The Wanted Executive - The High Powers Of Attractiveness

There’s much more to discuss but that will come with time :slight_smile: (Deleted the visual results as I felt it’s a bit too revealing)

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I’m in a dilemma right now, should I continue with the Stark + Wanted custom or go back to my empfit st3 + wanted custom.

I’m in a cut at 2.4k calories and so far my hunger is manageable and my appetite is low. I’m worried that if I go back to the empfit st3 + wanted custom I would go back into hunger mode and basically be doing a calorie surplus. What should I do? @bombayduck @Matalexander305 @Deadpool you guys have been following my journey from the start what do you guys think?

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I think the go-to answer to “should I change my stack” is always no, unless there’s a really good reason to do so.

From what it looks like, you don’t have that good reason. Keep running Stark+Wanted.

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If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. You know what to do


@bombayduck @Matalexander305

Gracias seniors, love you guys >3


Had one of the most stressful and most depressing months of the year, got shit on, rejected and felt extremely alone/lonely even though I wasn’t and hiding it as if everything was okay to everyone else even thought I really wasn’t.

There’s people I didn’t want to hurt so I cut them off temporarily as I didn’t want my negativity/loneliness to affect them nor I didn’t want them to worry about me. Starting talking to those people again since I’m okay now but man I’m happy they didn’t know me during that period it was one of the hardest times of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever been that antisocial till that point.

On a positive note, I look amazing physically and I’ve rated numerous times for being attractive. You might remember before I was rated as average and not very attractive but now no matter what service I try (For educational purposes of course). They all rate me as someone who’s highly attractive like this one:
Screenshot 2022-09-20 195241

The only things I need to do is growth more hair and getting even more lean (10% bodyfat is the goal).

Going to start going out more as I can as I haven’t went out in a month because of this very hard period for me and see how it is since now I’m considered “attractive” which I wasn’t when I was fat/bulky.


Bro, everyone goes through shit. You’re only human, you can’t be super man all the time :wink:

You know, I’m just like you. When I went through some of the darkest times in my life, I never told a soul. I suffered in silence because I didn’t want to drag anyone else down and most importantly, I didn’t want to be seen as weak or flawed.

But you know what I wanted and needed most at that time? Someone to talk to. Someone I could trust, someone that cared and someone that would understand. Luckily I found one friend that did exactly that, and he helped me so much, just by simply listening…

Now me and him are like brothers, we’ve grown so much together and we often look back at our old selves and can’t believe how far we’ve come. Its important to have friends like this, people you know you can always come to not only for help, not just for advice, but sometimes to simply lend an ear.

Know that I’ll always be there if you need me. You need to vent? Go crazy, doesn’t matter what it’s about. I got you.


It’s okay, I never took it personally :slight_smile:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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I mean you are basically a young clone version so your not wrong :slight_smile:

Noted watch me send you a 5000 word essay about my rants :wink:

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New stack will be Stark + Wanted custom as usual + Limitless Executive to make me a productivity king as mentioned by @friday

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There is a problem with these deleted messages that I can see them in my email though :slight_smile:
And wanted is calling me, right. That is why I have had it in my previous custom cycle and still going with it further.

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Ugh my romance life is shit and no matter how hard I try to improve it nothing changes. Why?

I’ve gotten to a point where I have the looks, I have the game and I have the wealth to attract but yet something is blocking me from attractive the girls I like and I don’t know what it is. I don’t want to blame it for the country I’m in but whenever I’m traveling it’s like people see me differently I start attracting girls I like right as I land in the hotel and they approach me. I just don’t understand how even when I approach them the outcome is still the same :confused:

The struggles of a man with high T :tired_face:


I empathize. Give it time, you’ll figure it out. Romance is the one thing you definitely don’t want to rush… as tempting as it is. Being needy, and being desperate is the number one killer of attractiveness. Trust me, I learnt it the hard way.

Surrender to it, don’t try and force shit. That’s not to say don’t approach girls, or actively pursue romance. It’s fine to do that, but you can’t force a genuine connection. (and I assume that’s what you want).
And if your really want this, you may want to give Heartsong a try.

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Thank you gigachad your wise as always :innocent:

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@SaintSovereign or @Fire for Emperor Fitness ST3:

“Finally, another major part of the Unleasher is the unbelievable reframing of the hormonal system and subsequent release of powerful hormones, all designed to make you truly the best in whatever physical discipline you decide.”

Can it make someone go from low T to high T. For example, if some uses ST3 can it replace TRT which means they won’t have to use it anymore? Reason I’m asking is I’m cutting and towards the end of my cut when my calorie are reduced by a lot I want to make sure my T is as high as it can be at those times and I was wondering if ST3 would make sure that I’m still in the high T range and that I won’t have to take steroids to get in that range. Could you please advise on if this would be the case? Thank you!

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Might make an experimental custom that if works well would replace my current Stark + Wanted custom. The only reason I’ve been using Wanted was for it’s physical shifting to make me more attractive but I’ve felt recently it’s been making me too focused on getting girls instead of other goals and made my vocabulary more generic. Like I say the same words or don’t make my words sounds special but because of the halo effect people still love me even complete strangers so without further do here’s the potential new custom, @magician @TheBoxingScientist @SaintSpring since you guys are all either in IT or Cyber what do you guys think of this. I know my opinion in it on my work but a second opinion always helps :slight_smile: :

Stark Core
Emperor Fitness Stage 2 Core first and then make a new one with ST3 after the cut
Direct Influencing Aura
Ethereal Presence
Emperor Fitness Height Inducer
Extreme Exercise Motivation
Carpe Diem Ascended
SPS: Endocrine System
Emperor’s Voice
Deep Sleep
Facial Morphing
Serum X
SPS: Fat Burn
Technological Prodigy
Epigenetics & DNA Modulator
Lifeblood Fable
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Financial Success Reality Shifter


Am not an expert in making a wise planned customs, but from what I see I can tell you If you want to combine CyberSec career with fitness, then go with these modules stack. Aside of creating a proper reputation, Lifeblood Fable will also strengthen your Halo aura, I guess.

what website have you used for this?

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Just guessing, but I believe he’s paying for the face rating service offered by Nero Angelo.