The path of greatness (ZP experimental custom)

How are you liking EmpFit ST4 vs ST3?

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Love the cover art as always, where did you find this one?

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Gimme a couple more days to judge it with workouts :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey thanks man :grin:



So bro, you asked for this, and when I woke up I realized and noticed something:

I’m not sore at all.

My chest workout yesterday was the heaviest one yet in the last 2 months, so I assumed I’d be hella sore to even hit Back today and instead do legs, but imagine my surprise when not only is my weight up by 1 full Kg, but also no soreness, as well as my chest still looking pumped from yesterday :rofl::rofl:

It’s safe to say that I’m loving this custom, considering that it’s just an update of the custom I abruptly stopped (Fahrenheit ZP) and has the combination I always praised a lot (Stark + EF).

I always have this one exercise I do, where after making a custom and running it a couple times, I ask myself to evaluate and see what module I would change, and what I would change it for, and as of this moment, I have no modules that I would have rather put in this custom, simply because these modules are all perfect for longer term development, and while I did want something for my spending habits, I have a strong feeling that a major title will be dropping soon that would help me with it :grin: or else I’ll just hop on RICH when it becomes experimental :eyes:

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The urge to update my custom to ZPT is real

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Okay dope cause I have been on the fence on making a custom or just adding either EF3 or 4 into my stack but it looks like it’s goin to be 4 haha

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Go for it my dude, but does that come in experimental?

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I couldn’t use it as much before because EF4 used to give me hip pain, as well as weakness in my quads.

Now, not only do I feel better, I’m also stronger overall, including my hip joint :grin:

Yep yep, the only change I was thinking about making was adding Beast Within core instead of serum X.
So 4 cores + ZPT level :eyes:

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Lmao yeah whenever I used Em4 in the past I got random soreness as well so I get it.

Lol I mean I would go for it. I never messed with Terminus at all so I can’t speak for that but I have considered 3 core customs for a while especially since this new experimental phase.

I feel if I could handle at least 3 you could definitely handle 4 my dude :grin:

Especially since it’s within the parameters of your goals, and I’m pretty sure Beast Within as aspects of Serum X

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Okay fine :grin:

Made 5 changes:

  • Serum X → Beast within core

  • Song of joy → dragon tongue

  • Facial morphing → virtuoso di musica

  • Joie de Vivre → gratitude embodiment

  • Fearsome-> Khronos key

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Lol nice, when are you goin to order that?

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Oh I already did when I posted that :rofl:

But I’m gonna make it clear that this is just a test to see if the new tech allows me to push to new limits, if it caused trouble and I wanted to stop it, the only choice is to go back to Iconic ZP (current one in use), as they’re technically the same, and the small changes I made aren’t really that necessary.


Lmao nice, I have been considering pushing my stack to 5 subs since 4 is like nothing with the experimental versions for me . However that is something that is some thing I’m really goin to have to think about :joy: and pick the stack accordingly if I intend to do it

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Chill man :rofl::rofl:

On a completely unrelated note:

I’m joining a Tekken 7 tournament in December, even though I only ever play that game once or twice a year :rofl:

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Okay so apparently there’s a League of Legends tournament as well, guess imma join that instead, or both :rofl:

@SaintSovereign any plans to release GMX ZP experimental :eyes: I’ll put it to good use :muscle:t3:

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Lmao I’m kidding even I understand my limits plus 4 subs pretty much cover my bases :joy: plus at that point I would just make customs. Also just do both tournaments mi amigo, go big or go home :wink:

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I’d say

Wait for Mind’s eye experimental release :wink:

They’re on the same day :sweat_smile:

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What rank are you in league?

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That’s actually what I was waiting for haha I can’t wait for the reality bending power of Minds Eye Exp Reloaded :grin:

Also yeah them being on the same day does put a damper on a lot of things :joy: Unless you used the power of Minds Eye Exp Reloaded :face_with_monocle:

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I haven’t actually played rank this season, now that I think about :thinking:

Hahaha, I have had a very “just wanna have fun” approach this season, so I’ve only been playing ARAM, draft pick and URF right now.

I wanted to play ranked at the start of the season, but then after I switched servers, my rank got reset, and I didn’t feel like grinding all over again :sweat_smile:
So I’m hoping I can use the tournament to reignite that side of me again.

Though here’s the thing, I don’t even know if I can join the LoL tournament, cause like ummm, I don’t have a team (:

So maybe Tekken it is :thinking:

There will definitely be a custom made for gaming, as the modules in my mind for the custom are already licensed, but I shall wait first to see which tournament I end up signing up for, as fighting games are my main specialty.

If I do end up making that gaming custom, it will have GMX and ME cores as the main :wink:

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