True Sell custom in corporate setting

I wanted to get ideas for a True Sell Custom in the corporate setting. In the corporate world you sell your ideas, you sell your work/time…
What modules would be a nice addition, what creates an added value, which core do you think will be nice with it?

Total module numbers and cores should be limited to 10.

Thanks for your ideas

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  1. House of Medici Core
  2. True Sell Core
  3. Dragon Tongue
  4. Sacred Words
  5. Emperor’s Voice
  6. Song of Joy
  7. Entranced
  8. Earthshaker: Authority
  9. Yggdrasil
  10. Mosaic

Quantum Limitless is said to help you perceive the mechanisms underpinning reality itself.

So I think that would be great in a corporate environment to help you discern the “rules” for wherever you happen to work.

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Very nice. I like it.

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Do you mean by that stacking a TS custom with QL or adding QL into the custom?
Would limitless executive also help or not the same way?

By putting QL into a custom.

Not sure about BL

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Which stage would be your recommendation?

Replace mosaic for direct influencing aura

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Direct Influencing Aura is a good choice. I wouldn’t replace Mosaic. Just make it 11 modules.

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I’m interested why you chose earthshaker: authority? You think people are more likely to buy from authority?

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Helps in being more authoritative on the subject. And an authority is more likely to be able to influence people to buy.


I’m currently planning a sales custom I will definitely include this module


@Lion why did you include sacred words tho? I thought sacred words is only written skill.

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Fire once told me that Sacred Words, while focused on writing it can also affect our general speech.


We use digital media many times to sell. Sacred Words along with True Sell is very good for selling online and for persuasion in emails, ads, etc. The Spotlight or Gloryseeker is a good combo along with those 2.

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Found it Module Pack #3 - Available Now! - #64 by Fire

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