Productivity Unleashed seems already be in Stark, but what I’ve noticed is on Stark when you have reconciliation you start procrastinating, it lacks more ‘push’ and drive in a certain direction, so I doubt Productivity Unleashed will do the trick for you. However, once you get focused on something with Stark, time-dilation kicks in and you can’t stop working on what you’re doing, so perhaps Machine: Action will help you there.

Thank you @Brandon, :slight_smile:


I added a bunch of things that might be in Stark to give it even more of an effect. Kind of like a X2 double power thing. And yep - I agree about the procrastination. However it’s always been part of me due to ADHD, and sometimes pure laziness.

I’m excited for Machine: Action and Machine: Rest to kick in.

I’ve got a lot of shit to get done. I’ve written down 9 ideas thanks to R.I.C.H to work on so now I’ve just gotta work on them and make it happen.

Same here i feel like a ultima would be the best fit for them

Guess it time to put yourself to the task

If I had ADHD, I would consider getting QL at the main shop. Running each stage for 30 days. Then at stage 4 chuck that into a custom focused on physical and emotional health. Health Codex, Asclepius, IQ & Cognitive Booster, New Beginnings, etc…

That some solid advice i feel like since after running my customs my only advice is custom.
Its like fire and saint said once you identify you what really holding you back and take action customs can really help

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I may be wrong but I’d assume Action is already in Limitless Executive. Possibly anyway.

I don’t know if that’s how it works with Ultimas.

I started today haha.

That’s what I did. Identify what I wanted and needed. Took my time with it.


I considered it before my custom using QL. Maybe it can be in my Khan custom I’ll create with Khan stage 4 but that may be too dense.


What else might you want to put in there? (Suggested 3 core maximum.)

Honestly I’m not entirely sure. I just know I’d love to go back to Khan at some point. It’s a great sub. I’m choosing QL because I really want to maximise everything to do with my brain and possibly help the ADHD part.

I don’t know if I’d mix them together though. I’m unsure what I’d add a third core or if I’d add one at all to be honest. I can’t even think about the 3 major cores, so I wouldn’t be able to think about the other little modules too.

How about you @RVconsultant? Are you considering a Khan custom now you’re interested in Khan again??

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Today’s the day I get use my official MorningStarQ sub.

Can’t wait until tonight now.

Only a few hours to go.


Yes, I think I tagged you in a post concerning this.

When are you going to do your first loop?

I normally do my loops over night but may do 2 MorningStarQ loops in an hour or two so I can see what I feel and document.

Extremely curious as to the effects as I’m actually about to order a very similar Custom.

I’ve just posted how I’m feeling in my new thread, as I’m leaving this one behind. I’m currently listening to my first loop.

I Am Brandon - MorningStarQ

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Just read it, thanks for pointing this out to me. I’d appreciate it if you share more of your observations here in the following hours.

To me Productivity Unleashed seems to be really pronounced in Stark, therefore I’m deliberately keeping it out, however, I’m looking at Machine:Action instead. So, yeah, looking forward to your findings :slight_smile: