Too many subliminals?

I was thinking about adding quantum limitless stage 1 to my stack but I already have regeneration, elixir Ultima and daredevil in my stack. I was wondering if you think it would be ok if I added quantum limitless stage 1 as well or if that would be too much?

Could work depending on how much experience you have and your personal attributes.

Nobody can tell. But if I were you I’d run the current stack for at least a month before adding more. Or you can add it and see how you react then see again. 3 programs should still be on the ‘okay’ side esp cuz daredevil is not so heavy.

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Thanks for your response, I like your idea about trying it out for a month before adding new ones. I’ll try it that way so I start getting used to those subliminals before starting quantum limitless

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What ALMIGHTY said.

Also, I would move this to questions as this is a question post, not news or updates :slight_smile:


Whoops, thanks for catching that. Just moved it over to questions

No problem, sirrah.

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I would move to another sub only when I was done with the healing.