Those who have run Khan?

Tagging @SwagKing and @Brandon here.


Offf… dodged one, I’m off the hook :sweat_smile:


@James Khan is a slow burn for me. It’s not for the impatient. It’s a lifestyle that I have yet to completely go with. I’d say my run time with the subs for the past year is 85% Khan.

There is going to be the initial effects, followed by some challenges and plateaus. Sometimes it feels like all recon, maybe challenges. Then nothing.

Nonetheless you are teleporting to higher stations gradually and end up in a place you could not fathom. I literally went from working in a fast food joint in civilian career (my roommate was transitioning back into his career field and it was also a family member of mine’s restaurant) to being specifically selected for a high post where I get to network with very high society and enjoying the finest lifestyle. All since July of 2022.

2021-2022 were the darkest years of my life and I decided… fuck it… let’s run Khan ST1 and turn up the heat :fire:. It was a long grieving process. I lost a mother figure, lonely, depressed, relationship problems, feeling absolutely obliterated. I went to work everyday and before I went… I wondered why even exist?

Trigger Warning

My light dimmed so much, I was burnt out, overworked, grieving and hopeless and pretty much wanted to stop living everyday. I do not believe in self-harm, and anyone who has such thoughts should seek immediate help, be it a friend or a stranger or helpline. Quitting is against my values on a fundamental level, so I just had to endure such pain. I’m the pillar of my family and a strong community pillar so doing an injustice to myself is an assault on their foundation. I know the value I can provide to the world and would not do them a disservice.

The Good News

I am here. Still in pain. Still fighting. With a way bigger bank account, way better job, way better social life, way better friends, hope… a light at the end of the tunnel and love I have not felt in years.

You will fight. We all have a fight in life. Do you want to fight in the streets, or do you want to fight in the high-rise? The choice is yours.



Goddam, apology for forgetting you :sweat_smile:

You’re clearly not off the hook bro


Here is my testimonie for non sexual results :

Khan made me face what I needed to do in life to reach new heights.

For years I was avoiding taking financial responsability, pushing it back… “I’ll figure it out later” type of mentality.

Khan made me ambitious, force me to look at my life and reach for more. What do I want, am I gonna take it? Yes.

That single decision had such a big impact on my life.

Khan will make you strong, it will make you stand up for yourself and make you move to reach your goals, or what you should have been doing. Fear? Khan will make you face them. I never really appreciated how Khan made me push through uncertainty.


I can relate more than you think. There have been whole days where I wished I wouldn’t wake up when I go to bed at night. I can’t do that though and I won’t. Like you I have a responsibility to my family which is myself, my Wife , and our two fur babies (cats). I have been so burned out for probably the last four to five years. I have worked fast food and many other low paying and low status jobs.

This is exactly what I needed to read. I don’t care about the seduction aspects of Khan. I want to be the man I know I’m capable of being.

@friday posted this and it’s all I can think about


Yes, this is Khan.

Each has it’s own path on it, but it has similar points to it.

Like all ZP titles, you don’t notice change too much until you look back and realise how much of a little b*** you were :joy::joy: Woah I was so scared hahaha

While growing we are always focused on the future and new height. Even now on Khan, as I feel not hardened enough I can see lots of growth already.


That’s really impressive!! :clap:


I’m thinking of radically changing my stack and including Khan
I think the heavy non-reactive masculinity would be beneficial to my sales and wealth goals
and overall life transformation

But I’m currently riding out recon so well see :joy:


I think you’ll see some great results running Khan in your wealth goals. Once it gets upgraded I’d imagine myself introducing it back in my stack too.


I’m only waiting for the ZPv2 max update, imagine Khan, but more individualized for you :wink:

Hope we can get genesis and WB levels of results on Khan :fire:


Yea man considering how “old” Khan is, the tech could use an upgrade. Its already so good on its own, the potential is exciting,

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I would hesitate to say old, it’s still been upgraded to ZPv2, but you can feel it’s not SKTS era for sure.

Seeing performance of Wanted Black and Genesis there is not way Khan is staying where it is :wink:

What did you mean by older?


True. Let’s see where the stks upgrade takes it


Older I meant it’s basically a legacy sub.

Khan whilst it is a zp2 There’s tiers within zp2 as well, from what saint has been saying.

For example the new titles like wanted black are the latest tech of zp2, which are leaner, meaner and utilize the technology to its max capabilities

So I’m definitely looking forward to it!

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Oh yeah, all titles upgraded in Zp2 rather than built in Zp2 are not necessarly in the same tier :wink:

Let’s wish for an announcement soon. I’m eager to see what they have in plan for the whole store since those new category.


This, very precise.

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For those who’ve run Khan on this thread for non-seduction goals.

@SwagKing @Tobyone @Brandon @Lion @GoldenTiger @Extraordinaire @Niles

How many of you ran through all at least 3 stages of Khan?

How many of you only did Khan ST1 & ST4?

How many jumped straight into ST4?

Why, and what was that like for you?

Also, what does the Limitless scripting in Khan4 contribute to Khan?


I went through all 4 stages of Khan ZP during summer and fall 2022. I’m learning new things from Khan always.

Limitless scripting hmm. Probably for savvy. It is about taking empires you desire, so it is all encompassing.

The recon on it doesn’t seem to be as bad as Wanted Black (at the moment), or Emperor Black. WB recon is environment-specific most likely.

I am actually running Khan right now in QTKS.



Have ran all the stages of Khan. It was pre-Q days though.

Khan ST1 gave me the most emotional healing compared to any other healing title I have run. Probably because it was the first healing title I ever ran.

In terms of non-seduction goals by the time I reached ST4, Khan restored a lot of masculinity and frame to my mind. Also a grounded feeling along with the alpha mindset. Able to deal with other men on an equal playing field. More fearless.

Haven’t noticed much from this. The only thing I can think about it is that possibly Limitless scripting in Khan is oriented towards Khan goals so it could help with learning to be a Khan with regard to masculinity, money and women.