Ultrasonic vs masked

Are they both as powerful? Atm iv only been using my phone speakers since my headphones are busted,will i have to get headphones to get the full affect? Is it okay if i use ultima with phone speakers?


Masked and ultrasonic are generally equal in power.Some people find one or the other better for them though.Masked tends to work better for someone with a stubborn personality

Phone speakers are ok and will have some effects but optimally it would be best to use stereo speakers instead of mono to get the full effects.You dont have to use headphones,speakers work fine too.Ultima might not work on phone speakers though cause its more reliant on headphone/speaker quality than the normal subs.


To add to what @Meng123 has said, you have to be careful when using Ultrasonics. They need to be in a particular sound range (and you have to use an app to calibrate the volume). Else it will damage your ears. Which is why I find Masked tracks easier to use.

You don’t have to worry too much about volume for Ultimas though (just like Masked). Just need to be comfortable to listen to for Masked and Ultimas.

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ultrasonic is too much pain to care about , just use masked budd

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Also please refer to the PDF that should have come with your purchases.

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Yep i have iv gotten my headphones fixed miraculously so ill use masked👍

I like masked and ultima programs more. Not because of the effect, but I just feel better about them.

For me masked works better because I am more tired from it.


I was wondering about the masked audios. Like for example I bought Sage Immortal there are three options masked, ultrasonic and ultima. I choose the to download the masked audio, I just want to know is there any listening limits. Like for example ultima is one loop. I would like to know if that rule applies to masked audios as well. Or can I listen to it on repeat?

Read this thread for Official Qv2 Listening Guidelines. :+1:t2: