The Giver of Dick - Pick up/Sexuality custom

Hi all, ordered a new custom version of Terminus T2:

Khan ST4 Q
Primal Seduction Q
Daredevil Q
Dragon Tongue
Alpha Body Language
Aura of Craving
Charisma/Flirting Auto Mentor
Focused Arousal
Gorgeous Manifestor
Instant Seduction Tactician
Instant Spark
Iron Frame
Market Weaver
Physicality Shifter - Sexiness
Seducer’s Gaze
Sensuality/Handsomness Improver
Sexiness Unbound
Sexual Manifestation
Sphaerica Magnetica

I paid for the express option so hopefully I’ll be writing my first review within 24 hrs (had issues with express shipping before)

Yes, yes, I’ve been a bad boy and bought a new custom. But most of the modules I’ve listed are ones I’ve run before, and many are ones I am running right now on my two custom subs. This new sub is a more convenient way for me to listen and more inline with the Subliminal structure as intended by Subclub (10-20 modules per Sub)



The heading is matching the custom lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Shit, you are going to get mad attraction on this one!

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Why this? You gonna impress a woman with your trading skills?


I have little kids playing around these days, and I’m looking at your list like a game of “find the odd one out”. :smile:

Popsicle Philanthropist :yum:



The Kind, Generous Man of Richard.

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I’m surprised no one else asked, but why did you decide to go with T2? Is it because like you said you’ve run several of these modules already?

Hes gonna hard on this one lol

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Why would I change the heading? Also thankfully I received my custom within 24 hours :slight_smile:


Decentralized Finance, Fintech and Cryptocurrencies are my passion and livelihood. Couldn’t help myself. I’m a legend for my calls on the crypto discord I leak alpha to, and I want to see how far I can go with something I’m already good at. I also justify it to myself because women love a man who’s on his purpose, and I do feel sometimes that I’m missing out on non-Attraction modules.


Probably also he’s gonna get hard haha

I’m sure this kind of stack boosts libido significantly

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Clever thinking!

Man on a mission is attractive as f*ck to girls!

Good luck :slight_smile:


Go big or go home I guess?

Stark Terminus worked better for me that previous Q titles, so I’ve just stuck with Terminus.

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Wow black sheep is back :slight_smile:

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Awesome! manwhores are so underrated lolll :smiley: :smiley:

how much $ did this one cost?

Are you asking about how much his … costs?

Took a break from the site and it’s distractions to let things settle in.

The subliminal is dense and hits like a truck, so I’ve kept it to 1 loop per day, and already took a day off yesterday. I let my intuition guide my loop and break schedule.

Internally I feel very at ease and confident. this hasn’t really changed from Khan but its effect has intensified on my custom. Social inhibition is very low, and I’ve met new people recently with no anxiety. Khan is amazing at this, btw. It’s the best subliminal I’ve tried for social anxiety, by a long shot. My facial “look” and expressions have shown remarkable progress for a few days of exposure. My face looks sexy and alpha in the mirror and I’m very happy about this. My mood has also been much better than recently, though I’ve been supplementing Tongkat Ali daily which also has that effect. I’ve taken if before solo before, so I can say the custom took my mood to the next level. On this note, I’ve been motivated to find other practices, supplements, and habits that synergize with the subliminal.

I’ve noticed some girls and women giving me the googlie eyes. I also get treated very well whenever I interact with others, and notice people looking at me like I’m a important. Khan also matured my outlook a lot. I’m growing more connected to my masculine purpose and outlook.


I’m noticing strong effects from just 4-5 loops/per week. My subconscious tells me this is right for now.

I’ve noticed responses from women when I’m in public. Stares, smiles, and double takes. This has been consistent since starting. I’m manifesting beautiful women in my day to day, and they seem to fit my desired type (GoMaQ). Recently a beautiful woman did a double take on me as she left store. Another time I saw a beautiful petite woman with reddish blonde hair. Made nice eye contact with her(SeGaQ), and she turned to linger in the aisle I was browsing. Should’ve approached her, but she was on the phone. Excuses.

After such encounters I’m hounded by my psyche, but in a good way. As if to say, “I could’ve had her.” It’s positive self-talk, but also a slap in the face(KhQSt3). A motivational push to approach women.
In some dream I can’t remember, I saw my face. A laughing head floating in darkness, beaming.The face was the most attractive version of my own. I was amazed and disturbed, because the face seemed like a different person, but it was mine. I felt like Luke Skywalker slaying Darth Vader on Dagobah only to see his own face underneath Vader’s helm.

Last night I had a horrifying nightmare. Involving some intelligent alien creatures destroying humanity. I don’t remember the specifics of that part, but I can remember the fear very well. Crammed into an airport, trying to escape the alien onslaught. Once the airport was breached I pushed, and clawed, and trampled to put as many victims between myself and the faceless alien menace as possible in selfish preservation. After narrowly escaping, a few survivors and I went into the woods.

I mention this because it’s a recurring dream that began after running Iron Throne for the first time last year. As in, the very night that I listened to my first loop I experienced an extremely intense version of the dream I described above. I remember this precisely because I took it as a sign of IT’s power. The exact details vary, but the general dream is the same. Advanced aliens come and start killing everyone, in war of the worlds fashion. Most times I’m in a crowded area admist throngs of people trying to escape.
I’ve had other recurring dreams on my custom that I will explore later, but for now that’s all I can write.