I’m revisiting the stack I had before which led to someone thinking I’d be a great provider and protector.
T’was 5 mins each of:
Genesis Mogul
IBV1 custom (S&SX and BDLM cores)
Gonna tweak it so it doesn’t affect that one person specifically.
But will reach beyond and help me become the wealthy man I’ve decided to be.
EoG seems like the logical replacement for GM. Not waiting for the update.
Since I’m still on the kick of 3 loops of each title (minimum) it’s not a big deal to go back to ST1 once the new stuff hits.
As for Heartsong, I COULD replace that with Supreme Chancellor custom (HoM, EoG4, HS cores)
Once I’ve made my way through EoG standalone stages, Supreme Chancellor can replace that. Then just upgrade that custom once EoG updates.
Then make my way through new EoG again, and then use the new custom.
The only love/sex custom in all this is Heartsong.
And it’ll be guided somewhat by HoM and EoG.
Forgetting sexduction subs for the time being because right now they’re seeming to just contribute to Oneitis I got for someone at work.
And it doesn’t help that seems like she might be into me.
And frankly I just need to build something right now. Something that will make a difference and last.
Edit: forgot IBV1 is in it still. Damn. Guess I’ll Lee that for a bit and see how it gets affected by the Supreme Chancellor custom