy from 15m of LBFH solo. I would rather avoid it though.

I’m sorry to hear that, i hope things will get better for you. i can see how emperor might not be the best sub to use in your situation.