Thinking of building and Emperor Custom

Okay sick lol wanted to make sure that I wasn’t goin to go into super recon if I switched out Emperor ZP with Emperor ZP Re-Loaded

So I’m absolutely clear on this, please quote what the common question is.

Would you enter a support ticket about this?

I’ll put it on the roadmap instead of making a ticket. I think that would be a better place.

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Constant confusion around “cores” having less scripting in them than major titles.

A core implies it’s only the inner part, or the most essential part.

There is a belief that you buy a core and then wrap it up with modules of your own choosing to create a program equivalent to a modified version of the major title.

When I had this question, I had assumed that the emperor core was in the “core,” but that the emperor core didnt contain sex mastery, ascended mogul, or limitless tech.

Hope that is clear


Custom has arrived!!! Thank you everyone for your input and advice in the process of me making this and answering my questions!

@Fire and @SaintSovereign Please see Billions’ post above.

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@SaintSovereign @Fire


Another option is the support ticket route.