The Shadow Unleashed

It would be great if there was a sub helping us to integrate our shadow with.

The shadow is the “dark side” of our personality because it consists chiefly of primitive, negative human emotions and impulses like rage, envy, greed, selfishness, desire, and the striving for power.

All we deny in ourselves—whatever we perceive as inferior, evil, or unacceptable—become part of the shadow.

Anything incompatible with our chosen conscious attitude about ourselves relegates to this dark side.

The personal shadow is the disowned self . This shadow self represents the parts of us we no longer claim to be our own, including inherent positive qualities.

These unexamined or disowned parts of our personality don’t go anywhere. Although we deny them in our attempt to cast them out, we don’t get rid of them.

As you integrate your shadow side and come to terms with your darker half, you see yourself more clearly. You become more grounded, human, and whole


@Sub.Zero I am thinking that Dragon Reborn Stage 2 is meant to tackle issues like that

I hope that’s the case if not during Stage 2 then later on.

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I’m pretty sure most subs include this one way or the other.

Emperor and Khan heavily come to mind there - DR definitely too

Still cool idea but yeah, I think long as functionality is concerned those integrate it pretty well.

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This is stage 3. Kahn’s stage 3 said it clearly in the sales copy, and DR’s stage 3 does too, though it leans toward the positive outlook.

Dark sides are a part of us. It’s our choice if we want to accept them or not. DR seems to be helping me see them much more realistically than before.

Edit. I just checked Kahn’s page, and stage 4 mentions it. Still trying to decipher DR


Alchemist talks about this in stage 3 as well, excepting all of yourself the dark and the light.

I can say with certainty that this happens as a byproduct of growth from these subs. Shadow work is just about bringing up repressed emotions and aspects of yourself which most of the subs here already address



I’ve been drawn to this thread all day. With limited time during lunch, I replied up above.
I’ve just had this need today to let some tears out. Considering a shadow in ourself is something we’ve disowned, Stage 1 of DR is presently showing me how I’ve disowned quite a bit of myself.

For example, I truly loved raising my daughter. She and I bonded very well when she was younger, and I allowed my inner kid to come out and play with her regularly. I remember allowing this very purposefully since parenting (still is) the battle between being irresponsible and being responsible. I grew up some while raising her, and I miss her (we’re at least 1000 miles apart).

And today I heard a song I’d never heard. A single line hit me. He said while he was fretting about life’s big responsibilities, his infant daughter grabbed his finger and held to it tightly. He melted, knowing she was all that mattered to him, and all day I’ve longed to be with my daughter. I texted her telling her that I miss her. No reply, but she is 16 now.

I realized I’ve disowned a lot of sadness over our separation. I’ve dismissed my wants to call her up or text her numerous times–when I spent time with her every day for many years. I’ve disowned a lot of sadness. Period.

And St1 isn’t allowing me to re-stuff this back down. Your thread title “Shadow Unleashed” is very fitting. Thank you for writing it.


I was thinking about a program which would be solely focused on our shadow. SC programs are rather focused on unlocking our potential, removing our limits and healing. It’s focused on “the positive” side but there’s “the negative” side which has a lot to offer too. Sometimes our shadows hold a lot of strengths like the shadow-archetype Tyrant or Detached Manipulator my primal shadow (Sauron) is comprised of. Those qualities (of Sauron) are for example ruthlessness, shrewdness, vigilance.


A deeper question…

Why do you think you’re drawn to being ruthless, shrewd, or vigilant?

How do you imagine this serving you?

It’s the shadow of the magician
the magician uses/harness universal force and process to make or rather let magic happen.
The shadow side doesn’t trust and takes control into their own hands more forceful.

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Dragon Reborn opens me to some dark masculine energy I’ve always tended to suppress out of fear, insecurities, feeling bad, ashamed and guilty.

Ruthlessness could help me motivate myself to act, getting rid of my lousy excuses and soft feelings which often put me in doubt. On top of that, it’s also about dealing with people who are harmful to my well-being in a more radical way. Destroying my enemies instead of trying to evade them and trying to appeal to their “good” nature and will.

Shrewdness could help me to get more out of my talents, gifts, time, money and energy which I tend to waste on things and people who are not worth it. I’m too generous and kind out of my meek feelings instead of using my generosity and the aforementioned things in a more strategic/shrewd way which would serve ME better.

Vigilance could help me be focused more on opportunities and people who could really help improve my life instead of just following my guts/heart.


Very close to the point I made above. Thanks.

was expanding on for peeps less familiar with the jist of this stuff…and also pointing out the source or why of the shadow-(at least how those phenomena play out in me-and since its an archetypical shadow what I imagine would play out universally in a similar way) …trust and control.

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Yes. I’d agree with this statement.

I think, for example, that the Terminus2 build strength itself stirs up shadow material, independently of the specific content of the program being run.

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RM helps unleash my shadow but I wish there was a program focused on that entirely. That would be cool! :slight_smile:

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