Transcendence 3 custom

Hi @AnswerGroup I’ve been planning this custom for a while now. i have completed the alchemist series (ran each stage for a month). Now i want to include my previous custom with alch stage 4
here’s what i’ve got so far:

custom: transcendence 3
Main Sage immortal
Main Alchemist stage 4
complete energetic booster Synergy: Energetic Transcendence
inner space SAM//VANA
centered (important) Wheel of Creation
booster (really good) Plateau Transcendent
purify Ardent Light
present moment Formless Clarity
present moment Ever-Present
present moment EGO ADSUM
just good stuff The Flow
booster Deep State
good for 3rd eye awakened perception
booster deus
love/creative/abilities booster Blue Skies
love booster Depths of Love
focus The Single Point
feeling of peace in my own space Sanctuary
help remove this bad habit Stop porn and masturbation
Sustainable life Dopaminergic Revival

here was the transcendence2 that i’m still running micro loops of. i’m really happy with this one, just want to add the alch st 4 to it and some other things. basically refinement yet again:

transcendence 2

Ascension Chamber Core
Khronos Key
Formless Clarity
Ardent Light
Intuition Enhancer
Deep State
The Single Point
Wheel of Creation
Void of Creation
Depths of Love
Awakened Perception
The Merger of Worlds
Plateau Transcendent
Blue Skies

I was thinking about adding revelation of spirit but the q store says: Note: This is an advanced core. Please do not add multiple spiritually oriented modules to a custom containing this core
kinda confused by that.

i’d also like to add the SPS:fat burn but i don’t have a slot for that.
i also have Synergy: Venus Unveiled module so i might put that in there.

any thoughts welcome!

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I never delved into spiritual subs, but I noticed that you have both Ego Adsum and Everpresent in your custom. They make up Synergy Semper Praesens. By including it, you would get an even better experience with the synergized scripting while simultaneously open up one more slot for another module.
Also by adding Venus Unveiled you would get another free slot because you don’t need Blue Skies and Depths of Love.
And since you’ve used both void and wheel of Creation, perhaps Synergy 42 would work well.

By doing these replacements, you would get 2 more modules for free (Void of Creation and Chosen of Venus) and you have 2 more free slots available (for A/SPS Fatburn and perhaps Harmonic confluc, mystic osmosis, arcame mastery, elemental opus, Wonders of Life, or one of the modules beginning with spiritual (abundance, freedom (in wonders of life), reality alignment).

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thank you! i never noticed the Synergy Semper Praesens module. and the Synergy 42 and Venus Unveiled is a good point

I would find a way to fit S.WAG into that custom.

S.wag = Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages ?

Exactly. The constituents are useful for everything and not limited to spirituality, and will thus be beneficial wherever you are at in life

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current custom draft is:

# module/core
Main Sage immortal
Main Alchemist stage 4
complete energetic booster Synergy: Energetic Transcendence
present moment Synergy: Semper Praesens
love booster Synergy: Venus Unveiled
inner space SAM//VANA
centered Synergy: 42
booster (really good) Plateau Transcendent
purify Ardent Light
present moment Formless Clarity
just good stuff The Flow
booster Deep State
good for 3rd eye awakened perception
booster & brainwaves deus
Health SPS: Fat burn
focus The Single Point
feeling of peace Sanctuary
help remove this bad habit Stop porn and masturbation
Sustainable life Dopaminergic Revival
Protection (I guess) Immortal’s Blade
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just found out about Synergy: Breath of the Storms
any other modules that i need to know about for this custom?

also still would like to get some advice with RoS. is it too dense to put in a custom like this?

You mean, if there is any module in your custom that’s part of a Synergy module as well? No. You’ve got them all now.

And for RoS, I think I’ve read that it’s not recommended to put it into a custom with other spiritual cores.

BTW, how did you do the formatting for the table? That the second column always starts at the same point?

thanks man.

and i’m on a mac so i just copy/pasted a table from the notes app. here’s a screen shot of an example

Health SPS: Fat burn
Sustainable life Dopaminergic Revival
Protection I guess Immortal’s Blade
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submitted this beauty Thursday:
Transcendence 3

description title
Main Sage immortal
Main Alchemist stage 4
complete energetic booster Synergy: Energetic Transcendence
centered Synergy: 42
love booster Synergy: Venus Unveiled
present moment Synergy: Semper Praesens
Learning/wisdom Synergy: Wisdom of the Ages
control bad habits Synergy: Breath of the Storms
deep, intrinsic joy Synergy: Wonders of Life
inner space SAM//VANA
booster (really good) Plateau Transcendent
booster Deep State
booster deus
remove fear Immortal’s Courage
protection immortals blade
purify Ardent Light
feeling of peace Sanctuary
focus The Single Point
help remove this bad habit Stop porn and masturbation
Sustainable life Dopaminergic Revival
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What do you think now about your customs?

Reflect on them a few more days? Look through the Q shop more?

I’m trying to think of something but i don’t think i would change anything. it is a bit dense but i wanted a spiritual sub with Sage + transcendence2 + alchemist so that is what i got… Sage has helped me achieve my goal once before (spontaneously) so the rest will probably help a ton. I’ll definitely post if i achieve my goal. maybe a time-lapse too :wink:

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if they ever make the heart coherence module, that would have been a great addition

Have you added it to the Road Map?

its been on there for about 2 years. ABC333 added it and its called Heart & Brain Coherence.

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1 month in

  • did some meditation before work. saw blinding light like the sun in my inner vision.
  • few days ago, while breathing in my merkaba, i felt strong ‘steal’ chi throughout my whole body. i think mantak chia talked about it, its one of the higher levels of chi/prana.
  • more cosmic dreams

i’ve been stacking this with paragon (for health and energy) and inner circle to help manifest people who are in alinement with my direction

subliminal results APP

well kinda

need brave browser or chrome. then click install!