Traveling the Paths of Wealth, Imbuing Vital Physicality (Custom Q Journal)

Finalized. I’ve been playing it since June 2020.

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I just noticed something weird.

This is the second time that I’ve gotten the same sort of reverse-response with an Ultima track.

When I played Libertine Ultima way back when, I found that instead of noticing anyone drawn to me, I felt more drawn to my wife.

Then today, I played 2+ loops of RICH Ultima, and I got a text from (again) my wife, asking if I could put $2000 into her account. (It was money due her anyway for a shared thing, but scheduled for transfer at the end of next month.)

What are my thoughts?

  1. I live with and am psychically intertwined with my wife.

  2. When change hits, it tends to move in a wave motion. There’s often a lull or a quiet before a storm, for example. Animals inhale and take a breath (relatively silent) before they’re about to yell or call out (relatively noisy). That’s just the natural way. Another one: when you open a window to air out a stuffy room, first you smell the stale, musty air in the room. Then you smell the fresh air that’s replacing it.

So, I think that my ‘reverse results’ (something flowing out), may just be the first part of a movement that is bringing something in.

But @SaintSovereign @Fire, any perspectives on this experience?


An interesting day. Woke up and had a pretty early meditation session: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM. Then I got more sleep. But this time before resting I started Alchemist Awakening. Truly got up at 9 AM and by that time, I was 1.5 loops into Alchemist. Was able to continue playing it so that by 10:45 or so, I’d already met my intended target of 3 loops.

Later as I worked on tasks and had online meetings, I played RICH ultima. I seem to have played 3 loops of that today.

I walked earlier than usual today. Instead of 6:30 or 7:00 pm, I went out around 4:45 pm or so. Walked my 6 miles and listened to 1 loop of IMBUE as I do when I walk. And then I decided to go ahead and play one loop of my Wealth Ultima custom Jet Stream. After that, I didn’t play anything, because it had been a pretty full day, subliminals-wise.

But tonight, I may play additional titles as I go to sleep. 1 loop of DUAT, 2 loops of Paragon Ultima.

I feel like I’m starting to more obviously feel the effects of Quantum Limitless.

It seems to be coming online gradually but also very steadily.

What I’m feeling is a growing change in my information processing and in the subjective feel of information processing. Maybe I’ll try to describe it more after I’ve had more opportunities to observe it.


Oh, and also I’ve been noticing that I’m somehow working more effectively. Certain tasks are being procrastinated less. Or certain e-mails that I might have sat on while I thought about them for too long are being completed and just sent out. It’s almost a bit like a larval or pupate stage of Quantum Limitless that behaves a bit like Ascension or Ascended Mogul.


Early morning meditation.

No one really knows. Another subliminal producer refers to this as “reversal resistance,” but I don’t think it’s actually a form of “resistance” or reconciliation. I believe this occurs when something’s going to happen anyway – but maybe at an even more inopportune time – and when you start running a new title, the scripting prompts your subconscious to manifest those things while you can actually deal with it. Your wife was always going to ask for that money, but R.I.C.H. helped get it out of the way now, so it doesn’t hurt your R.I.C.H. wishes later.


Thanks so much for the reply. It was one of those weird, interesting occurrences that just sneak up on you.

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Welcome to another SubClub adventure in the best ways possible!:grin:

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Many of us mistakenly take deficits, limitations, or weaknesses to be shameful moral failings. You can see and hear it in the way people talk. “This year, I’m going to overcome such and such character deficiency” or “I was so mortified when people saw that I was not even able to do [X]”.

It is good to learn and to grow, but your limits are not necessarily shameful. If possible, try to think of them as points of strategy more than anything else.

Look, not having 4 legs and 8 arms is a limitation and a weakness. If you had them and were skilled in using them, you could do many things that you can’t currently do. Not being able to fly is a limitation.

Limitations are not shameful. In recognizing and becoming familiar with your own boundaries and limits, you can make much more effective plans. And since you’re dynamic and are constantly learning and growing (and forgetting and shrinking), your strategy needs to be updated periodically to reflect those changes.


Okay, ran 3 loops of Quantum Focus this morning (after a PATHS meditation).

Now at 1:45 pm, I’m going to run 2 loops of PATHS ( and then 2 loops of RICH). Writing it here in case I lose track of the loops. I’ll be in meetings after 2:45 pm and that’s often when I’ll forget about the subliminals.


You will wish that you had appreciated this moment

Seize this one chance and do not waste it


Today’s Weather


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Quite the freaking Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation this a.m.

I played a somewhat heavier than average stack yesterday, and this may have stirred up the silt. And then there’s the consideration of the continual, ongoing effects of Alchemist, Mind’s Eye, and Quantum Limitless.

and not to forget that one extra tiny factor of LIFE ITSELF.

many things arose

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Another early morning meditation

5:30 am to 6:30 am thereabouts

Today is a rest day, so no paired subliminal.

But I’ve been using music for a while now on rest days. Saw a new release by Steve Roach, and so used that today.

Here’s track 2:

Now for some odd reason I’m flashing back to the saxophone solo (?) in Hall and Oates’ Maneater. I love it AND it’s also something like a very simple saxophone tutorial :rofl:.

I’m imagining John Coltrane listening to that with an extremely flat facial expression.

This is what sleep deprivation looks like.

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logistical bump-in-the-road (looking for a lost document) just cost me 2 hours plus stress. Then because of that I then needed to have an interaction that I had specifically been planning and working to avoid having. One of those moments in which you are committed to the exact opposite of what is happening. I thought I’d got everything worked out, and then at the last minute it went the other way. So, I was cursing myself, cursing the situation, feeling disappointment at my failure to arrange it properly, and dreading the interaction. But then I bit the bullet and just got into it.

And all of that was just supposed to have been handled in about 30 minutes this morning.

Now I need to rein it in and salvage the rest of the day. The stress and discomfort are still alive in my body. But I am not giving them anymore of my day, so I guess they can just hang out until they’re ready to go.

I’m grateful that it’s not always like this. I’m grateful to be alive to even have an uncomfortable experience. I’m grateful for the 98% of things that are still going great.

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Freedom to create

Vision to create

Power to create

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Plays today

Mind’s Eye Terminus2 meditation

4 loops of Alchemist Awakening (originally planned to play 3, but the 4th loop already started and I decided to let it keep playing for one more loop)

After this:

1 loop of Quantum Focus

and then

RICH Ultima, I think

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I just caught a strong gust of sleepiness listening to my second loop of RICH Ultima.

Instead of looking for someone or something to save you, save yourself.

Stand up and realize that you’ve been drowning in a wading pool,.