Tweaking listening pattern

Hi guys! Recently started listening to SC subliminals and am already noticing a difference in my energy & state of mind (currently only listening to love bomb).

I am on day 3 of my love bomb listening pattern (15 minute loop, masked audio, taking a rest day after each listening session).

I purchased R.I.C.H and Dragon Reborn Limit destroyer today and wanted to know how I could best incorporate these tracks into my pattern, given that I only started with love bomb?

Would I incorporate the two, new tracks and replicate the 3 ZP listening pattern? What do you guys suggest?

Much appreciated :slight_smile:

I think you would just start doing the 3 title pattern. That’s what I’d do.

You can do this if you have 3 titles and have already started with 1 title.

Remember to treat the first day of running Love Bomb as the start of your 21 day cycle.

Welcome to SubClub!

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It’s usually not recommended to run 3 subs right from the beginning (or first cycle).

I’ve started with 2 and added a third in my second cycle. Knowing what I know now, I would have started even slower, adding 1 sub each cycle.

That gives the opportunity to your subconscious to get used to the sub and to you to feel how you react to the sub.

Also, although allowed in the current listening instructions, it’s sometimes wise not to start with 2 full loops of a sub, but to only listen to 3-5 minutes for the first cycle.

And Welcome to Subclub

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That’s what I recommend.