[STACKED] The journey of a thousand miles {MindsEye, StarkQ, AscMogQ, AlcQ, InnerCQ, PCCQ}

Thanks man! The course is super helpful. The good thing about it is that it’s only a month so you’re not committed to it. But it’s a very fast paced month and when they say you’re going to need 10 hours a week they’re being conservative (at least at my skill level) definitely closer to 15-20 minimum once you get through some of the two hour long class videos. But it’s worth it if you have the time and can afford it ( it was ~270 USD iirc) but I’m definitely learning a lot. I need to stick to this momentum and try to keep making songs every 10 days. It doesn’t matter if they’re all super good, at the end of a year I’ll have 36 finished tracks. Even double the time that is still 18 songs. That’s basically two albums. That will be the major hurdle as I haven’t really finished anything “in my genre” yet, all my songs had to go in other directions to fit the projects. But I have a plan for that once this course is over at the end of the month


Congratulations on taking so much action, you are really using this time of quarantine as best as possible.

I am wondering, why are you not listening to Ultimate Artist?


Thanks man, yes I’m definitely trying to. That boredom sets in really hard if I don’t. The reason is simply that I never purchased that product. In the past music has never been a primary focus. I had other goals which were more immediate. Although it’s always been a title that’s interested me, I don’t think I’ll get it now either because so much of my subs are already geared towards creativity and entrepreneurship so it doesn’t make sense to change course that way

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Hell yeah. I might have to look into it. Or at the very least start making deadlines for myself. Maybe a track a week or something. Something to just break me out of the overthinking. I think once you reach a certain level and know you can finish stuff it’s better to take your time.


If you Google “Andrew Huang learn monthly” you should find it, if that doesn’t try adding “3 songs 30 days” but you should be able to find it without that. Not sure how often he runs the course but I 100% recommend it :slight_smile:


Week 6.2

I fell behind on my speed reading course and the accompanying smaller course on speeding up brain function. Yesterday I felt compelled to catch up. I did two days worth of the smaller course and will do two more days today to be totally caught up on that one. The speed reading course involves tests that measure the increase from our baseline so doing two a day in rapid succession would not be a good way to measure or let my brain process the new information. I’m going to try to stagger them so I do one in the morning and one in the evening until I’m caught up. There also has to be minimum 10 minutes of dedicated practice in between those viewings, because that is part of the program. I measured my reading speed at roughly 600 wpm which 3x faster than the average reader so that’s pretty cool.

Yesterday I got three packages from Amazon, but I got no emails throughout the day about the status of the deliveries like I normally do. I went at checked at one point and saw nothing there. Later in the day I thought “I’ll just check the delivery status on Amazon.” The status said delivered. So I go outside to check. My unit is in the back, the mail gets delivered to the front (it’s a converted house). I go out to the front of the house and there’s nothing there. But at the same time I’m walking out to check my neighbour steps out of the house holding my delivery. Total synchronicity!

I am getting more caught up on my music course too. I powered through some of the longer videos I didn’t make time to watch and am basically caught up to the course now. Will be totally caught up today. This section is about writing songs around lyrics which is something that has always been of interest to me. I never understood lyric writing so I am very excited to learn this part.

Girl I thought was being distant was just busy. We talked for a bit last night on facetime before she went to bed. Still not totally sure where she’s at (sometimes she’s hot sometimes she’s cold) but meh, as much as she’s the one I really want if it doesn’t happen I have to be able to let go of that outcome. There are other girls I’m talking to, each at varying levels of interest to me and in me. The next one on the list that I’d be most interested in pursuing is the one I have the weakest relationship with and she takes sometimes days to reply to messages so it’s hard to build a real connection. But I know she’s available and she’s definitely my type.

When I went to turn off the repeat on my playlist I accidentally put StarkQ on repeat so I got a full night’s blast of that. Which is probably a good thing as it’s the one I added most recently (well technically Emperor Q but I’d been running other versions of Emperor including the test Q). Regardless, I probably got 7 or 8 loops of just StarkQ overnight so we shall see how what that does haha


Just did my “morning” speed reading class (it’s about 2 in the afternoon right now). Clocked my reading speed at 682WPM. Going to do some music stuff then read then more music stuff then do the next reading class. I’m blown away by how fast I’m getting. Comprehension dropped a little bit at the beginning but I’m finding I’m able to focus in on the text more and really absorb it as I scan.

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Hey I found something that you might be interested in…

I just stumbled upon a book called “Parallel Universe of Self” by F. Dodson which deals with an advanced deep trance identification with a different you in a parallel universe. I am not sure if you are fimilar with all these terms but it is like a practical guide to reality surfing.


Nice man, thank you! That sounds really interesting :slight_smile: I’ll look into it!


Week 6.3

Nothing much to report from the last few days. Working on the last song for that course. This one presents a third interesting challenge, writing a song with lyrics. I’ve never tried writing a lyrical song before. Finding words that fit together in cohesive message proved really challenging. Got a song written but not all the music for it, which I was supposed to have done last night, putting me behind schedule. Today was a mostly unproductive day. I was up until 4am trying to get in a partial submission to the course.

Talked to my mom on the phone today and the conversation was less controversial than usual. Most of the time we can’t argue enough but today it felt different.

I’m debating pulling the trigger on an online course to learn to play the piano better. I have professional grade lessons in sound design and mixing/mastering. Learning to properly play the keys would go a long way toward melody writing. The course also involves a section on music marketing and getting into the industry.

I’ve fallen behind on my speed reading course but I’m going to pick it back up tomorrow. I choose to not let set backs become habits

That’s it, nothing much else from the last few days really.

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Week 6.4

I decided I want to up my vocal game. I have a masterclass account so I started the Christina Aguilera teaches singing class. I printed out the workbook and got super organized so I can be sure to have it all ready and accessible when I need it.

I’m looking seriously into a few marketing programs. None are very expensive and each offer unique opportunities. I also designed a banner for my new artist handle/production project.


Week 7.1
Followed up with that HR rep, she said the person in charge of hiring the position was busy and asked if I was bilingual (it helps if you speak English and French in Canada, especially in my city). I responded in French to drive the point home, she said her colleague would be in touch soon.

More vocal practice today. I have definitely noticed an improvement already. I also signed up for a course on playing piano which comes with bonus material on music marketing. I took some piano lessons as a kid but I’d like to be much better for writing music. I’ve been avoiding producing music but I choose to dedicate myself more to the craft. I will spend 10 minutes doing my speed reading (which I’ve also been avoiding today) before working on music for at least an hour as soon as I finish this post.

Cutting off the virtual date girl at least for the moment. She’s unwilling to put more effort into communicating and building a connection so I’m not going to push for it when there’s no possibility of a face to face meeting. Going to clean my place up tomorrow so I can take a few dating app profile pics.


Oh also I’ve been getting crazy amounts of angel numbers. 1111 1112 242 1234 345 are a few of the numbers I’ve been seeing over and over everywhere

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Week 7.2
This morning started great. I was extra productive. I accomplished a lot of the daily tasks I set out for. Reading, exercise, singing, music theory course, and a dating/influence course.

I’m starting to develop the habit of showing up. Taking small manageable actions. One way I’m doing this is finishing my showers up with cold water at the end.

More synchronicity numbers. They’re popping up everywhere. In particular the number 2 in various forms but that’s just one of many.

Later in the day I began to feel super tired. Usually this actually happens much later so I’m enthusiastic that I’ll soon be able to stay up a full day without the need for a nap.

Today is the last day of the music production course. I did not finish the last assignment yet. I will finish it over the next few days at my own pace but I choose to dedicate more time to it starting tomorrow. I get lifetime access to the course and the community of artists too apparently so that will continue to be an invaluable resource.

I got a lifetime subscription to one of those services that breaks down books into small abridged audible versions. I’ve “read” 4 books already today and gotten some very useful marketing information.

Getting iois from a few girls online, one in particular that is SUPER attractive and I’m slowly planting seeds of pursuit. In the persuasion course the instructor taught a particular language pattern. People in the room who’d taken previous seminars said they’d had a 100% success rate with it (the pattern is meant to induce a woman’s desire to perform certain sexual acts). I’m going to dedicate 20 minutes a day to learning it so by the time lockdown is lifted I will have it as smooth as I can without field testing.

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Also I’ve been listening a reduced version of my stack (one loop per title) at night using a sleeping mask with built in headphones. I have some feeling that it might be more effective for me. Come May I’m going to test out a few different listening patterns between ultrasonic and masked. I’ll figure out the details of each stage of the test tomorrow, each stage will be roughly 2 weeks in length.

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Week 7.3

Confusion and uncertainty are my gateway to clarity, focus, purpose, & vision

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New listening pattern and stack starting tomorrow (May 1st, 2020):

Note: Stack will be masked only for the next 14 days.

AlchQ st 4 x2
MogulQ x1
EmperorQ x1
StarkQ x1
Inner CircleQ x1

I will also be using the following superchargers: Dreams x1 right before bed, As Above x1 when I wake up in the morning, and Beyond Limitless (before doing anything creative)

Going to 1 loop a day for 14 days - once during the day, beginning immediately following listening to As Above.


Week 7.4

Today was my least productive day in awhile. I still managed to work out some which is good. Also practised my singing. I’ve noticed significant improvements to my body and voice. I have slightly more definition on my abs after having done barely any exercise and if anything my diet is worse now. After less than one week of 20 minute daily vocal exercises my voice is SIGNIFICANTLY better. I can only imagine how it will sound after 4 weeks. I am going to make daily lists of the tasks to accomplish, beside each task will be the first “mini chunk” that I can focus on. (I.e. if I want to “work on music” I can put “write one small chord progression” as a mini step).

I slept 3 hours in the afternoon today. I randomly got REALLY tired around 1 then slept until 4. It was strange. Though yesterday I had NO nap which was also strange so perhaps my body was “catching up”. I would like to get my body into the habit of being able to run the whole day without a nap. I feel like that is a minimum level of mandatory energy which I ought to be able to maintain. My strategy is to replace the habit with short 15 minute walks. Getting out of the house to change environment, getting fresh air, and being mildly active should shake me out of a “tired” state long enough to keep going after. After enough repetitions I hope to condition my body to get short bursts of energy when I’m tired in the middle of the day rather than succumb.

Week 7.5
Productivity is DEFINITELY stepping up. While today was not a “home run” day, I did get a LOT done. Exercise, vocal exercises, influence program, speed reading, language training, and brain training are all things I got done today. Some are already starting to become daily habits. Up until now I would reward completing a string of tasks by relaxing with Netflix. I am going to find a new reward that I still enjoy and will get me back to task sooner.

What really struck me today is that I CLEANED. Now let me emphasize, I HATE TO CLEAN. But tonight I was sitting around not really doing anything and I said “enough is enough” and cleaned up a section of my apartment that I’d been putting off fixing for MONTHS. Not sure what came over me but it felt sooooo good to accomplish. Going to make 30-60 minute cleaning sessions a regular part of my schedule until my place doesn’t look like a single bachelor lives here :stuck_out_tongue:

No nap today so that’s good! Will keep it up tomorrow and slowly but surely get myself back on a millionaire mindset schedule. I will tune my body to be able to stay energized all day.

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Week 8.1

Let me explain

Remember how I said I HATE to clean?! This morning I woke up, listened to As Above, went on Facebook for about 5 minutes then started CLEANING… again. Let me emphasize how much I NEVER clean. And when I do clean it has up until now absolutely always followed by weeks of more not cleaning. So for me to spend 1.5-2 hours cleaning this morning totally unprompted the day AFTER having cleaned… that’s… well that’s beyond paranormal. Running my stack as I write this but I was so blown away by the fact that I cleaned I just had to come announce my results :stuck_out_tongue:

Swapped StarkQ for StarkQ: Terminus so we’ll see how much that ramps things up. THANK YOU AGAIN SUBCLUB I FEEL LIKE I’M ACTUALLY GETTING MORE MOTIVATED AND ACTION ORIENTED HOLY FUCK :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart: