The Waves 2 May 2022

I think it’s time I journal again. I would like to share insights about things I’ve learned by keeping track of my results through my own private journal. I currently have two zpt2 builds and I also run zp programs.


I haven’t ran Love Bomb in 16 days yet I’ve been feeling so much love in my heart in the last few days. I ran True Social and there was someone who liked me but I ignored him, as I usually do. Then I decided, the guy worked hard all week. Why not give him some positivity to start off the weekend? He was leaving and looked back at me. I smiled, he smiled back and nodded. I felt so much love right after that happened. Then there was another guy who went in there and he liked me, so I smiled at him before I left and I could see so much love in his eyes.

I’ve felt so much love for the last few days since changing my own behavior. Even my partner said that the sex was incredible. He felt so much love from me and in me, like he has never felt before.

We went to the store yesterday, and wow. I took one look at him and I would have felt intimidated by this great looking guy if I didn’t know him. Not only was he cute, he was dressed nicely. He says that women after women were smiling at him in that store. I realize that I should smile at handsome guys, everybody else does! Why not me, I need to have higher self esteem.

We joked about how he made these ladies happy and now they might make their husband’s, happy too! lol Emperor, Chosen, and Love Bomb have been good to him. He finally takes pride in his appearance.

I haven’t ran subs in two days, but my guys tells me that I look like a celebrity. He says my presence is strong and that he can feel it all around him, surrounding him.


How it’s been with your custom so far ?
It’s been some time since your last update

You seemed quite impressed by ZPT2 effects and how fast acting they were
So when you’ll be okay with it don’t forget to tell us more about your journey !


Thanks for asking @Melior. I really love my two customs. The results I got when I ran them together were really great. There’s so much going on right now. I’m going to look through my private journal and will update soon.


I’ve been having some really good dreams where I know that the subs are guiding me.

One of the dreams was about running PCC. Then a situation with a trouble maker got intensified about a week later and it became very clear why I needed to run this sub. I ran it a few times already and I picked up on little things that some people close to me do on purpose to annoy me. I’m picking up many things about people that I hadn’t noticed before. The falsehoods they put on to deceive are just unbelievable. I liked it so much that I got a custom made including Ascension for Women in ZP strength.

The first time I ran Ascension for women zp, I felt the aura or energy tingling on my face for about two and a half hours. Then I felt it again in the morning. My partner said he was blown away by how gorgeous he thought I looked. I had never seen him looking at me that way before. He said I looked like a goddess.

Running the two zpt2 builds that focus on Seductress and on Libertine improves my sex life. My partner says that he feels a deeper connection to me and he ends up feeling inside me whatever it is that I am feeling. He didn’t even know that these were the main feelings that I was feeling. I love the zpt2 builds. I don’t even have anything for connection in either of these subs.

I’m seeing recon as something that’s actually positive. I’m learned to dissociate the feelings from the lesson in a way that helps me to be productive about it.