The Revelation of Zero Point: Episode 1 -- A STKS Short Read Featuring The Revelator

What a hint hahahahaha

First impressions

  • spring summer autumn winter hint at a multistage. Spring is the first stage, fill you with new life, grow in summer, appreciate the fruits of your harvest in autumn, and weather the dark night of the soul and be able to weather any storm in winter, knowing spring will come again

  • hints of Saint’s suggestion that a Renaissance Man black would be about having someone’s life be one Grand Art

  • INTENSE references to sound…. Either a “revelation of sound” title, or perhaps specifically “Revelation of senses/matter” as there were constant references to sound alongside “do you see?”


Until revelation of Body was confirmed in this story I thought that maybe it was Actually going to be changed to something like Revelation Of Matter, a reference to the entire sense-based material world.

Now I realize that’s completely possible that it’s what Revelation Of Body is designed to do.

I believe that this story illustrates how Revelation Of Body will have us tap into all of our senses to the absolute fullest to hear feel see SENSE every tiny, tiny, incomprehensible detail to the fullest. Even to the point of interpreting your own intuition as a hum that you simply have to follow to make the right decisions.

This would give the user a profound love of existence itself as all he would have to do is close his eyes and hear the notes of the sounds and the notes of the silence

A revelation of body user would heighten his senses to the fullest and each one of them would be a transcendent experience simply by experiencing them… watching trees wave in the wind would unleash the secrets of the universe in that moment. Listening to a river current would be sweeter than every grand symphony orchestra combined. And of course, closing your eyes and feeling “inward” would reveal much.


Imagine being able to enhance all of our senses and having full control over them.

Imagine you are in a concert and being able to close your eyes, block everything outside, and fully focus “inward”. that sort of control over your own senses will be insane. these are just my rambling ideas though lol


Fantastic! This chapter was particularly healing, intriguing, and fortifying. All creation holds a particular energetic resonance, and the resonance of these words holds the ability to effortlessly awaken people. I hold no hyperbole in that statement - whoever wrote this has a profound ability to share the gift of writing/words and the gift of giving truth.

What a gift it is to be here with SubliminalClub at this point in time/space. Well done and many thanks for sharing these writings!


I don’t know if anyone else caught the “sole heir to a legacy sculpted from…”

Sounds like lessons from LoS being applied to the subject, maybe HoM undertones.

Also, “Aeonia breathed new life into my purpose” makes me think the Genesis scripting. Which is why it’s odd to see the clear symbolism around them including the emerald gown and the connection to the liminal spaces which tells me what she represents (and the name itself of course). There are some clear gnostic and alchemical undertones here, but I suppose the emerald may progress to the ruby in the future if the hints on page 4 tell me anything.

(I have met that green robed one before. People should Google up that description it might give some interesting clues)


This is really starting to feel like a universe onto itself.



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Marvel eat your heart out! :boom: :boom: :boom:

Real superheroes are real people who strive and change to do great things.

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i bet things are going to get trippy

There newer projects suck anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:


Let the wise understand: “Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter.”

This is the key. :wink:


Thanks for the epub. I will read it in a while. Ironically Aeon is the name of one of my favorite death metal bands


@SaintSovereign What do you use for ebook creator and graphics?

the 4 Revelation Titles

Dreams - Hibernation - Winter
Spirit - Blossoming - Spring
Mind - Shedding the Old - Autumn

Do I win the prize Saint :slight_smile:


Could also be a Revelation mult-stage like @ouroboros said, which would be sick nasty

No idea what that would even look like tbh

credit where it’s due @Prioritas <3


I wonder if it’s related to the Zen movie

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Was looking at this too. Couldn’t get much from it other than Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter being linked with Birth, Life, Death and Rebirth.

Maybe a 4 stage subliminal after all.


Ora pro Nobis Lucifer

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