The Renaissance Khan Journal

Day 30 - Khan QV2 ST1 - Rich Solace
18 Days on stack so far

Sexual power came back HARD. Pun intended.

I have enough control to transmute my sexual energy, but I can FEEL the power. Holy lord.
I guess I worked through a bunch of things and they got cleared.

Because now I feel like I am FREE in my mind. It is POWERFUL, STRONG, CLEAN, and ready to go.

Crazy feeling. Haven’t had that in a LONG time!


Day 31 - Khan QV2 ST1 - Rich Solace
19 Days on stack so far

So RICH from yesterday manifested almost immediately again with someone paying ANNUALLY for my private group ($200).

Overall, since listening to RICH it manifested around $4,000-5,000

Not bad!

Why do I know it’s RICH? Because I didn’t promote these products yet (coaching) they were just flying around on the shop, not even proper copy, as well as I mostly promote the monthly payment for the group.

So it wasn’t the marketing, it has to be RICH.

Other than that, I am not feeling much from EoG ST1. Maybe Khan ST1 is too powerful and overriding it. Been reading on the forum that powerful healing subs tend to do this.

Today I am trying to run EoG later in the day to see if it makes a difference.


most of the journals of stacking EOG and Khan stages seem like one or both of the ‘obviousness’ of the subs results get subdued. That’s not to say it wouldn’t lead to great results and growth and/or you of course could have an entirely different experience.

It seems like it would be such a great stack though, and I plan to run something similar after DR, so
very curious how the combo will unfold for you.

Yes, I still keep running EoG, I am just always experimenting.

Today I’ll test running Khan at night, and EoG somewhere Mid-Day.

My mind finally seems to accept the subliminal messaging much better. Or it is QV2, but I definitely feel less fatigue or tiredness.

Also, yesterday I had a crazy bloom for a few hours. That felt great. Looking forward to more of this journey.

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Hi @AlexanderGraves, since you appreciate the presence acquired by Total Breakdown so much — do you care about sharing how it has changed your life so far?

How have your habits and routines changed, how about your personality, character, and identity — has your confidence, self-esteem, values, and worth improved?

What are you noticing? Increased passion, ambition, working out more often, etc

Is your productivity heightened?

For me, Total Breakdown completely obliterates one’s character completely, but it does not instill personality traits or creates magnificence in a person.

The Aura is there and the confidence may come and go as it pleases.

What I have observed, however, is that over a prolonged timespan it profoundly transforms one’s life in all directions and compartments.


Of course I am happy to share. Honestly it is hard to put in words, but I’ll try my best.

What Khan ST1 did in 20 days!

Habits and Routines were already in place, so this didn’t change much.
However, my personality is way different. As in, currently I don’t even know who I WANT TO BE.
I wrote that in caps intentionally.
I feel more and more like a blank slate. Not like a void. Just the green field. Clean, slick, ready to be set up!

“Doesn’t this kill your confidence?”

Absolutely not.
I am more confident than ever. I feel that is because I know the walls holding me back from the past are being torn down. Limiting beliefs being crushed ferociously. Second-guesses are a thing of the past.
I have an idea of what I want to do. I go out and do it.
No “what if” questions AT ALL.
Just straight forceful direction.

I also have this weird sense of being absolutely fearless.
I have practiced detachment for quite a while, but this is a new level. I don’t care about losing ANYTHING I have. Which is fantastic, because it means I can operate from a free mind.
And when it comes to my family, this is great as well. I don’t NEED to be around them. I WANT to. Great feeling!

The biggest thing that changed immediately was that before I sort of looked down on people. Thought of most people as “stupid sheep.”
Not anymore.

I still consider myself “aloof” to them because of what I do, but it comes from a more positive source. I just adore them for what they do. I try to help people as much as possible, but if they don’t want it, fine. Doesn’t bother me. I don’t have negative feelings towards anyone, even my haters (of which I have a bunch). It’s fine.

Increased passion? Oh, yes. Let’s just say the sex-life changed A LOT. Not in frequency, this was already big before. But how we do it. I feel the primal side in me and she truly enjoys it. Which is funny, because apparently Sex-Mastery comes in ST4?

I was already working out every day. However, interestingly the intensity is less than before. Maybe I am still working through things in regards to this. The Legacy helps me a lot with this.

Generally, I enjoy life a lot more.

The biggest change for me was living FULLY in the present moment. I don’t know if it is because I was reading Neville Goddard at the same time, or Khan. But time slowed down MASSIVELY. I get more of every day by living RIGHT NOW.
I am at a loss of words to describe this or how this works.

However, this is the “I AM” module from Khan ST1, right?

This is hard to judge because I consciously trained myself in recent years to work every free minute. I would say what changed is that I enjoy it more, simply because I am not chasing future goals anymore, I am enjoying the process RIGHT NOW.

So truly the time aspect was the biggest change for me and the most welcome one!

I agree with this and this is exactly what I wanted. While I achieved a bunch of things before, I didn’t really like who I was (due to childhood issues). I was NEVER in my life, as excited as I am now for this journey to enlightenment and spirituality with the Khan Stages and later Alchemist or even a custom sub.

Before I was living in a negative world. Some things still worked (domination and money) but it sort of didn’t feel right. Now I live in a world of TRUE happiness and joy. But not like a hippie thing. It is masculinity with pleasure which I think is the hidden slogan of Khan.

Total Breakdown is TRULY a magnificent sub to an extent I cannot describe in words. What @Fire and @SaintSovereign have created there will change MANY lives for the better.

I’ll promote SC as much as possible to get the message out. People need to try REAL subs. I’ve done these Youtube things. Effin useless.

And you, @Hermit I think will appreciate the newfound direction my life-path is taking. I am all of a sudden very interested in higher consciousness, spirituality, and cosmic energies. Before I was mostly based materialistic, but there was always a pull in me to “higher” things.
I thought it’s just my very expressive creativity, but I think it was my soul screaming for attention.


Day 32 - Khan QV2 ST1 - Beyond Limitless Ultima
20 Days on Khan so far

I think I finally figured out the correct way to run my stack (especially with QV2).

Two QV2 titles back to back or even QV2 and Ultima V2 seems to be too tough.

Currently I run Khan at night, and after waking up I listen to EoG, RICH or BLU depending on the day.
This seems to work great!

For the progress, see (lengthy) post before.

Khan is setting me up in crazy ways.
And as I mentioned before, RICH keeps manifesting money left and right. Launched a new product yesterday, already making hundreds off of it.

Current goals I work on right now:

  • Making enough money with the business to retire my wife so she can take full care of our son.
  • Making enough money to finally retire my lingering corporate job.
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I am currently really eager to pull the Trigger on EXACTLY the same custom healing Ultima @SubliminalUser built in his thread.
But damn it’s gonna be $350

Dunno if I do this yet, mostly because this will be REALLY powerful and I am almost afraid to blast my subconscious with something like this yet.

Probably better to give it more exposure with regular titles before I use the sledge hammer.

For completion though, this would be the Custom:

Blue Skies
New Beginnings
Attachment Destroyer
Power Awareness
Gratitude Embodiment

Copyright by SubliminalUser :wink:

Day 33 - Khan QV2 ST1 - EoG ST1
21 Days on Khan so far

Yesterday on BLU made me VERY tired. I realized that Ultima (V2) titles are a REAL drain on my energy. I mean they work, but damn they fatigue me hard. Reducing Ultima titles was definitely the key for me (for now) to get more/better results.

Q seems to work easier on me (especially QV2).

BLU still works. It makes me feel productive, but about 6 hours later which is weird. Could also be that I still don’t get more than 6-7 hours of sleep.

I definitely won’t do that custom for now or any Ultima custom. This might come WAY later, also since SubliminalUser said he would just recommend Dragon Reborn now instead of that custom. This is definitely on the list.

I am also trying EMDR now with Mind’s Eye to aid the healing some more with action towards it. Will start with this next week, but playing around with EMDR already, although it seems to be powerful.

Also, I found an old song that always got me in a great mood.
Anyone remember this gem?

Such a great song to run alongside meditation/subs.

On Khan:
Not much happening right now. It feels to me like I am one of these rare individuals like @Hoppa or @King that don’t feel much from healing subs. I mean I get recon and a bit of anger/fatigue.
But definitely no hard sadness, crying, or even suicidal thoughts. Nothing.

I just truly enjoy the feeling of the clean slate being generated.
While I say this I also talked to Hermit and he mentioned after about 21 days the void feels like it needs to be filled with something (not a sexual pun, relax). Eager to start Total Reprogramming.

I will stay strong and run ST1 at least for another week, then we’ll see.


When I think of a Civ theme song, first thing that comes to my mind is the theme from Civ 4. it was the “Our Father”, sang in Swahili if I remember correctly. It’s such a beautiful work of art.

Sounds like you’re doing very well. Stay the course, friend.

Baba Yetu?

Starting from Civ III, I played all of them. Some of them too much when I was still addicted to videogames.

Gotta say though, Civ games still have more “value” than like Call of Duty or similar titles.

But I stopped games completely (for many reasons).
Still, these great soundtracks are deep in my subconscious.

And thanks! Yes, Khan is working great so far!

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Indeed that’s the one. I’m into strategy games as well, like Europa Universalis, Total war, Civ, heck even Caesar 3 if we’re going retro. I also enjoy the occasional Skyrim and Fallout.

When I started EQ, I didn’t get to play as much, I still want to. Let’s see if RICH will help me manifest a ps5… haha…

Civ music is pretty good, I remember there’s this Roman March I liked, and I think it was Charlemagne’s theme…

Once I wrap up DR ST4 I’ll begin my journey with EOG, even just the 1st stage like Hoppa suggested and then maybe HoM… so many temptations! :grin:

Be keen to read more of your results fellow Khan.

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Playing Civilization may be a good way of winding down.

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I’ve always wanted to try my hand at Hearts of Iron IV.

I heard it’s the ultimate strategy pc game.

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I don’t feel much from non-healing and healing subs.

I always wanted to feel something, be it change in my body temperature in either direction, energy coursing through my body, my head being massaged, or some part of my body being unblocked…

I don’t have the good fortune unfortunately. Will just focus on running DRST1 for a month and see what happens after that.

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Yeah, same here.

Now I’m on a quest to solve this. Alchemist+Quantum Limitless+Mind’s Eye. Just finished my run with Dragon Reborn.


Yeah it almost feels like there is something wrong with us, right?

When everyone has these deep feelings, but maybe it is a good sign and there isn’t much to work through?

I don’t know, as long as I am getting results, I am fine with it.

Yeah I saw Saint saying he played Civ all day! I been down that road, but somehow I am just not interested in it anymore.

Today I am feeling a WHOLE LOT of directionlessness.

BLU was still lingering around so I am doing shit. But it’s sometimes low-ROI activities, or jumping around.
I also definitely NEED to do something important later and currently I don’t see how.
Will run the BLU supercharger to get it going, but it’s interesting.

I suppose this is an overload from the subs all week.

Looking forward to the rest-weekend.

Seems to be a common theme. I feel completely lost in a foggy forest reaching out blindly. Hopefully the dust will settle for you soon

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Are you running khan as well or where’s this feeling coming from?

For khan st1 I think it is intentional. Swipe clean. Then start anew.