Trader in 2025!

I’m revisiting the stack I had before which led to someone thinking I’d be a great provider and protector.

T’was 5 mins each of:

Genesis Mogul
IBV1 custom (S&SX and BDLM cores)

Gonna tweak it so it doesn’t affect that one person specifically.

But will reach beyond and help me become the wealthy man I’ve decided to be.

EoG seems like the logical replacement for GM. Not waiting for the update.

Since I’m still on the kick of 3 loops of each title (minimum) it’s not a big deal to go back to ST1 once the new stuff hits.

As for Heartsong, I COULD replace that with Supreme Chancellor custom (HoM, EoG4, HS cores)

Once I’ve made my way through EoG standalone stages, Supreme Chancellor can replace that. Then just upgrade that custom once EoG updates.

Then make my way through new EoG again, and then use the new custom.

The only love/sex custom in all this is Heartsong.

And it’ll be guided somewhat by HoM and EoG.

Forgetting sexduction subs for the time being because right now they’re seeming to just contribute to Oneitis I got for someone at work.

And it doesn’t help that seems like she might be into me.

And frankly I just need to build something right now. Something that will make a difference and last.

Edit: forgot IBV1 is in it still. Damn. Guess I’ll Lee that for a bit and see how it gets affected by the Supreme Chancellor custom

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Here goes everything.

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I forgot I have the BILLionaire V3 custom which is all 4 stages of EoG!

I’ll run that in the EoG slot next time and going forward.

Supreme Chancellor

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“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

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Didn’t want to trash/derail your journal only 6 posts in :joy:. But I understand this sentiment very well.

I’m reading Atlas Shrugged still (long AF book :joy:) and find myself most fascinated by the parts of how easily society crumbles when the “right” people stop contributing.

I’m really taken by that idea right now. In a society that tries to treat everyone as being equal, but 80/20 shows us that certain people “carry” the rest.

When I was in my 20s, I was fascinated by the idea of how demolishing a skyscraper really only needs a few key points to be weakened.

Society is the same.

Anyway. I get it lol.


This stack is whoa. I dreamed I went all primal on some girl. Don’t remember who or even if it’s anyone I know irl. Just took her fully. That was fun.

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Still on 10 mins each of:
BILLionaire V3
Supreme Chancellor
IrresistiBILL V1

Added 5 mins of Nectar on a whim yesterday.

I’m feeling like I could eventually drop BV3 in favor of something else. Since EoG4 is in Supreme Chancellor.

I could put Ecstatic Emperor (Emperor and EoG4). But it’s not New/NSE Emperor. But NSE from Supreme Chancellor might alleviate that concern.

I could also just run new Emperor.

As far as results so far:

I saw coworker cart girl last night. No Oneitis pangs after.

Still something there but it’s more in its proper place now.

I’m still reading “Atlas Shrugged”.

There’s a couple parts in the book that, with my stack, changed something in me.

The “radio speech” part. I’m about halfway done with that.

And the love triangle going on between Dagny and 3 other characters.

I’m more focused on the idea of success. I still think about sex, but not as an end to itself. As part of just living and loving my life.

Cart Girl has the potential as an empire wife. She works here ass off and has a vision of what she wants to build.

But I don’t obsess over that idea anymore. It’s there in my head all the time, but it doesn’t distract me.

I saw her again today and i notice that the more I talk to her the deeper “it” feels. But once I leave her preserve, it fades. More like normal.

There’s definitely potential there with her.

It’s probably the combination of EoG, HS and HoM got me thinking along those lines.

And got me thinking that I’ll have a decision to make if the current one isn’t in line with all that

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Once EoG updates, I plan on upgrading (or rebuilding from scratch) BILLionaire V2. It has cores of QL4, Renaissance Man, and EoG4. Sounds like would be amazing.



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The “oneitis” for Cart Girl isn’t fully gone. But it isn’t “pining” for her like before.

Now it’s just pure attraction/desire.

Based on things we’ve talked about, it kinda feels like she’s got potential for being a kickass Power Couple Wife/Empire Wife.

It’s dumb.

Being around her makes me want to be a better man.

Decided that maybe I need to revisit Heartsong, recon be damned.

Thinking stacking it with Khan Black, DRP or DRR makes sense.

If nothing else, those will help me become a man worthy of someone like her. Regardless who “She” is.

Not planning to abandon my marriage. Just wanna be a better man.


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Actually, I gotta nail whatever my wealth niche is. I’ll never be at my full potential if I don’t sort that out.

Supreme Chancellor has HS as one of the cores. EoG4 and HoM being the other cores.

So that’s probably already what has me thinking along these lines. Guess I’ll keep it up.


Last night, I got the feeling I need to either embrace/acknowledge my thing for Cart Girl or stop thinking about it

It’s a pattern. Not about her specifically. It’s the same with Zelda and any of the others.

Not really sure how to “acknowledge” it. Any time I’ve told one that I like them, they usually ghost me.

Maybe just admit it to myself. Dunno.

Am running Primal, PS and IB1 to gain further insight.

EDIT: And 7 mins of Heartsong

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I’m loading up a small stack of ultrasonic wealth and productivity subs to run while at work cart pushing.

These bone conduction headphones are great.

So a fellow cart guy at work just now randomly tells me “I’m thinking of asking Cart Girl out.”

And I said “Don’t think. Just do it. I would’ve already if I weren’t married. She’s absolutely everything I’m looking for in a woman.”

Manifested an opportunity to admit it out loud!


Yay! This is great :blush:

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Dude was all “I’m gonna ask her today!”

Then. Didn’t.

Kept saying “Well, she’s at lunch.”


“She’s emptying the trash cans.”

Me: “You’re making excuses!”

“I know! I’m nervous! Anxious!”

Me: “Why? Worst case, she says no. She isn’t gonna murder you as far as I know.”

Him: “I just wanna gather a bit more information first so I can figure out if I even stand a chance. I’m ugly and a shitbag. She might not even be interested.”

Me: “the easiest way is to just ask. Direct. Quick.”

He chickened out. At one point, I sensed he was about to ask, when he, she, and I were in the same area. So I said “I’m gonna walk over in this other direction and check for carts.”

He chickened out though.

I told him “the clock is ticking. If I were available, I’d have asked her out like 2 months ago already. Which means someone ELSE who can make a move WILL.”

And even though I’m no longer Palpatine, every so often today I got in out radios and said “DO IT!”:joy:

At one point, she asked “what’s he trying to get you to do?”

“Nothing, he’s just playing around”. lol

She’s (so far) literally everything I look for in a woman. And he’s wasting a shot with her over some anxiety.

The other day, I ran (again) PS, Primal, IBV1 (which is S&SX and bdlm).

I think that stack helps me with staying centered with this kind of stuff.

Literally then only thing holding me back from trying for her is being married. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.


Lmao. Leave it. She deserves a guy whose not a chicken : ) cute story though hahaha


I wonder where in your life you might also be wasting a shot over some anxiety? :thinking:

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I’m not anxious